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How close are you to your family?


Mastermind Talker
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Do you feel close to your family? Are there any members of your family you don't feel close to?
I'm not particularly close to anyone in my family. Not even immediate family anymore.
Prefer to be alone a lot of the time anyways.
I'm not close to my family at all, hence the fact I don't live at home anymore.
Since the cancer and latterly, injuries from a road accident, I've become closer to my two teenage daughters. Between them they have tended to my wounds, helped wash and dress me. What has greatly helped but Maisey my Macmillan nurse, who has regularly talked to them in a most encouraging way. My family are good, though I have had differences with them. They had to understand I needed Me time; space of my own, time alone when feeling low all I wanted was companionship, just the holding of my hand when the pain got too much.

As for my father, he's dead and my mother? After discovering she tried to abort me, I asked her to go away and stay out of my life until she had a change of heart. She's still away and I am gratful for that.
My mom, I feel like i could tell her anythingg. She's so thoughtful too
I'm very close to my mom.
Moderately close to my dad and brother. I think I just have a bit of a stronger bond to my mom due to the female-ness and that we can share a lot more.

However, none of my family really "get me" if that makes sense ;_;
Really close to my mum, dad and sister which is nice. Unfortunately the rest of my family live on the other side of the world so I don't see them very often but we do keep in touch.
Close to my mum and dad and one of my brothers, my other brother, not so close to him, but still some what close.
Rest of the family live in a different city, so do not see them much, so not very close.
I have a fairly strong bond with my mum, mostly because we rely on each-other for support, but we share each-other's humor for the most part and I can have reasonable conversations with her.

I have a good relationship with my brother, though some days it can be lacking; when he's in a good mood, he's a pleasure to be around - definitely an awesome brother!

My relationship with my Dad is...meh. We never had the strongest of relationships because our personalities always clashed, even when I was a child. I think I upset him a lot too when I was younger, and I've never really lived up to his expectations. Definitely the least favorite out of his three children, but I still love him.

I'm sort of close to my half-sister; don't really talk to each other much and I don't see her often since she lives in Birmingham, but when we do see each other we get along alright.

My grandmother lives nextdoor; despite being a fussy woman, she's lovely.

Everyone else I don't really know or bond well with; they're alien to me really.
Close to all of my family. Can depend on any one of them when needed.
Not all that close to most of my family. :s We don't talk a whole lot as far as deeply personal stuff goes.
I'm closest to my parents.
That's it. My mom's side of the family I'm not close to at all, and I will actually go as far as to say I hate a lot of them. They are very selfish, they are negative and they do not support each other at all. All they care about is themselves and they like to wallow in their misery and they like bringing other people down with them.

I'm more close to my dad's side of the family. They're more willing to stick together as a family rather than my mom's side who think, "Every wo/man for themselves".
Very close to my father, and relatively close to my direct family and aunt & cousin. The only exception is my mother, which seems to come and go. But I don't get along badly with any of them.
I'm an only, **** child. Don't know nor care for my extended family; my relationship with my parents is cordial at best. We're not close.
Very close to most of them.

There are some I'm not close to,some im fine with that but others, we moreso just drifted apart because we live so far away and never see each other so I wish I could fix that. It will probably be one of the things I work on while on Mat leave.
I wouldn't say I'm close to anyone in my family. I often consider myself to be an outsider compared to everyone else, so I just do my own thing and avoid dealing with other people in general, family or not.