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Homosexuality is a serious issue in today's society, especially among teenagers. Many people and religions are opposed to it, and in whole I think it is safe to say that a majority of people are opposed to homosexuals. Personally, I don't care if somebody is gay or not.

My best friend is bisexual, and I've known him since I was six years old. He is still the same person he always was, but just has different sexual preference then me. I don't mind it, as long as I am not exposed to any of it...

What do you think about homosexuals? Are you okay with it, or opposed to it, and why?
Well not too much of a debate here. Personally I disagree with homosexuality. I don't mean to but I just can't get any further then just a small aquaitance with ****. (Lesbians I don't mind). But I try to avoid talking to them. I'm just naturally freaked out or scared of them. Such as I have a big phobia of snakes and I can't really change that.
Homosexuals are a disease and they shouldn't parade around like it's right. I'd be cool with one i f he was like "Jamar you're cool dawg I know I have a prob but don't discrimate playa" but they run around actin' like b!tches that's why I'd rather not be around them.
We just recently did a huge thing over at N-Philes arguing about this, and I don't feel like posting it all again.

I'm not opposed to homosexuals, but I am against homosexuality, if you can reconcile that. I'm against it in principle, but I don't condemn homosexuals for what they do because I see them as victims of a sort of disease or genetic defect. I hate them no more than I hate a person with Down Syndrome.

I'll quote some points that I made to help clarify, but some of them are out of context. Here's the entire thread if you want it. It's a little rough though, so be warned.

Anyway, here's what I said:

If homosexuality is a "disease," it is of the genetic defect kind (which is an argument I find quite convincing). It's not something you "get". It's not akin AT ALL to a friggin' STD, that's for sure.

said that there is strong evidence to suggest that homosexuality can be linked to a genetic defect (particularly since they've found gay sheep or goats or something). I said it was LIKE Parkinson's and cancer, in the sense that it is a genetic defect. Perhaps it's more akin to Down Syndrome. There is a genetic, chemical imbalance that drives men (or lesbian women) to disobey their biological imperative and love other men. That wasn't a "bash" at all. It was a reasonable explanation.

If there's anything wrong here, it's that YOU took offense to having homosexuality likened to the problems that your grandparents are having. Maybe YOU need to introspect yourself.

Just for educational purposes, I thought I'd point out that 10% of the population is gay. That means there are more **** than there are Americans (given that some Americans are gay at the same time) or people who own computers, or even both put together (even if you count them seperately, though obviously there are gay American computer owners as well).

Actually, they were bisexual, and therein lies a FUNDAMENTAL difference. Bisexuality accepts both men and women; it's just an extreme openess or love for sex and pleasure. Homosexuality specifically denies women, and thus procreation, and is therefore "unnatural" as the argument goes. Bisexuality is a social construct, a norm or a deviance, as the case may be.

Are you listening? At all? To anything that's been said? Defect, social construct, any of this? There are two sides to the story: if you're "gay" and opposed to sex with women, then it might fall in line with the genetic defect side of things. In that case, they never liked women...ever.

If we're just talking about "homosexual experiences," then I guess all it might take is a lot of booze, a long period of sexual deprivation, a close male friend, and a slightly open mind. That doesn't make you gay though, if you're not attracted to men.

It all comes down to the attraction thing: men or women. If it's ONLY men, then there's a problem. If it's both, you're just indecisive. There's your **** answer.

See, it's this kind of bull**** hypocrisy that really pisses me off. Homosexuality denies the biological imperative to procreate. That makes it wrong. Regardless of how society changes, humans are animals just like dogs and cats. Changing society doesn't make homosexuality "okay"--it just makes it tolerable. **** can't procreate. That makes it wrong in every biological sense of the word. So, until **** start popping out babies just like women, don't tell me it's right because the simple matter of the fact is, it's not. Bisexuality does not deny the biological imperative, and therefore, I can't argue against it in that sense. In truth, there is no argument against bisexuality at all, and if you look throughout the world today and throughout history, you'll probably find that bisexuality is more common than heterosexuality, just as polygamy (with a man having multiple wives) is more common than monogamy because it makes biological sense. **** sociology. Sociology is nothing. Social constructs mean nothing. All this "social norms" bull**** is just that--bull****.

Now, that's not to say that I'm opposed to homosexuals because I'm not. I can tolerate them as easily as I can tolerate the American way to monogamy. The fact is that, today, society can survive with **** just fine. In most ways, we've curbed nature and moved beyond it. I'm opposed to homosexuality because it makes no sense in principle. It has nothing to do with the sex (though it turns me off entirely) and everything to do with the denial of women. That is irrationality to the MILLIONTH degree.

Just because society can withstand for it doesn't make it okay; it makes it tolerable. That's what I do, I tolerate it and accept the people for who they are. Call me close-minded, call me "retarded," call me homophobic. I don't care what you think. I know what I am, and I'm none of those things. The only thing you have against me is that I think rationally.

That's enough for now, I think. :)
First, I'd like to say that homosexuality isn't a preference. :grr: Who in their right mind would WANT to be gay? Secondly, homosexuality could be viewed as a genetic defect. I would take that side, since it is theorized by age two your sexual identity is known sub-conciously, although it isn't until your teen years that you become aware of this. For anyone who says its wrong, 'procreation' isn't what it's all about. This isn't about tolerance, it's about heterosexual self-ignorance and the fact that they think they are more 'superior'. And just so you know,25% of the American population is gay. Roughly, 2 out of 10 people are gay. In the average family, 2 to 3 members are gay.:gevious:
I can say the same thing as Attrox. My best friend is bisexual, I could give two ****s. As long as theres nothing sexual about the friendship.

Hating someone who is gay/lesbian/bisexual is just like hating an african american, or anyone different from you. Same concept, they couldn't help being what they are.

I've never seen people now-a-days going around forums starting topics about their not liking, or liking of people like hispanics, african americans and such. Most people have gotten over those days... Give it time and they'll get over this.
Personally, I couldn't care less, as long as their preferences aren't thrust in my face (bad analogy).

And "who would want to be gay"?
Those who find members of the same sex attractive, that's who.
Just because they find the members of the same sex attractive, doesn't mean they want to be gay. It's not like they can change.
Originally posted by Jethro
For anyone who says its wrong, 'procreation' isn't what it's all about.

That's exactly what it's about. That's why it's a genetic defect.

Originally posted by Jethro
And just so you know,25% of the American population is gay. Roughly, 2 out of 10 people are gay. In the average family, 2 to 3 members are gay.:gevious:

Those are some of the worst made-up statistics I've ever heard. First, 1 in 10 people are gay. Second, 10% of the American population is gay. Third, if 2-3 members in the average family are gay (considering that the size of the average family is 4), that basically means two thirds of the world population is gay--see, now your made-up statistics don't even match.

Don't spout off lies, it's not becoming.
I'm aganist it, its wrong, its common sense, we weren;t created in a confusing way. I mean some of us have long pointed slender things and some of us have things that long pointed slender things can go in!!lol
GOOODNESS, God could'nt of made it more obivious.

The only reason I think the human mind turns homosexual is to prove him wrong. But in turn that causes hate and ridicule toward that homosexual mind. SO God is punishing those who are disobient and don't listen to him.

For freakin goodness people, most homosexuals are just being moronoic and the others who say, I was born like this, well their the ones with the diseased mind. IT IS a disease, we should classify it in a medical dictionary or something.

I can see it now. HOMOSEXUALITY, disease classlified as a change in the mind to be attaracted to the same sex.

Anyway those are my 2 cents.
Advance, I'm assuming your gay since you know that. And when I said family, I didn't mean immediate family memebers, I was including Grandma and Grandpa, etc. I guess you can't understand the word 'Roughly', I was using as a 'more-or-less' term. Sorry for not clearifying that. Also, I didn't make those statistics up. I found them on the internet, whether or not they are true, isn't for me worry about. Personally I feel that if your not gay, you shouldn't say anything about homosexuality. Homosexuality could be viewed as a disease, however, heterosexuality is a disease as well - in the same respect.
Originally posted by Jethro
Advance, I'm assuming your gay since you know that. And when I said family, I didn't mean immediate family memebers, I was including Grandma and Grandpa, etc. I guess you can't understand the word 'Roughly', I was using as a 'more-or-less' term. Sorry for not clearifying that. Also, I didn't make those statistics up. I found them on the internet, whether or not they are true, isn't for me worry about. Personally I feel that if your not gay, you shouldn't say anything about homosexuality. Homosexuality could be viewed as a disease, however, heterosexuality is a disease as well - in the same respect.

Why would I have to be gay to know that? Haven't you ever done that "if the world was a village" thing, where there's one-hundred people? 10 of the people are gay. 10% of the population is gay. It's common knowledge.

It's not a disease; it's a defect. Heterosexuality is the proper gene, function, what have you. That's not a defect. It's correct. It leads to procreation. It's a basic instinct.
Originally posted by Jethro
Homosexuality could be viewed as a disease, however, heterosexuality is a disease as well - in the same respect.

So, the Human Race is now a disease?
Heterosexuality leads to the procreation of Humanity, Homosexuality doesn't.

And if it's not a choice **** make, then it MUST be a disease - If they don't want it, they're inflicted with it.
Alot of people say that I am 'homophobic' I disagree. Since phobia mean affraid and I have no fear of any homos at all. I absolutly disagree with it all and wish them all dead.

Thats my personal view and as this is a gamers forum/site I will go no further.
The only thing I wish people would do is leave an open mind, and try to see the person as a person, not as a gay...nor pass judgement as a group... I duno... Personally, I think it would be better if nobody was, but that's about as far as I go...
First of all, Homosexuality is not a disease; it is not communicable, cause health problems, and is not curable. Second of all, it is not a genetic defect. Unlike other genetic problems that cause Parkinson’s or Down’s Syndrome, there has never been a gene found that will change a person’s sexuality. While they may report finding ones that are “linked” with sexuality, they have not done so conclusively, or at least well enough for the US Department of Health (Call them 1-877-696-6775).

Now, as far as what percentage of people are gay in the US, whatever number they decide to throw out there can never be fully supported. Regardless of what you think the reason is this: homosexuality may not have a genetic cause. If it does not have a genetic cause then the cause has to be social. If it is social, that means there is a higher percentage of people out there who are homosexual than will ever be counted.

As far as a lack of desire to procreate, what a crock of sh*t. I assume when you say gay you are making the assumption most people make and include only men in that label. Unfortunately the label also encompasses women as well. The desire for men and women to have children is, in no way, limited because of their homosexuality. What limits homosexual people in child rearing is the bigoted attitude the majority of straight people in the United States have toward a section of society that threatens whatever pseudo-Christian/Islamic religion they decide is theirs.

So here’s what happens, and you can look this up in case after case (here are three: Packard vs. Packard, 697 So. 2d 1292, 1293, Fla. 1st DCA 1997; Maradie vs. Maradie, 680 So. 2d 538, Fla. 1st DCA 1996; Jacoby vs. Jacoby Case 2D98-4790, Fla. 2nd DCA 2000) where women enter a marriage and produce children only to have them ripped away and given extremely stringent visitation when the marriage is annulled and the woman “comes out” as lesbian. Being homosexual does not, in any way, affect the desire to have and raise children. The same thing happens to men (Boswell vs. Boswell, Case C-94 16002 DV).

Those of you that are afraid of homosexual people are sickening. “Phobia”??? What the hell is that all about anyway? Are you afraid they are gonna burst out of you closet at home? If you are attractive enough to get hit on then you must work in the porn industry. Just so you know, according to the American Psychological Association (in Washington, DC, is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world's largest association of psychologists.)
“. . . homophobia [. . .] is the result of repressed homosexual urges that the person is either unaware of or denies (Adams, Henry. 'Is Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal?' Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 105, No. 3, pp 440-445.” So, as a warning, if you are homophobic you are probably also gay as well. Have fun in your little closet.

‘Kamikaze’, you might want to watch what you say “homosexuals are a disease” because that is the first thing Hitler said about the Jewish people in Germany. He also edited his proclamation to include homosexuals. Where do you think the pink triangle came from? We all know how that turned out.

And ‘Advance’, male homosexuality has “. . . everything to do with the denial of women.”????? The only case this might be true in is sex, as a denial of female sex appeal, but you say that likes its evil and bad. Too bad most gay men will befriend more women in their lifetime than you will ever be able to. Maybe you haven’t noticed, the whole ‘sexual tension’ between heterosexual men and women is the cause of a lot of problems in society today. How many homosexual men have gone on sprees raping women to prove they are better and stronger? The whole division between races has been theorized to be caused by straight white men feeling threatened in their sexuality by every minority out there.

Maybe it’s time straight men actually grew some balls and realized they aren’t the center of the universe, most gay men couldn’t care less about them, and maybe the world would be better off without them anyway.
Jethro, honestly, are you gay? No, seriously.

Anyway... I've no problem at all with gay people, but as I said before, I'd rather they not prance about proclaiming their gayness. In your own words, most people don't care, and it's just to get attention.

And by your reckoning, if I did indeed dislike ****, then I'd be gay.
I dislike spiders- am I secretly a spider?
I dislike idiots- am I, with my 140 IQ, an idiot?
I dislike people in general- Am I secretly, in fact, a general?

... Okat, scratch that last one, But you see what I mean.
Plus, when I said disease (if indeed I said it, I can't reemmber) perhaps "affliction" would be a better word.
people think that homo's have some sort of disease. why would somebody be scared of somebodythat fancies the same sex!?

Ok boys... you all enjoy watching those dirty lesbian movies wehre you seem to say oo its not bad cos girls are allowed to be gay.. err no..
all of you guys think oo he's gay so he is immediatley going to fancy me! Grow up right there!
Jsut cos he is gay and ur the same sex as he is doesn' mean he will jump on top of you.. if you feel uncomfortable that he 'might' fancy you tell him you aren't intreseted or say that you have a girlfriend...

I've been hit on by a couple of gay people.. not nice.. the things that come out of there mouth was freaking me out... you know the stuff you don't say to another man.. but hten you have ur close friends.. yeah you joke around with them and call him gay cos he touched you (ooo ****!!... :|)

At the end of the day you guys are totally oblivious of who is gay or not... you could be standing next to somebody in a bus stop or sitting next to one on a train and you still woudn't notice.. BUT if you knew he was gay or you say a sign that he MIGHT be gay you would go stand at the back of the line or wouldn't sit next to him at all.. wouldsome of you boys have a real problem when sitting next to a Lesbian or not? if she was a carpet-muncher and she offered to give u a bj would you?
I don't use buses or trains, so those scenarios don't apply!
I wouldn't care, though. No, honestly.
Ugh...Jethro, homosexuality isn't right. Yes, just because a person is gay doesn't mean you should hold it against them right away, they could be an awesome person.

But homosexuality is not right. That's just the way it is. I'm guessing you are gay, since you are trying to find a way to prove the majority of people wrong (and don't take that as an insult). But if homosexuality was right, people wouldn't have a problem with it. A majoirty of the population DOES think it is wrong, and a majority of the population IS straight. Why? Because that's the way it is supposed to be. If homosexuality was "right", then **** could have kids. But they can't, because it isn't meant to be. As for this post:
Originally posted by Jethro
Maybe it’s time straight men actually grew some balls and realized they aren’t the center of the universe, most gay men couldn’t care less about them, and maybe the world would be better off without them anyway.
Do you realize the level of stupidity you have placed in those comments? The world would be better off with out straight men? I'm just curious, with out straight men, how would the population regenerate? Are **** gonig to find some way to reproduce, or what? With out straight men, the human race would be doomed. Wake up and realize what you are saying. :grr: