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Introducing "Poe"

Congrats-- he is beautiful

On my 3rd child I hoped that my water would break--because with the first 2--I was dilated so far along--they broke it-
Never again, my story was similar--but not so bad that I needed a c-section--for me--it broke--I grabbed a pad--nope no help--I grabbed a diaper--surely absorbent-Nope--right through it- couldn't move without it coming out--yelling for dh--won't come because I had been in a mood--that he was not getting ready for his 10 year high school reunion---finally toddler comes in--I say get daddy now--tell him mommy needs him NOW--it is baby time- dh comes in---I say get me something for this water--we grab beach towels--soak right through them--we grab another towel-same thing--finally we just took every towel we could with us
get to the hospital--they say they have to break my bag--how could there be any more water--Really> So they break it and out comes more!!

With the other 2--I was very happy it did not break at home--that they broke it in the hospital. Much much easier!!!
She is not kidding when she says you could go through an entire box---think floods of water--not trinkles!!!

Glad you are doing well--and he is doing well.
Congrats again
Ohhh Canadia, a big huge congratulations to you!! I am so happy to hear that he arrived safely and that you are both doing well :grats:
Congrats!!!! What a beautiful baby! Enjoy him. They grow so fast.
what a wonderful "unexpected" gift!

congrats to you and to Lex!
Congratulations!!! So glad to hear you are both doing well! He's so cute!!
What a great surprise this early in the a.m. Congrats to you anad wonderful news. So glad mom & baby doing well :) :grouphug4::foryou::balloons: :party1:
Liz he's gorgeous! Congratulations and thank you for sharing that beautiful photo with us!

Congrats Liz!!! Take it easy for awhile.
so glad to hear that all went well in the end. congrats to you and Lex
Congrats....so happy baby and mom are safe and sound!

What an awesome picture. Talk about a sweet way to start the morning. Thanks Liz!


I got to......... ♫♪♫ Hear it from the Pimp Vine♫♪♫ Thanks for letting me know Charlie. As always....... You take such good care of me!
Congrats on your wonderful new addition!:grats:
OK, now I keep having the saying.........."quoth the raven, nevermore"...running through my head.