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Southern Indiana
I was at my Gma's house. Swimming. In a very small pool with lots of people. -_- it sucked.
What's your menstrual story?
I started having stomach cramps, went to the loo, pulled down my pants,
"MOOOOOOOOOM" "What is this oh my god"
"Aw you're a woman now"
"Oh my god no"

By which time she then told me how long my period would last for in a continuous flow. I had no idea it was continuous bleeding for a week and thought it came in short bursts or something lmao.
i was home alone and didn't have any pads...... so i taped a bunch of toilet paper into my panties and waited for my mum to get home lmao
i was like 14 and i was NOT walking 5 blocks to the mini mart with 10 layers of 2 ply in my pants
when she got home i was just like 'mom you're no longer the only one who needs period necessities' and she was confused until i was like 'i need pads pls'
Gosh, it seems like a lifetime ago (11 yrs.) since this happened...But isn't it strange girls how we never forget "That Moment In Time"

I was extremely fortunate in the fact that I was at home when mine came...I had just turned twelve years old and this particular evening I seriously felt that I had pee'd myself, so took myself off to the bathroom.

Upon dropping my panties I saw blood, dreaded BLOOD! But having already been told "The Story" I didn't panic, I simply called down to my mum asking if she could come and spare me a minute.

Lol...At that moment it seemed most strange to me, that when she saw me she burst into a huge smile, hugged me, and called for my elder sister...You could say we almost had a party in the bathroom, celebrating the fact that I was now into womanhood!

A pad was very quickly produced, and we then proceeded to have a discussion in my bedroom about Tampons and Pads!!

What on earth my dear dad must have been thinking as to what was going on upstairs that evening...He has, bless him, never ever mentioned a word (I do however know that mum told him quietly later that same evening)

Needless to say the next day we (Mum, sister & I) were off to the local supermarket, heading straight for the feminine hygiene aisle.

And the rest as they say "Is History" :)
I was at my Grandma's house, went to the bathroom, the next thing I knew there was torrents of blood and me screaming for my mother.

Pretty sure she was still having her period at this point so she might have had pads already or she might of had to go out and buy me some.

Anyway, I had already watched all those videos I had to watch in school about periods so I knew what it was, and some of the girls who already had theirs explained it to the rest of us (back when we had to watch that video, I mean). Point is, i knew what it was and I knew what was happening... I was just concerned about why there was so much of it, I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me because I thought I was bleeding excessively. But no lucky me, I'm just a heavy bleeder with thick blood (but my blood has always been thick). So on my period it tends to come out in globs, so many thick dark globs and it's really disgusting.
And from what I understand that's not exactly normal, but I'm told it's nothing to worry about either... so I was told I mean.

So that happened and I don't remember much of what happened after that, other than me being a moody, tyrannical **** the rest of the week... but I'm sure no one noticed the difference. I think I was 11 or 12 when this happened, if i was at my Grandma's it was probably 11 and I was almost 12.

Although for me there was no welcome into womanhood or anything, it was more like a "suck it up and get used to it, you'll be living with it a week out of every month for the rest of your life... until you get pregnant or hit menopause... but neither of those are pleasant either" sort of thing.
Basically I got the "it's all downhill from here" speech as far as female biology is concerned at least. Though my mother put it as nicely as possible. I figure she figured, knowing me, that no matter what she said that I wouldn't really like it so she just cut to the chase with me and told me it sucks, it's always going to suck, but that there was nothing I could do about it, except learn to deal with it. Then showed me how to put on a pad.

Although later I was complaining about it and my dad told me to "Suck it up, stop acting like such a little girl, and take it like a man", to which I replied "But daddy, I am a little girl!" and he pretty much responded with "So? That's no excuse". Of course, this had been an exchange of ours for years each time I complained about something so it was nothing new this time, just slightly more ironic.
Pretty sure I was complaining about some physical activity I was forced to do after just having started my period also... my whole family didn't care about my physical state, the merciless ****s, the whole lot of them - merciless!

Fun times. lol
Get out the ladies thread then ;)
See I'm also kinda heavy and my doctor also didn't seem very concerned. Although recently I passed the biggest blood clot I've seen before and it made me go dizzy in passing it was <__>
Hopefully maybe taking birth control soon should regulate my periods and help the heavy flow, but I'm not too hopeful that it will.
[MENTION=1]Kirk[/MENTION]...May I ask just what are you doing here?

The old saying goes "If You Can't Take The Heat Get Out Of The Kitchen"....This should be rewritten to "If You Can't Stomach The Detail Get Out Of The Forum"! :)
I was at a restaurant and I was eating pizza with my parents, then I got these stomach cramps, so I thought I ate too much and I went to the bathroom.
I stood there for a moment and then I felt this rush in my panties, and I thought I had diarrhea or something. But when I wiped there was a bunch of blood instead of ****.
So... ironically, my first thought was like "OH ****"

But then I knew what periods were. I was like... 11. And I'd already taken sex ed. So, I told my mom that my period started.
I actually started when we had pe class >.< It was horrible! Imagine running around with a basketball while feeling the crazy pains! And the worst thing was I didn't know what was happening to me!
That's not a nice thing to say Kirk darling, just thank your lucky stars that you do not have to go through this for one week, every single month! xxx :)

Neg Rep'd!

Don't worry, we're only playing with each other n_n
That's not a nice thing to say Kirk darling, just thank your lucky stars that you do not have to go through this for one week, every single month! xxx :)

Neg Rep'd!

You realize I was joking right? :p
Was on a family vacation. Felt kind of sick, woke up the next day and I was like holy sh*** wtf?! Then I called my mom to the bathroom to confirm that it was indeed my period LOL.