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How's the weather today?

Sunny and about 71 F here (that's 21.6 C for those of you using metric)- not too bad at all! So glad that this summer has not turned out to be a scorcher like last year
It started out cool and humid, and now it's very warm and humid. Supposed to storm today but we'll see.
Cloudy and surprisingly cool, almost chilly. It's the middle of June, for cryin' out loud!
Cloudy with some rain, and like a cool-humid kind of temperature.
It is muggy outside. I wish it would rain already. Last time I said this is actually did. I was super happy.
Odd. This summer started out very hot, and now it's almost cool enough to need a light jacket during they day, and something warm at night with lows in the 50's.
Drizzly and freezing. Hmm sounds like I am going to get pissed on when i am umpiring footy today. *pissed on = rained on*
It can't make up its mind today. First clouds, then pouring rain, then sun, then a little rain, then sun, then pouring rain...
it is really sunny and there is an ok wind. I should be happy about that but i'm not. Too sunny I just woke up.
Blowing a gale outside today also it is cloudy and partly sunny. It's cold and it is 13 degrees