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How social are you?


Expert Talker
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So, are you much of a social person?
Have you a large group of friends or a few close mates?

I'm not very social at all. Embarrassingly so, sometimes :p
I have a couple of friends, but none that are particualrly close.
I used to be really unsociable. Fortunately, since I joined uni, I have a large group of friends (well... from my class at least, which is a huge progress anyhow). Collegues invite me for events, and it's nice. :D
I can say I have been less sociable. :3
I'm not social at all and I don't talk much either. I used to have a group of friends a few years ago. Now I just have 2 close online friends.
I used to be very social when I was in the army and when I left but that's basically gone now and I don't really socialise with that many people anymore
I'm social in terms of I have a boyfriend and a good handful of friends. I don't really see the need to go any further with it right now though, I'm happy with my social life right now. In fact, with all my school work I barely have any time for it.
I have a large social group and have 8 or so close friends. I also know quite a few other people who aren't a part of my social group that I can hang out with or chat to with ease, so I would say I'm pretty social.
I am a very social person. I've been told by a lot of people I'm social butterfly. No matter where I go, I usually make a friend because I'll just start talking to new people. I really enjoy being social and though I don't see myself as very popular or having a lot of close friends, I know that I always have people to talk to if ever I need someone to talk to.
I think I'm quite social. Lately I've been really, really worn out by school, and haven't seen people so much- but when I'm not that busy and tired, I love being around people. Being alone makes me feel restless, makes me wanna get out and about.
Not really. I tend to keep to myself. I generally just talk to a few select friends/family/my girlfriend.

*says the administrator of a general discussion and chat forum*
back in uni , i used to be social enough. but now, i am not that social since my mom doesnt always let me out. so i hang out once a month.
I can say that i know a lot of people though. And i do mean a lot lot.
I've always been really quiet and awkward, so I'm not that social. I have a decent sized group of friends, there's about 6-7 of us, and I've been friends with them for quite a while. Its not that I don't like or want to meet new people too, I just can never seem to start a conversation with someone I don't know.
I probably have as much as a social life of a Hermit Crab, the social life I did have moved to Texas 2 weeks ago :(.
100% introverted and asocial.

I'm not fond of other people really. I hate social interaction, face to face mostly.
I do have friends, but I rarely see them at all.
Since a lot of my friends tend to go out to all these clubs, I don't tend to go out much these days. When I do, it's usually out to a pub, or someone is having a house party.

However, if you were to ask how I got on with people, I'd say pretty well. A lot of people praise me for my humour, and such, and I get along well with people - especially if I've had a drink in me.
I'm too social actually. To the point where I don't really have close friends, just a ton of people I party with all the time.

More so in uni though
I'm not that social anymore. I stay to myself and do my own thing. A lot of my old friends got into relationships and that basically killed bonding time. Eventually hanging out became a thing of the past.
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I'm fairly social like I'm in quite a big group of friends but I wouldn't say I am particularly close to anyone and I don't exactly go out all the time either, idk they're just kind of there to hang out with when I feel like it... that probably sounds really mean, but I have a good time with them when I do go out so yeah :)

And then me and my best friend have different friends so we hang out together a lot, just the 2 of us x
Absolutely, 100% social.
I go out for a drink with my mates in-till a puke.
I talk about useless **** in-till I feel I've gained a social milestone.
I am predicted A's and A* despite the fact I don't deserve it.

Yeah I'm not social, at all...