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I'm feeling the ultimate humiliation!


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Where the monkey lost its child
I have been looking for a job around here for nearly a week now and I'm starting to feel it's hopeless. Everytime I walk into a place where they are asking for employees/workers, my interview gets done in less than one minute once they know I'm a stranger. Well, for those who don't know about me, I live in Egypt but I'm not an Egyptian. I moved to this place because my country isn't safe anymore. Back to the topic.. Everytime I ask for a job, I get rejected for who I am and for my nationality. It feels like I'm being treated like garbage just because I'm a refugee/stranger and in need. This fact is seriously so damaging and depressing!
I really don't know what to suggest mate other than to keep trying. There's surely got to be someone around who's willing to give you a job (but then again, how available are job positions in Egypt?). Is there any volunteer work or stuff like that you can do in the mean time? Not sure how much weight experience has in those parts, but it may come in handy.
You'll have to get used to it. You're not going to get a job in a snap. If you let it get you down this early, you're going to lose your courage to keep going.
I really don't know what to suggest mate other than to keep trying. There's surely got to be someone around who's willing to give you a job (but then again, how available are job positions in Egypt?). Is there any volunteer work or stuff like that you can do in the mean time? Not sure how much weight experience has in those parts, but it may come in handy.

Even though it's too crowded here, and there are a lot of people looking for jobs, I could find available positions but the thing is that I have been rejected in all of them for the same reason so far.

I'm not really sure what you exactly mean by volunteer works, but if you mean unpaid jobs, these type of things do not benefit me right now as I don't have enough free time and I need money. But I will certainly try my best to keep looking.

You'll have to get used to it. You're not going to get a job in a snap. If you let it get you down this early, you're going to lose your courage to keep going.

I know I won't find a job in a snap. It's not the first time I look for a job?! I suggest you make sure you realize what the issue is before coming out with the post. My issue isn't about time. It's not about not finding a job yet. It's about being rejected over and over again for the same reason. Interviewers are rejecting me immediately once they know where I am from even before getting into any other detail, and that is annoying and disturbing me quite much.
Now imagine that in Potugal minus the racist or whatever part. I am portuguese, i wa sborn and raised here. And yet, i can?t still find a job because of the crysis.

And i know people who have been looking FOR YEARS. So, you must not give up just yet. I imagine that it can be frustrating. But i am sure not everyone on egypt has the same thoughts about your people. There MUST be people out there who simply don't care. Please keep trying
I know I won't find a job in a snap. It's not the first time I look for a job?! I suggest you make sure you realize what the issue is before coming out with the post. My issue isn't about time. It's not about not finding a job yet. It's about being rejected over and over again for the same reason. Interviewers are rejecting me immediately once they know where I am from even before getting into any other detail, and that is annoying and disturbing me quite much.

One of the first things you state is that you have been looking for merely a week, so it's your fault for being unclear. I doubt employers are rejecting you based on your race or country of origin. If there's someone better than you for the job, they will hire that person over you. It's hardly a race issue. Unless of course, they're saying "Oh, you're from _____? Get the **** out." in which case you have a justified idea. Aside from that, it's speculation.

And it's interesting you seem so riled up over a non-offensive post. Touchy touchy.
One of the first things you state is that you have been looking for merely a week, so it's your fault for being unclear.

Yes I stated that, but you should understand what context/purpose it was brought up for. Have you even read the title?! " I'm feeling the ultimate humiliation " .. It alone highly suggests that the issue is bigger than giving up on finding a job because it has been nearly a week.

I doubt employers are rejecting you based on your race or country of origin. If there's someone better than you for the job, they will hire that person over you. It's hardly a race issue.

You doubt?! Lol!! What do you know to be in a postion to actually, doubt it? I believe you might be comparing as to how things work out in your place? Well, things here don't necessarily work out the same. People here seem to believe that the people of their own are more worthy for any job that one can be hired for because there's already too many of them who are unemployed. I'm not applying for complicated jobs, anyway.

Unless of course, they're saying "Oh, you're from _____? Get the **** out." in which case you have a justified idea. Aside from that, it's speculation.

Actually, this is exactly the scenario that is going on, and I believe I also stated this in the OP, but guess maybe it was unclear for you too?

And it's interesting you seem so riled up over a non-offensive post. Touchy touchy.

Your posts are not offensive indeed, but they rather sound primitive and quite off the track. Probably appropriate for a 14 or 15-year-old boy who's just started exploring things.
Frankly, I'm not in the mood to go back and forth with this, and I'm actually riled up in general, and not because of your posts particularly. I'm sorry for not being able to conceal that, and thank you for your attempt to help, anyhow.
I doubt employers are rejecting you based on your race or country of origin. If there's someone better than you for the job, they will hire that person over you. It's hardly a race issue. Unless of course, they're saying "Oh, you're from _____? Get the **** out.

actually [MENTION=1041]Rebecca Chambers[/MENTION], This happens a lot... You can see it in EU. If i go to spain or france and try to look for a job, they will reject me... And i am a EU citizen. There has been "racism" since forever. Spainsh and french do believe they are better than us but they are forgetting that their families and maybe themselves are portuguese and that the most sucessfull tings always have a portuguese behind it... Anyway...

Now, imagine that happening in countries where there's a lot of war... We see it everyday. We won't hire black people because they're black. Ucranians despise romanians even today when they don't even belong to URSS anymore.

The middle east is even worse because of Palestine and all that stuff... Racism is all in history books. There are things you know and it's widely known and there are things the media is trying to keep away from us.they all hate each other, speccially the older people as they were born and taught in that grudge.. ****, even in fairy tales you have that.

See turkey... We all know about the riots that have been going on there... Do you know what turkish TV shows??? Cooking classes and decoration .. NOTHING , NO NEWS at all about the riots. It's kinda like that
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You can't be certain that they're turning you away for that reason. Usually, if an employer doesn't like how you appear, you won't even get an interview! However, you've only been looking for a week. I went months looking for a job and I didn't even get an interview in that time. I know how it feels to be rejected so much, you start questioning yourself and your abilities, but it's too early for you to quit so soon and never doubt yourself! You should be happy that you've been given the chance of an interview within the space of a week! If you're lucky enough just to get that far, then the likelihood of you getting a job is probably a lot higher than you originally thought. Like my mother always says, "make looking for a job, your job" and don't give up! :)
You can't be certain that they're turning you away for that reason. Usually, if an employer doesn't like how you appear, you won't even get an interview! However, you've only been looking for a week. I went months looking for a job and I didn't even get an interview in that time. I know how it feels to be rejected so much, you start questioning yourself and your abilities, but it's too early for you to quit so soon and never doubt yourself! You should be happy that you've been given the chance of an interview within the space of a week! If you're lucky enough just to get that far, then the likelihood of you getting a job is probably a lot higher than you originally thought. Like my mother always says, "make looking for a job, your job" and don't give up! :)

Actually, they have spoken it at my face that they don't want to hire me because I'm not an Egyptian. Plus, interviews I'm talking about aren't really of a big deal, and any person would interview me. It's all about a handful of questions that they ask you to make sure whether you fit for the job or not, because the jobs I was looking for are simple jobs at private and individual shops. Nothing too big or requiring many skills.
Yes I stated that, but you should understand what context/purpose it was brought up for. Have you even read the title?! " I'm feeling the ultimate humiliation " .. It alone highly suggests that the issue is bigger than giving up on finding a job because it has been nearly a week.
Many people overreact to things like searching for a job. "The ultimate humiliation" seriously? I can think of plenty of scenarios that would be far worse. Using your topic title as gospel proof doesn't really work.

You doubt?! Lol!! What do you know to be in a postion to actually, doubt it? I believe you might be comparing as to how things work out in your place? Well, things here don't necessarily work out the same. People here seem to believe that the people of their own are more worthy for any job that one can be hired for because there's already too many of them who are unemployed. I'm not applying for complicated jobs, anyway.
Employment is a universal issue, and many aspects can be applied across such trivialities like country borders. And realistically, assuming they are passing you over simply because of where you come from, why is that such an issue? If unemployment is as rampant as you say, are they not entitled to prefer helping their own kind before those from other countries? I brought up a similar point in the homeless thread. But in general, I think I can see your/their thought process.

Person from their own country = born and raised there, paid taxes probably/has family who does so, are integrated into the community as far as relationships go, and are more likely to stay with the job (as immigrants/refugees aren't always reliable, similar to gypsies/travelers in the EU)

Person from a different country seeking refuge = an outsider, not integrated with the community, is unemployed so probably doesn't pay taxes and possibly claims benefits that could in their eyes be taking away from those of their own creed.

It's cruel, but logical.

Your posts are not offensive indeed, but they rather sound primitive and quite off the track. Probably appropriate for a 14 or 15-year-old boy who's just started exploring things.
Frankly, I'm not in the mood to go back and forth with this, and I'm actually riled up in general, and not because of your posts particularly. I'm sorry for not being able to conceal that, and thank you for your attempt to help, anyhow.
Primitive is an interesting and ironic choice of words, heh.

actually @Rebecca Chambers, This happens a lot... You can see it in EU. If i go to spain or france and try to look for a job, they will reject me... And i am a EU citizen. There has been "racism" since forever. Spainsh and french do believe they are better than us but they are forgetting that their families and maybe themselves are portuguese and that the most sucessfull tings always have a portuguese behind it... Anyway...

Now, imagine that happening in countries where there's a lot of war... We see it everyday. We won't hire black people because they're black. Ucranians despise romanians even today when they don't even belong to URSS anymore.

The middle east is even worse because of Palestine and all that stuff... Racism is all in history books. There are things you know and it's widely known and there are things the media is trying to keep away from us.they all hate each other, speccially the older people as they were born and taught in that grudge.. ****, even in fairy tales you have that.

See turkey... We all know about the riots that have been going on there... Do you know what turkish TV shows??? Cooking classes and decoration .. NOTHING , NO NEWS at all about the riots. It's kinda like that

Hmm, in some cases I agree. In many though, it's not the same, at least here. Due to affirmative action employers are not allowed to refuse to hire somebody based on their race, sexuality, gender, etc. Hell, they even have to give people with severe disabilities a fair shot, even if it's a certainty they won't be able to do it because of their disability. However, many jobs are simply ignored by locals, so it falls to outsiders who aren't so picky to do the jobs. Building work for example, is primarily a Polish industry here.

Countries like Turkey are just generally broken right now. And I don't think the US/United Nations really help the issue. Whenever something happens, send in the troops. It's nonsensical and we shouldn't be a part of it. >_>
We all know they shouldn't and CANNOT refuse jobs... But how can you prove it? You can't. They'll just say you are not qualified because of some BS but they'll hire a white local prick who isn't even qualifies for the job but because he's local or he's from their nationality, he's hired and you're not.

It's sad that, in order to get the job you want , you have to have sex with the boss or you have to show your boobs or whatever... (in some cases). It really saddens me that in this world, our true value is no longer appreciated.

I take mmyself as an example. I want to be a cabin crew. And it annoys me that 80% of the people there want to be cabin crew because they get a lot of money in no time. And me, who loves planes , knows a lot about the company and am actually there because i have a passion about that firm, never get accepted... Should i care about money like the others? NO, because that's not who i am. If i want to be a cabin crew, i'll be a cabin crew no matter what.

And you [MENTION=38]Abdullah[/MENTION], you should do the same. Don't give up just because they are stupid.
I guess you just have to keep trying. The fact that you are from overseas may have been a factor for your rejection but I do not think that it is the only reason on all of those applications. Maybe you are just not who they're looking for, as simple as that. If the job suits you and the employer sees that, they wouldn't care whatever your nationality is.
I have been looking for a job around here for nearly a week now and I'm starting to feel it's hopeless. Everytime I walk into a place where they are asking for employees/workers, my interview gets done in less than one minute once they know I'm a stranger. Well, for those who don't know about me, I live in Egypt but I'm not an Egyptian. I moved to this place because my country isn't safe anymore. Back to the topic.. Everytime I ask for a job, I get rejected for who I am and for my nationality. It feels like I'm being treated like garbage just because I'm a refugee/stranger and in need. This fact is seriously so damaging and depressing!

Are you from Syria? I've a friend who lives in Egypt... he's egyptian and he's also having a hard time finding a job over there. I don't think you should take it too personal :) A lot egyptians are having such a hard time finding jobs over there. He usually goes to the interviews, but they never call him back. You've to remember that Egypt and Egyptians have been tru really difficult times lately; the whole country is such a mess at the moment!

By the way, why do you say they're not hiring you because you're a foreigner? Did they ended the interview once they realized you weren't egyptian or something like that?
[MENTION=38]Abdullah[/MENTION]. I have been an employer for many years and in my case, I hire the person who is best for the job. naturally the ability to speak English is a basic requirement in my case.
Apart from that I do not care where a potential employee is from.

Can I ask you a question please. In your home country do you feel that people from other countries may also find it hard to obtain employment over a local?

In all fairness, a week is a comparatively short time to have been looking, and IF the employment is hard for everyone, then it may be harder for you, this is just the way things are unfortunately.

I am sure there will be a job for you, but you may have to look for a while, who knows.

If you resign yourself to failure, then this is probably what you will find, if you remain positive and go to an employer with a positive attitude then your job prospects will be better.

Please be mindful that the members here are trying their best to help you, and politeness and consideration goes a long way. Thank you for your understanding.
I have been looking for a job around here for nearly a week now and I'm starting to feel it's hopeless. Everytime I walk into a place where they are asking for employees/workers, my interview gets done in less than one minute once they know I'm a stranger. Well, for those who don't know about me, I live in Egypt but I'm not an Egyptian. I moved to this place because my country isn't safe anymore. Back to the topic.. Everytime I ask for a job, I get rejected for who I am and for my nationality. It feels like I'm being treated like garbage just because I'm a refugee/stranger and in need. This fact is seriously so damaging and depressing!
It is really a sad thing when people discriminate other people because of how the look, where they are from and even by gender. But, even so, please do not loose hope and keep on trying. It is also an option to look for alternatives for the mean time, like finding work using the internet. Just keep this in mind,There is always hope, so never give up.
Maybe that position wouldn't have been the right job for you or maybe someone else are qualified for the job.If you turned downed for a job.Don't feel bad for yourself.A lots of people have been rejected from job.Just keep on trying and maybe one day you'll find the right job for you.God Bless and I hope you'll find it very soon.