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I knew it! Cheney had no heart!


Legend Of The Universe
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The Cradle of Liberty
Dr. Strangelove lives. The old buzzard was heartless, for a while anyway, between pulling the old ticker out & sewing a new one in.

WASHINGTON—Former Vice President **** Cheney had a heart transplant Saturday and is recovering at a Virginia hospital, his office said.

An aide to Cheney disclosed that the 71-year-old, who has had a long history of cardiovascular trouble including numerous heart attacks, had been waiting for a transplant for more than 20 months.

"Although the former vice president and his family do not know the identity of the donor, they will be forever grateful for this lifesaving gift," aide Kara Ahern said in a written statement that was authenticated by several of the Republican politician's close associates.

Cheney was recovering Saturday night at the Intensive Care Unit of Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va., after surgery earlier in the day.

The former vice president suffered a heart attack in 2010, his fifth since the age of 37. That year, he had surgery to have a small pump installed to help his heart keep working. It was one of the few steps left, short of a transplant, to stay alive in the face of what he acknowledged was "increasing congestive heart failure."

The pump, called a left ventricular assist device, is mainly used for short periods to buy time for potential transplant candidates awaiting a donor organ. The fact that doctors resorted to it illustrated the perilous condition he was in.

In July 2007, he had had a minor surgical procedure to replace a device that monitored his heartbeat. Nearly 20 years earlier, in 1988, Cheney had had quadruple bypass surgery, and had two artery-clearing angioplasties and the operation to implant the device.

In 2005, Cheney had six hours of surgery on his legs to repair a kind of aneurysm, and in March 2007, doctors discovered deep venous thrombosis in his left lower leg. An ultrasound a month later showed the clot was getting smaller.

In January 2011, Cheney said he was getting by on a battery-powered heart pump, which made it "awkward to walk around." He also said he hasn't made a decision yet on a transplant, but that "the technology is getting better and better."

Cheney said then that he'd "have to make a decision at some point whether I want to go for a transplant."

Cheney served as former President George W. Bush's vice president for eight years, from 2001 until 2009. Cheney was a lightning rod for criticism during Bush's presidency, accused by opponents of often advocating a belligerent U.S. stance in world affairs during wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wonder if the donor died in a hunting accident?
:rolleyes: Same 'ole :48: .

Even with his heart surgery, he still didn't bleed as much as your liberal ****.
Dr. Strangelove lives. The old buzzard was heartless, for a while anyway, between pulling the old ticker out & sewing a new one in.

Wonder if the donor died in a hunting accident?

hes too old for a heart transplant...


Why? Because he's in his 70's he should be permitted to die instead of getting a transplant that he waited 20 months for instead of using his "influence" to leapfrog to the front of the line?
Wow, is all I have to say. Never underestimate the cruelty of a liberal.

We all kicking puppies next?

Why? Because he's in his 70's he should be permitted to die instead of getting a transplant that he waited 20 months for instead of using his "influence" to leapfrog to the front of the line?
Because there is a severe shortage of donor hearts, they generally are given to much younger candidates, people who would reasonably be expected to live another 10-15 years.

Why? Because he's in his 70's he should be permitted to die instead of getting a transplant that he waited 20 months for instead of using his "influence" to leapfrog to the front of the line?

Uh no. There are guidelines for heart transplant as there are for lung transplant and other solid organ transplantation. Usually the cut-off age is 65, and age is a relative contraindication. Heart transplant isn't without risk and it doesn't hurt being in his position. This discussion I am sure he and his transplant surgeon had extensively and for circumstances I am not privy to, they decided to do it for him. Organ procurement is difficult and the list is forever long so I am biased to young people.
Because there is a severe shortage of donor hearts, they generally are given to much younger candidates, people who would reasonably be expected to live another 10-15 years.

Gee why didn't I think of that? Thank you for enlightening me about heart surgeries I had no idea how that worked. :dunce:

Now, let's take your story and mix it up a little shall we?

CW Moderator Post: I'm sorry to inform you all that long time member icoupon2 passed away of heart failure yesterday due to her Marfan Syndrome while awaiting a transplant. She was a young and spritely 70 years old. She leaves behind two children and 4 grandchildren.

Still think it's funny? I don't

Still think "he" doesn't "deserve" a transplant heart? I think he does

I get it that there is a shortage of organs, I get it that there are certain criteria that must be met to get on the donor list. Been there done that. My mother is nearing the end of her life due to liver failure. She couldn't get on the "list" in her early 60's because she had other issues which might have led to her death anyway. But if you would otherwise be expected to live to a ripe old age you are entitled to be on the list, which he clearly was.

Now **** it stop making me defend the old buzzard's right to a heart! I don't even like the guy! :laugh:
Gee why didn't I think of that? Thank you for enlightening me about heart surgeries I had no idea how that worked. :dunce:

Now, let's take your story and mix it up a little shall we?

CW Moderator Post: I'm sorry to inform you all that long time member icoupon2 passed away of heart failure yesterday due to her Marfan Syndrome while awaiting a transplant. She was a young and spritely 70 years old. She leaves behind two children and 4 grandchildren.

Still think it's funny? I don't

Still think "he" doesn't "deserve" a transplant heart? I think he does

I get it that there is a shortage of organs, I get it that there are certain criteria that must be met to get on the donor list. Been there done that. My mother is nearing the end of her life due to liver failure. She couldn't get on the "list" in her early 60's because she had other issues which might have led to her death anyway. But if you would otherwise be expected to live to a ripe old age you are entitled to be on the list, which he clearly was.

Now **** it stop making me defend the old buzzard's right to a heart! I don't even like the guy! :laugh:
I only came back for a few hours to procure coupons, not an argument. Sigh
I only came back for a few hours to procure coupons, not an argument. Sigh

My post didn't quote you, it was quoting enuui. I stand by what I said though. I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm simply pointing out that it is easy to say oh let the 70 year old die instead of giving them a heart when you are talking about a politician you don't like or a person you don't know. I think those blanket statements are a little more squeamish when you apply them to people you "know". KWIM?
Again, this was about a PUBLIC figure, not a private person.

But that's my point! Now it sounds like you're you saying "he" shouldn't have a transplant organ at 70 because of who he is but others should at 70 if you like them well enough? Shudder, God forbid the transplant list become a popularity contest.
Again, this was about a PUBLIC figure, not a private person.

He should die because she doesn't like his politics, Silly.

All the liberals get to pick who lives and who dies now, it's called Obamacare.
He should die because she doesn't like his politics, Silly.

All the liberals get to pick who lives and who dies now, it's called Obamacare.

Crap :nopompom:

With my luck Mocars will end up on my jury. That would mean no heart for me :keeper:
My neighbors dad who just passed away 2 weeks ago was only put on the list because he was 69 years old. Had he been 6 months older.... he would have never been on the list. I do not know if it is the "law", "requirement" (whatever term you care to use) in every state but Wisconsin will not allow you on the list if 70 or older for a heart. Or, so that is what my neighbor said, seeing she just lost her dad who was waiting for a heart, I tend to believe her.
He should die because she doesn't like his politics, Silly.

All the liberals get to pick who lives and who dies now, it's called Obamacare.

Exactly. He shouldn't have gotten this heart because he's a Conservative and Conservatives have no heart anyway so why should he get something he'll never use.

That about sums up the nonsense for today, right? :surrender: