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How much school/work do you miss?


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In the depths of oblivion.
How much on average do you miss school/work?

Myself? I go to work rain or shine unless I absolutely cannot get out of my bed or something otherwise keeps me from getting there. They know that when I call off, something's wrong. When I miss work, I miss it big, though. This past year has been pretty bad. Missed 11 days due to mono, then missed a week shortly after because my grandma died and I went out of state to her funeral. In January, I had a relapse and spent another week in the bed and in April, my stepdad was in a motorcycle accident and I missed over a week because of that.

Point being, I don't miss work unless I have to. What about you guys?
Too much. In fact I had a day off today ;-; I'm sick all the time, it gets exhausting.
I will miss work every chance I get, without negatively effecting my money situation too much. I hate work and the entire idea of it. Who wants to get up every morning and do something that they don't want to, and be told that if they don't then they are not going to be able to live. We are born, through no fault of our own. The planet belongs to all of us, and hey should teach us in school how to harvest and grow things for ourselves, so that people at least have the choice as to if they want to slave away doing something that bores them out of their minds or not.

I am not a fan of work and I wasn't a fan of school either.
I didn't finish HS because of this, we can only miss 5 lessons per year, even if you're sick, so I always failed the year even though I had good grades, complete BS.
I hardly every miss my classes and I'm pretty proud of that. Last year I attended 100% of my Japanese classes! :eek: That was pretty insane. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to have 100% attendance in any of my other classes... I'm just too lazy sometimes.
Every time I miss a class, I regret it later during the exams, I keep thinking "man, if I just went there that day I was absent, I'm sure I'd remember something more..." :rolleyes:
Try not to miss classes but I did sleep in a few times due to my alarm being awful. Only really missed a week last year for having bronchitis and another week at the end of year 10 for having the flu.
Not much today I've had a rest day (entitled for working nights)

But I think the last time I wasn't going to be able to go to work was due to two lorries spinning out on hills (no traction) on two different routes to shrewsbury. If my third route was blocked I was going to turn back and go home (which I was hoping :p). (This was when we had the bad snow and was on the A53)
Well I used to go to school everyday but when I got into High School, I started to skip it. I'm a school refuser now but I'm now in a new year at school so I'm trying to change that around. Had a few problems at school, so I was too scared to go back. I was off for about 2 months and was in and out but I'm trying to fix it. ^^
I go to work all the time.

School I hardly ever go tbh.