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How confident are you?


Senior Talker
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So how confident are you in real life? Do you appear more confident online, than you do offline or vice versa?

I'm pretty confident, loud and social irl.
Not very. Nervous about everything with almost everyone lmao.
When comfortable I'll be as sociable and loud as you like in reality, but if there is something or someone I'm uncomfortable with at that time - I'll be wary and rather than being hugely sociable, I'll be more wary and analytical.

I think I sound more confident online. In real life, I act confident most of the time but like everybody, I've got my insecurities which can make me shy. :')
I'm as confident in real life as I am online or anywhere else. I've been through more crap in my 42 years than many people have to go through in a lifetime, so I have gained confidence from those trials. I know and like who and what I am, and I don't concern myself with how others perceive me.
I have my confident moments. I'd say I'm working on becoming more confident.
I'm not very confident at all.
I can come across as confident when I need to, but inside I'm over-analysing and fretting over every little thing I do/say, both online and IRL.
I'm quite nervy. When I have a drink in me, I'm more confident.
If I'm being relied on for a big project, I'm usually very confident about my decisions since I take very long to plan out. If it's a small decision, I'm usually not confident at all.
Yeah I don't know why. I am to some people, and to some I am too confident. HAHA
I am very confident in myself and my abilities. If I say I am going to get something done, it will get done. I always give 110% effort every time I do something, so I don't regret anything. I think self-confidence is the key to a successful life. If you don't have confidence in yourself, its a sad state of affairs. You have to establish of level of swagger to your life.
I can be pretty confident, but it depends on the day, what I am doing, and how I am feeling at the time. But overall, I would like to think and say that I am pretty confident. A lot of my friends, when I have gone out with them in the past, will ask me to go to the bathroom with them, or to sit with them whilst another friend goes off to the toilet, because they don't want to sit there alone. I am cool sitting alone. It things are uncomfortable for me, then I usually force myself to do them, just to prove that I can.

In terms of having a romance, I am pretty confident in that arena too. In fact, that may be the arena in which I am the most confident. In working arenas I am confident too.
This is a tough one. I feel like my confidence level isn't as how it should be because I am a very cautious and sensitive person by nature. I know many people can pretend to be confident but I can't even fool myself when it comes to this. When I know 100% that I am correct in something or that i did a job correctly then I am confident in myself however when I am given a completely new task I can't be confident that I will succeed so I look like I'm going to fail just by how my demeanor is.