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Have you used steroids?

I'm with footie fan on this one.

Why a sane man would use ANYTHING with the ability to make your johnson smaller is beyond me? Not just that, steroids make you irritable and give you really bad breath

errr... not sure where to begin.

for one, your penis doesn't shrink and neither do your balls if you cycle correctly. for two, steroids do not make you irritable. I don't know where "roid rage" came from. People just seem to be intimidated by guys that can lift a ton of weight and are big. for three, bad breath? really??

you are the kind of people that make steroids out to be such a taboo. they are not bad for you at all if you are knowledgeable on the subject. that said, i've never ran a cycle before and probably never will. i'll stay on the natural route and push my body to its genetic limits natty thanks.
Possibly in the future when I reach my limit on gaining mass. But even then, o wouldn't be cycling hard like a lot of people do. 500x the normal test in a person just sounds messed up to me
I have never touched them in my life. I will pick up riding bicycles though, maybe a schwinn or a mongoose.
Never have and never thought about it.
The temptation of it may be high, but the consequences are higher.
Possibly in the future when I reach my limit on gaining mass. But even then, o wouldn't be cycling hard like a lot of people do. 500x the normal test in a person just sounds messed up to me

You would have to stay on the juice permanently if you cycled after reaching your natural limit (which seems highly unlikely). It's better to juice to reach your natural limit than juicing to cross the limit.
I'm with footie fan on this one.

Why a sane man would use ANYTHING with the ability to make your johnson smaller is beyond me? Not just that, steroids make you irritable and give you really bad breath

hehe Ive head it just makes your balls shrink nothing else :) In fact thinking about it - if you have smaller balls it may make the rest look bigger lol
No, using steroids have never really crossed my mind. I never felt the need. If I reach my natural limit, so be it. I personally think it's cheating and cannot derive any sense of satisfaction from enhanced performances. Whatever floats your boat, though.
No, using steroids have never really crossed my mind. I never felt the need. If I reach my natural limit, so be it. I personally think it's cheating and cannot derive any sense of satisfaction from enhanced performances. Whatever floats your boat, though.

I agree - I also see it as cheating - even if you are just doing it for yourself and not to get an edge in competition.
I have used Steroids. In a nasal spray.

Does that count? My nose is very large now ;)
I think once you get to the level where you are considering steroids you are big enough in general. I dont like the look big boldybuilder types have - even though I respect them for the work they put in to get there.

Agree with you. Most people use steroids before they have reached their genetic potential.
I enjoy the challenge of training and building my body naturally, taking steroids would feel like I am cheating myself and taking the easy option.

I do understand why people take steroids and I do think they can be used relatively safely but I would never do it.
I would not use them. I just would not want to put that much stress on my body. It would go into overdrive and have to work harder.
I don't plan on using steroids ever. I want to see what I can be able to attain naturally. The struggles involved and hard gaining are all part of the hobby. Body building doesn't come easily.
Never have, never will - I seen friends that have used them become quite ill from overuse. One friend had real bad snorts from using steroids, he sounded like a dying pig.
I've never used steroids before, but if your not using it for professional sports I dont feel that its that big of a deal. Seem like this drug has such a bad reputation, and all people who use it are idiots or criminals. I just feel that whole steroids situation is blow way over the top.
Nope I see the effects of a few people using steroids right now and let me tell you usually in Health class all the stuff about drugs they tell you is bs or at least about Weed anyways but everything they say about roids is true especially the roid rage that is terrible
No I haven't. Of course I have never had a reason to even be tempted to use them.
I honestly don't see it as cheating. Reason being is that you don't take steroids whilst looking like a stick figure and wake up the next day after a training session and look like the Hulk. It's just not going to happen. Sure, it HELPS you get bigger but that's only going to allow you as much as you give back. You still need the right diet, the right sleep, the right training and other supplements.

People who take them without realizing this are stupid, they're basically ruining their body for nothing e.g. one of my friends friends was using steroids but wasn't going to the gym. Stupid right? I agree, he's an idiot. Now I'm not condoning steroid use because you shouldn't do it and you can get big without steroid use but why shorten the amount of time it takes to get big? Instead of 4 years, it'll take you 2 but that also comes with side effects and can lead to premature death.
I have thought about it and would consider using them in the future. If used properly for bodybuilding, the negative effects are low, the danger is being addicted to using them and increasing your chances of getting the negative effects.

Almost all those bodies you see in health magizines have used steroids, it is very hard to get a low fat muscular body without strict training and diet for several years, or one year of proper steroid use and training.