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It's Baby Day! Updated OP

5, 3, and 21 months. The diff btwn the 3 yo and 21m dd, is only 18 months. I think that is what mostly took my sanity. At least if I started now they would be at least 2.5 yrs apart which would be much better. Big thing holding me back is age. I'm 41.

Probably. I had 3 really close together too, so I know how crazy it is. My twins were born when ds was not quite 3. It's got to be hard when your age is telling you that if you want to have another you better hurry up, yet you're not ready or not sure.
How cute is she ?!?!?!

My "baby" just started college today. Your video made me tear up--made me remember back to when mine was little. It DOES go by so very fast.

Your family has truly been blessed with this new little angel. Congrats !!