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How's the weather today?

Spring is the air!

Chyeah. San Antonio. Plus I'm subject to the whole 'city is more humid/hot' than outside thing. My sister explained it to me one time, but yeah... :p

Both :p I like a sunny day with with good sledding snow

I like Sun , But Not too Sunny.. I like it Just Right :D

too much of something can get annoying, we need a balance
Spring is the air!

This place is full of fog. I hate it, i need to get my broadband setup. Hopefully soon! :D

Do you guys like Thunderstorms? I love them I'm always running outside like a maniac to watch them. :pirate:

Haha in az we had the best storms! in monsoon season the thunder would shake everything and the lightning was incredible.I would make a point of watching them

When I was down in Florida we they had some of the most awesome thunderstorm's I'd ever seen. Torrential rains so hard you had to pull the car over b/c you couldn't see, ginormous lightening bolts and really really loud thunder that would shake the whole house.

The crazy thing was 20 minutes later the sun would be shining and you'd never know it rained. :eek:

When I was down in Florida we they had some of the most awesome thunderstorm's I'd ever seen. Torrential rains so hard you had to pull the car over b/c you couldn't see, ginormous lightening bolts and really really loud thunder that would shake the whole house.

The crazy thing was 20 minutes later the sun would be shining and you'd never know it rained. :eek:

lol, that sounds much like our thunderstorms here ... ;)

I found the weather in Florida awesome too when I was there once in 2000! :)

I love thunderstorms! Even as a small child, the sound never scared me. They are fun to watch! Since I'm in the East coast of the US, although it is very north, it gets very humid in the summer, so there are usually some pretty good thunderstorms here when we've had a stretch of bad summer humidity.
Spring is the air!

Replanting my garden. It's been too cold, and all my seedlings died. :-(
Spring is the air!

its just starting to get cold here, although brisbane is not as cold as the rest of Oz. I love spring though its that nice heat before it becomes unbearable
Spring is the air!

The weather was fantastic here yesterday: Mid 80's and low humidity. I painted my bedroom, that turned out to be a fiasco. Cat walked in the roller pan tracked it all over the house.

The rest of the week was in the 80s but pretty miserable with the humidity.