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Have you ever done drugs?

I have not done any drugs nor do I have plans to as they ruin your mindset.
I've tried cigarettes and weed before. I didn't like cigarettes and coughed like a mf. weed is meh to me. It's okay. no reason to really do it though.
Guess that makes me the only stoner on PF lol
Sure, dabbled with pot when I was young, but I grew up. I served in the military and other organizations where a bad drug test wasn't worth it. I've done more than enough CPR on heroin addicts this year. The Heroin epidemic is especially bad this year.
At some point in my life I tried to hook with Mary Jane, but never felt anything. It was mild curiosity, also I was hoping it could help relax for my creative side (lol). Afortunately it didn't do anything for me and I could leave it alone without having anything bad happening to me. It was a coworker who introduced me... or tried to.

I don't care for weed. Much less any other type of drugs. I don't really think is worth it to entwine yourself with drugs. I don't mind people that are mature and can control their rations and priorities in life. I just don't see the point right now.

The friends that do weed or smoke their ciggies. I respect it and I'll never will lecture them. I am pretty sure I can't say anything they haven't heard before. So far people I know that uses it are responsible with it.
I've never done drugs and I've never considered either. I just didn't feel like drugs were for me.
I've been around the stuff a lot in the past but have never bothered.
nope, don't see any point in it and don't have the time or money for it.
Nope. And I don't plan on doing drugs either. You couldn't pay me to do drugs.
I've tried marjiuana and ecstacy. Marijuana was fun the first couple of times, but around the 5th time I just started getting tired and bored by it. Ecstacy was really fun, but not something I'd take often.
I've tried some weed at one point and found the smoking was troublesome because I tended to choke on it- I have a natural dry mouth because i don't salivate well, so any air I bring in my lips is hurtful sometimes honestly. It helped my pain when I tried it mixed into food though. I do drink once in awhile, but never much because half a beer's equivalent of alcohol sends me into instant-hangover/migraine mode.
Well, i've tried presription medicine that was given to me because of various things but never done any illegal drugs.
If we include that, I'm currently on drugs. My pain medication is now narcotic, even though it was considered an NSAID...because controlled substances are complicated as heck.
I've never done any illegal drugs. I've taken medication that a doctor gave me that's a "controlled substance", but I've never done pot, cocaine, or anything like that.
I never understand how people get addicted, anything I've taken tasted bitter or not something easy to swallow.
I smoke a lot of weed, it's not as detrimental to your health as most other drugs
Never done it, neither will I. Seems expensive and bad for your health