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Hanging Out!
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DH is having surgery on 3/18 ... I am freaking out as DH has never even been sick! He was hurt @ work in October 09 and been doing physical therapy 3-4 times a week since. It is not helping @ all!

He does ALOT around the house that I don't pitch in with like shoveling, taking out the garbage etc..... he is having surgery on his arm and will be out of work for @ least a month..... :surrender:

I have already asked my work to temp change my hours for the next month from 8AM to 4:30PM (grrrrr....) as he won't be able to drive DS2 to school as he will be heavily medicated.

I have started planning for this surgery already as I don't wanna be surprised @ the last moment.... I used some ECB's yesterday (that were expiring) to get those Pea ice pack things.. and grabbed a handful of inserts as they have a $25.00 transfer coup in them... (come to think about it I didn't even check the date that they are good until.... DUH!)

Anything else you can think of that I haven't??



Worried :surrender:
Oh gosh. I wish him an easy surgery and speedy recovery. You take extra vit D so you stay healthy.
What is his surgery on?

When I had the girls done, my plastic surgeon had me take Arnica 200c before and after the surgery to speed healing, and also the enzymes bromelain and papain, as they help muscles. I know a lot of people poo-poo natural healing stuff, but I think they helped a great deal. The incision and insertion I chose are the most difficult to heal from and most girls end up not being able to use their arms for a whole week. I was out of commission for 2 days, on day 3 I drove myself to the nail salon for a manicure. I only took pain meds for those first 2 days too, and then at night for the rest of the week. I am NOT a fast healer, so I credit those natural supplements. The enzymes are supposed to help the muscles repair and the Arnica is for "trauma". I give Moose the Arnica (a lower dosage) when he has a fall or bump, he practically never bruises. I took the Arnica again when I broke my toes immediately after it happened while I waited to go to the ER (had to wait for Mr.'s Metra train to get in) and by the time I got in to see someone, the nurse told me there was NO way it was broken because there was no bruising, no swelling, nothing. I had to really push her to order x-rays, and then they found I had 2 broken toes. They were amazed, because it sure didn't look broken!

I agree with Mrsmom, stay up on your own nutrition and supplements so you don't fall ill. Drink plenty of water, take care of yourself because you'll have extra burdens on you. Don't be afraid to ask for help, let someone from church make you dinner that first week so you have a nice homecooked meal without all the work.

I'd pick up some easy to handle snacky things that DH might like while he's laid up. And go through your Netflix queue to order up some man-flicks for him too. Poor guy, he's going to be bored to tears. He has always sounded like a hard worker, so being laid up is going to play on his psyche. You gotta try hard to not complain so he doesn't feel even worse for being out of commission.

Good luck! I'll be praying for your family.
Plenty of batteries for the remote...Is he a coffee drinker??? Maybe splurge on some fancier ones...keep a thermos filled that he can keep nearby for refills...

I went thru something similar a few years back...Once he was up and around and could take care of his daily needs I was happy to go back to work...
You have balloon boobies?! :woot: :hiphip:

ROFL. I prefer the term "surgically enhanced".

When I had my lumpectomy, it left me really lopsided. I could have had only the right side rebuilt, but it's hard to match a natural boobie to an implant and make it look symmetrical so I opted for bilateral reconstruction. The implant in my right is slightly bigger than my left, but they are a matched set.

I have a 500 cc and a 600 cc set of textured high profile saline implants submuscular, and they both have serial numbers on them so if I'm ever murdered and my teeth are pulled out, I can still be ID'd by my tittles. Isn't that nice?

ETA: How long until one of the boys pops in here asking for pics?
ROFL. I prefer the term "surgically enhanced".

When I had my lumpectomy, it left me really lopsided. I could have had only the right side rebuilt, but it's hard to match a natural boobie to an implant and make it look symmetrical so I opted for bilateral reconstruction. The implant in my right is slightly bigger than my left, but they are a matched set.

I have a 500 cc and a 600 cc set of textured high profile saline implants submuscular, and they both have serial numbers on them so if I'm ever murdered and my teeth are pulled out, I can still be ID'd by my tittles. Isn't that nice?

ETA: How long until one of the boys pops in here asking for pics?

Sounds like an episode of Criminal Minds or Law & Order. :giggles:
ROFL. I prefer the term "surgically enhanced".

When I had my lumpectomy, it left me really lopsided.

Aw I didn't know that. :huggy: I hope the insurance covered that for you.

Well glad you're ok now.:cartwheel:
Aw I didn't know that. :huggy: I hope the insurance covered that for you.

Well glad you're ok now.:cartwheel:

I had most of it covered. The whole lumpectomy/reconstruction is why I couldn't nurse Moose. That is, by far, the most sad and regrettable part of my whole cancer story for me. BFing was something that was really important to me and it was really hard for me to give that up. I was blessed to have a dear friend from HS (not Chris, our friend Alice) who asked if she could pump her milk for me. That got me into mother-to-mother milk donation, and for Moose's first year he had 7 different Milk Mamas who pumped their extra milk for us. That meant a lot to me, to still be able to give him what he needed (he had a GI issue that required surgery as a newborn, and he couldn't digest formula) even if it wasn't from me. I originally bought our Jewel freezer to use for frozen donor milk for him. Of course we had all our milk donors screened for communicable diseases and all that - they were really great women who were blessed with extra milk supply. We found almost all of them through MilkShare.

I'm fine now, still go in for mammo's more often than I'd like.

And that's the story of Felicia's boobs! Now back to our previously scheduled programming...sorry to threadjack, Mrs.P!
I had most of it covered. The whole lumpectomy/reconstruction is why I couldn't nurse Moose. That is, by far, the most sad and regrettable part of my whole cancer story for me. BFing was something that was really important to me and it was really hard for me to give that up. I was blessed to have a dear friend from HS (not Chris, our friend Alice) who asked if she could pump her milk for me. That got me into mother-to-mother milk donation, and for Moose's first year he had 7 different Milk Mamas who pumped their extra milk for us. That meant a lot to me, to still be able to give him what he needed (he had a GI issue that required surgery as a newborn, and he couldn't digest formula) even if it wasn't from me. I originally bought our Jewel freezer to use for frozen donor milk for him. Of course we had all our milk donors screened for communicable diseases and all that - they were really great women who were blessed with extra milk supply. We found almost all of them through MilkShare.

I'm fine now, still go in for mammo's more often than I'd like.

And that's the story of Felicia's boobs! Now back to our previously scheduled programming...sorry to threadjack, Mrs.P!

No it's fine.. I don't mind OT at all!

OMG! WOW!! I never knew you could share breastmilk.... very interesting... WOW just WOW!! I woulda never thought about it.... sorry about your boobies... but I bet your new ones are FABULOUS!!!

O and screw the boys... I want pix! ;)
THANK YOU! I didn't wanna be the first to ask. :lol:



My laptop is in the shop, so I'm using our media center machine until it's all better...no pics on this one!

But there are pics of me on my FB. Look at the ones from my trip to CA, that Halloween costume was boobylicious.
Just got the details on DH surgery...

March 18th
5-6 hours in hospital
before surgery date an Ice Machine (I ♥ Ice so I am pretty excited about that :hides:) and a CPM shoulder chair will be delivered.
2 post op visits
stiches out on March 31st.
Physical therapy starts on 24th 3 times a week for 3 months
4 drugs to keep DH in la la land...
MIN off time 3 weeks! :surrender:

Pray that his surgery goes well, a speedy recovery, and that I have the patience to deal with a MAN in pain.....
Oh Piggy, I will be praying hard for both of you! Let me know if there is anything I can help with.
This is workman's comp right? He'll be getting some pay then?

Think of all the ****tails you can make with the ice machine! :bliss:
Will pray for his quick recovery & no pain.:huggy: Will pray for you to have patience cause he's probably gonna drive you nuts.:giggles:

Keep lots of drugs on hand for both of you.:lol:
MrsP - I have a spare bedroom and I know Lex would love to have you and DS2 stay and visit. Just keep that in mind when murder is next on your list of options (after you have run out of patience).

Seriously though, keeping you in prayers for the next two months!
Thanks guys I am going to need it.... men are SUCH big babies when they are in pain.... UGHHHHHHH!!!! BUt I wub him... so I will deal and try to be loving, patient, understanding and all that crap a wife is SUPPOSED to be! :giggles: