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How old do I look, really?


Needs help
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Northeast Ohio
So I had two people think I was about 17 today, and I asked two more and they both said about 24. Here is a picture of me with Penelope from this past summer (not a very good one, but the best I could find). How old do I look? TIA!


ETA: and one of me and Penelope on 12/15/09, I think:
You do look young. You look small in the pic too. I would think in your late teens early 20's. Are you trying to look older?
You do look young. You look small in the pic too. I would think in your late teens early 20's. Are you trying to look older?

I dunno, I'm just surprised that people think I look 17. I would like to look my age just so that guys my age will be interested in me.
Oh, and btw, I hate that age spot by my right eye. It looks like I didn't have it two years ago.
If you are asking for advice I would change your hair. It has not changed in 2 years and that is what is making you look way younger than you are, not that you are old. Do some highlights or lowlights. Curl a little, put a little up. Maybe earings, a little makeup.

That could be why people think you are 17. The one from 2 years ago does look like your 15.
If you are asking for advice I would change your hair. It has not changed in 2 years and that is what is making you look way younger than you are, not that you are old. Do some highlights or lowlights. Curl a little, put a little up. Maybe earings, a little makeup.

That could be why people think you are 17. The one from 2 years ago does look like your 15.

I really want it to be long again, so I don't want to cut it or anything. I'm not sure how I feel about highlights. I wear it up at work because that is what we are supposed to do working around food. That is where two people told me I look like I'm 17. I think I am wearing makeup in those pictures, but just to cover up zits and even out my skin tone. I started wearing mascara also, but I didn't wear it today. I'm not sure if I like the way it looks on me. I'm not sure if I am allowed to wear earrings at work. Thanks for all the suggestions!
Okay, I read the handbook, and I guess I am allowed to wear earrings. Maybe I should start wearing them.
I liked your brows better in the older pictures...have you thought about bangs?
I liked your brows better in the older pictures...have you thought about bangs?

I guess I need to tweeze a little more. I had bangs when I was a kid, and my hairdresser always used to cut them too short. So now I hate bangs. I know, I have my dad's high hairline and probably should have bangs, but I really hate them. And thanks for the input!
its the hair, the lack of make up -mascara and foundation are ok- but your not doing anything else a little eyeliner some blush and lipstick would go along way

I dont know if you wear a uniform at work but also your wardrobe could not be helping if your wearing shirts with flowers and cartoon characters might not be the image your wanting

you could go to an Ulta and get a bare minerals makeover for free...........its natural not heavy make up that doesnt make you look covered in shalack
its the hair, the lack of make up -mascara and foundation are ok- but your not doing anything else a little eyeliner some blush and lipstick would go along way

I dont know if you wear a uniform at work but also your wardrobe could not be helping if your wearing shirts with flowers and cartoon characters might not be the image your wanting

you could go to an Ulta and get a bare minerals makeover for free...........its natural not heavy make up that doesnt make you look covered in shalack

I do wear blush and lipstick, but I can't seem to do eyeliner right. I'm not sure if wearing eyeliner would make me look older though, as teen-aged girls also tend to wear a lot of eyeliner. I have to wear white shirts and black pants to work. I never wear shirts with cartoon characters, thought I guess some of my shirts have flowers. I didn't know Ulta had Bare Minerals, I will have to check that out as I just noticed an Ulta in Fairlawn.
I second wearing makeup! Don't cut your hair though... it's very pretty. I would just change the way you wear it. Maybe part it off to the side instead of the middle, and some layers.
I do wear blush and lipstick, but I can't seem to do eyeliner right. I'm not sure if wearing eyeliner would make me look older though, as teen-aged girls also tend to wear a lot of eyeliner. I have to wear white shirts and black pants to work. I never wear shirts with cartoon characters, thought I guess some of my shirts have flowers. I didn't know Ulta had Bare Minerals, I will have to check that out as I just noticed an Ulta in Fairlawn.

darker blush and lipstick...........you have very white skin you need more contrast..........I just thing getting a makeover by a pro would send you in the right direction...........also ask somone whos hair you like for the name of their hairdresser and tell them you want to keep your length and stuff and just let them have fun with you