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How are you feeling?

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Tired. Just got home but I have a few things to do before I can get in bed and be the antisocial person I was meant to be :)
My chest is a bit congested, but other than that I feel pretty fine. Tired as well.
I think we all seem to be under unfortunate circumstances.
[MENTION=1445]LionFace[/MENTION], I hope the congestion fades soon. Same for your aches, [MENTION=1583]Raven[/MENTION].
[MENTION=2]Lauren[/MENTION], I know it sucks, but you have next time to look forward to and plan. :eek: You should cherish the last week, and think how much you enjoyed it. :)
[MENTION=1449]Sophie[/MENTION], I hope whatever is pissing you off, is resolved and pisses off itself. :)
Sad I have to be away from Bridie for a week while she finishes her summer school, but it's the last time I'll ever have to say bye for days/weeks/months on end.
So glad we're not LDR any more. Got the next month with her with leeds festival and then the next 4 years with her at uni, then the rest of our lives.
I'm doing alright. Just enjoying my short little break from school while I can.
[MENTION=1396]Phossix[/MENTION]: Thanks! It has gotten a bit better. :)

I am feeling pretry good today. ^^ Had a nice lunch. :p
I am feeling really tired today, for some reason. I had a full night of sleep and then slept another 5 hours after church and I could still sleep even more. You'd think I'd be energized and alert, but really I'm just tired and lazy.
I couldn't sleep until 8am this morning. ;_;
Seeing this time in the morning through not sleeping is starting to become a habit, no matter what time I'm up in the morning.
Angry... I'm feeling angry... Really hoping this feeling will pass.
Very tired, disappointed with the forum, down because I miss Lauren. :(
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