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Introducing "Poe"


Soooo demanding
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Lawson Douglas Christian Best arrived quite unexpectedly at 10:12am this morning.

7lb 10oz 19.5" long


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Congrats and he is beautiful
:hiphip: :bliss: :foryou: Liz i'm soooo happy for you!! What a beautiful baby!!!

What "quite unexpectedly"? I know you were hoping to keep cooking him for a few more days, but I'd love to hear the story when you get the chance.

How are you both feeling?
He's perfect!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful pic of the two of you!

Did you get to have him via vag?

Congrats, I'm so happy for you all!!!
Congratulations on your new blue bundle!

Fill us nosey ones in on the details. I love to hear a good birth story. And "Poe"??
Yeah I meant to ask that one too. where did that come from - less than a day old and has a nickname ;)

mrsmom I would guess it was c-sec b/c of the cap she's wearing...that's only given for c-sec right?
Congrats! Love the pic....so cute!
Glad you and he are doing well!
Congrats! He is beautiful! Hope you both are doing well!
You know how in all the pregnancy books it says that it never happens like in the movies? Well it does, but because all the pregnancy books say it doesn't happen that way I was clueless.

Woke up around 1am this morning and pop - great I can't believe I just peed my PJs. I get up, have a shower and realize that I'll still going pee. What the hell kind of pregnancy symptom is this? Fine, I'll just put on a pad, wait I need a second pad, hmm I need a third pad, OK this can't be good that I need a fourth pad....

Yep, took me 1/2 an hour to figure out that my water broke in spectacular movie fashion.

So being the kind person that I am, I want to try and wait before waking folks up, but by 3am I'm starting to freak out at the amount of liquid that has come out of me (good thing I had free Stayfree because I used an entire package), plus Poe hasn't moved in this whole time.

So wake up Loria (daycare) and drop Lex off on the way to the hospital (yes I drove myself - no contractions). Get checked in (and continue to leak everywhere - holy crap there is, well was, a lot of liquid in there).

Of course the munchkin, who has been in a perfect head down position for months, moved yesterday morning to be transverse. And now there is no amniotic fluid to try and turn him. So have to wait for the test results in L&D triage since the test results from yesterday at OB's office aren't availabe at 4am.

Platelets were 124 (yeah) so as soon as they can track down a surgeon/anestheologist we can get this show on the road. Found 'em, but now two emergency c-sections are in front of me. Wait...wait...wait...but get to listen to Poe's heartbeat the whole time. My BP was so bad, they wouldn't even tell me what it was.

Surgery went perfectly and because I begged so nicely they set up a baby station in recovery so I was only separated from him for about 25 minutes. They did all the stuff that they needed to do so I've been able to have all of the cuddle time I want.

So far all is well with both of us, my BP is down to where they are willing to tell me what it is (140/90) and I'm loaded to the gills with pain killers and Poe has been sleeping since noon. I'm expecting he'll want a 1am feeding.

As for "Poe" - that's going to be a family secret. Some family members get nicknames before they are born (like me) where the origin of the nickname is funny (but a little mean) and it is just another family tradition I'm continuing.
mrsmom I would guess it was c-sec b/c of the cap she's wearing...that's only given for c-sec right?

Oh good call! Yep, I'm thinking you're right.

Doesn't matter how he got here............just as long as baby and mommy are safe. :)
Look, for once I'm paying attention!! :hiphip: see how much I love you Liz? ;)

I am kind of hoping that my water breaks too. I haven't had it happen before so it would be a new different thing for me. :lol: That's really funny tho that it took you so long to figure out what was happening, although completely understandable.

So once the water breaks, baby doesn't move/shift? I was trying to think about that with the other two, if baby moves during a contraction, or shifts during actual labor besides gradually moving down.

I'm glad to hear that they are taking good care of you, and that he was kept near you.

What a blessing. I'm so envious of you right now!! Although on second thought....lol maybe I'll be envious of you in about four days.

PLEASE don't forget about us, let us know if we can do anything for you!!!!
mrsred my water never broke for my kids. But I was dialated 3cm for a while with each...........weird.
For my two, they had to break my water after 5cm.

For one I was induced and for another I went into labor on my own and went to the hospital when contractions were every 5 minutes.

Okay I'll stop b/c I don't wanna take away from Liz.

What an exciting summer!!
CONGRATULATIONS, Liz, on your beautiful, or should I say handsome..... precious bundle of baby! I'm so relieved that it went well and that both of you are safe and sound..... you've been in my prayers. :huggy: Wishing you all the awesomeness and snuggley softness of a new baby in the house! Congratulations also to Big Brother Lex :bliss:
Congrats, he is beautiful...glad you are both fine! I have been praying for you!