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How long you guys been married?

11yrs and he's still my best friend! Love it that we can still make each other laugh!

We didn't really do anything for our 10th because he was travelling overseas....it was a bummer:( But this past year he made for me a replica of the place where he proposed (at the Romeo and Juliet Windmill at Frank Lloyd Wrights home in Wisconsin). It was truly the most romantic thing he has ever done. I'm not as creative with gifts unfortunately.
we've survived the first 20 years. now going on our 21st and still going strong :bowing:
What would you normally do?

Dinner and a movie....

woo friggin hoo!

I wanna do something exciting, like take the yacht out for a spin, or gas up the lear jet and head to paris....

unfortunately Corty has VB practice!

I've always wanted to rent out a log cabin in the mountains...or meet up at a bar and act like we're total strangers then start making out like crazy....
It will be 6 years in April, but SHOULD be 20. He proposed to me for the first time in 1989, then again in 1992, and then we ALMOST got together in 99, but we FINALLY made it to the altar together in April 2004...by far the BEST day of my life:dance:
We'll be celebrating 22 years of marriage, together 27 years.....he is the love of my life.....
I've been married 30 years since i was 16.We divorced in 1988 & were apart for almost 2 years & then remarried.
Married 10 and together for 22! Yes we waited an entire 12 years to get married. LOL!!!

WOW that is a long time to wait. My friend waited 15 years. I couldn't do it, wait that long.

I met my husband and within 10 months we where engaged and got married 10 months after that. Now we have been married 15 1/2 years.

Sorry, I can't think of anything fun to do, either.
Married 5 years this past October. We have been together for 11. Nothing to fun here, our first anniversary included a 4 day old so we are all about the youngin's. I would have to agree with everyone else that said food and sex.
10 years this March. Dated 13 yrs (love you can't live without you...hate you, never call me again, can't wait to see you..."if i had a gun...."
catch phrase at our big wedding?

"it's about ****ing time" or "are you sure you're not rushing into this?'
Will be 10 years in May. We're planning a weekend trip to egas...neither of us have ever been. I'm just excited about leaving the kiddos with the grandparents for the weekend. :)

I say, go for the meet up at the bar. I know my DH would think that was fabulous, and if it leads to sex, Georgie will be happy. :giggles: