Jehovah's Witness's


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
I've been reading a thread on another forum about Jehovah's Witness's and pretty much everything people said was negative. Why is it that people dislike them so much?

My mum's a Jehovah's Witness and I've met plenty of her friends; to me they're just normal people who are somewhat more enthusiastic and determined to spread their religion than most. Yes, it can get annoying, especially when hints are dropped in everyday conversation, but it doesn't hurt anyone and I don't see why people just can't tolerate it. At 'least they're not out killing. I'm not defending the religion entirely - I don't believe in what they say, but I also share no opinion in the integrity to their beliefs because it's just like every religion; texts are interpreted differently, people support it in different ways.

Oh, and for those who moan about them knocking on your door; simply ask them not to do it again, because they do respect your privacy/request.
The reason they are disliked is because it's an idiotic religion. Did you know that a non-negotiable tenet of being a Jehovah's Witness is that you cannot accept, in full or in part, the blood of another human being? Jehovah's Witnesses have died for this ideal. It's absolutely moronic, especially when they force this view on their children.

Another reason to dislike them is their pushiness. I have never had a Muslim knock on my door and try to convert me. I have never had a Catholic knock on my door and try to convert me. I've never had a Sikh, a Buddhist, a practitioner of Shinto, or a member of any other religion actively try to convert me. What is the need for it? As for respecting your privacy, many do not. I've told the same one to stop bothering me five times now, and that's only when I've answered the door. She may well have come when I wasn't here.

Did you know that one of the teachings of Jehovah demand practitioners preach to the public? If your mother isn't knocking on people's doors or screaming Bible verses on a street corner, she's not a member of the true faith and is nothing but a lip-servicer. The teachings of Jehovah also preach total separation from other religions, for the Witnesses are the One True Faith (read: what every religion thinks about itself)
Because people are narrow-minded
indirect to the person above

I used to live opposite a family of them and they were really nice :D They were like the friendliest people ever.
& as you said, if you don't like them knocking on your door just ask them never to do it again :)
In all fairness, I think your mom is a really lovely woman and regardless of religion, I don't think she'd let it make her rude or anything.

Some JW's are like that, some are not. Your mom happens to be one of the ones who aren't nutcases and the people who pester people's houses and stuff generally are giving the religion a bad name.

I don't apply my dislike to a particular group. I dislike religion as an abstract noun, but that doesn't mean I dislike religious people. There are good and bad people throughout all religions and none religious people. It doesn't make a difference to me what religion people are and as far as JW's are concerned well what about terrorists giving Muslims bad names etc?
It's never the whole religion, just a few people who let it down.
Did you know that a non-negotiable tenet of being a Jehovah's Witness is that you cannot accept, in full or in part, the blood of another human being? Jehovah's Witnesses have died for this ideal. It's absolutely moronic, especially when they force this view on their children.

There are alternatives to taking blood, which they do support. I agree with what your saying though.

Another reason to dislike them is their pushiness. I have never had a Muslim knock on my door and try to convert me. I have never had a Catholic knock on my door and try to convert me. I've never had a Sikh, a Buddhist, a practitioner of Shinto, or a member of any other religion actively try to convert me. What is the need for it? As for respecting your privacy, many do not. I've told the same one to stop bothering me five times now, and that's only when I've answered the door. She may well have come when I wasn't here.

Each congregation has a "Do Not Call" list, or something like that. If you've asked already then she should honor that by putting your address on the list. If not, surely you could contact the police because they're harassing you?

Did you know that one of the teachings of Jehovah demand practitioners preach to the public? If your mother isn't knocking on people's doors or screaming Bible verses on a street corner, she's not a member of the true faith and is nothing but a lip-servicer. The teachings of Jehovah also preach total separation from other religions, for the Witnesses are the One True Faith (read: what every religion thinks about itself)

My mum does knock on doors.
Each congregation has a "Do Not Call" list, or something like that. If you've asked already then she should honor that by putting your address on the list. If not, surely you could contact the police because they're harassing you?

My mum does knock on doors.
Do not contact lists aren't worth the effort. If you've ever put yourself on one before you'll know what I mean. They're simply not honoured, same as the do not contact lists for telemarketers.
We've been on a Do Not Contact list for years and they haven't knocked on our door; just going by experience in this case.
My ex-husband was raised a Jehovah's Witness and practiced their craziness till he was in his early 20's. Then he decided to grow a moustache and the hall he went to disowned him. (Disassociated? There's a term for it, and I can't recall what it is when they basically tell you that you're not worthy of being one of them because you don't conform to their beliefs.)
Luckily for me, they kept track of him and where he lived, so even though many JW's came to my neighborhood, they never knocked on my door because they knew an ex-member lived there.
Rebecca has it down, why people don't like them. The only thing she said that I would disagree with is her use of the term "idiotic religion". That's redundant. *wink*
This is just another cult, in my mind. With beliefs that they are the end-all be-all of religion and anyone who opposes their beliefs is to be either converted, or ignored entirely, including their own flesh and blood. My ex-husband's mother wrote him off because he denied that "church". Wrote him off and refuses to have anything to do with him because he saw the light & realized this was an organization that is about controlling the lives and even the very thoughts of its members. What kind of religion forces a person to write off their children??! No religion God would support, I assure you.
We've been on a Do Not Contact list for years and they haven't knocked on our door; just going by experience in this case.
Perhaps it's different because your family is registered as JWs, so they don't feel the need to convert someone who is already a part of the faith.

Rebecca has it down, why people don't like them. The only thing she said that I would disagree with is her use of the term "idiotic religion". That's redundant. *wink*

What kind of religion forces a person to write off their children??!

My mother's never "wrote off" any of her family, so I don't see how it's a requirement to do so. It must be an individual thing.

Perhaps it's different because your family is registered as JWs, so they don't feel the need to convert someone who is already a part of the faith.

For clarity - My mother is a JW; no one else is.
My mother's never "wrote off" any of her family, so I don't see how it's a requirement to do so. It must be an individual thing.

For clarity - My mother is a JW; no one else is.

It absolutely was a requirement from this particular hall. That was all I needed to know about the group to know they didn't have all their marbles and they are as bad - if not worse - than any other organized religion.
Knowing what I know about my ex's experience, I'm surprised the JW's allow your Mother to be part of them without requiring her to convert and brainwash the rest of the family.
If people want to be Jehova's Witnesses, then I don't care. At least they're not extremists.

I have never had any come round my door. It doesn't involve me. So let them, I say.
If people want to be Jehova's Witnesses, then I don't care. At least they're not extremists.

I have never had any come round my door. It doesn't involve me. So let them, I say.

Obviously you have no experience with JW's. They are the EPITOME of extremists!
Knowing what I know about my ex's experience, I'm surprised the JW's allow your Mother to be part of them without requiring her to convert and brainwash the rest of the family.

Different congregations must have different ways of practicing maybe? I don't know. In all fairness to the one's around here though, the ones I've spoken to are just normal, friendly people.

Obviously you have no experience with JW's. They are the EPITOME of extremists!

Ah come on now, there's worse extremists out there. ;)
Not only are they annoying by pushing their religion onto others, but frustrating because they're completely brainwashed, yet they honestly believe they're right and more superior to others. They preach about things like disabled people won't be accepted by God and given a new life, only believers of the faith who are intelligent and next to perfect, will be accepted on judgement day. It sounds like something Hitler would preach. I can see how it could offend many people outside the "religion", but those who believe it clearly aren't intelligent for believing such bullshit.
They also affect the healthy upbringing of children! My uncle is one and his daughter gets home schooled, she can only listen and play certain games, she has no privacy (if she gets a letter, my uncle will read it first to check if there's nothing in there to change her), she can't celebrate her birthday or Christmas and me and her have only met a couple times because he doesn't allow her to talk to, even her own family, in case they talk about Christmas and basically pull her away from the religion. She's like a prisoner in her own life, being controlled way too much by her father, and basically being told what to like, what to dislike etc, which I think is wrong. She's so beautiful, intelligent and mature, but that stupid "religion" is holding her back from being so successful. She'll probably be forced to work as a secretary for the church, when she could very easily become a doctor or something worthwhile if she wanted.
It's also caused many rows in my family because my uncle always tries to force his religion on my dad and my grandma, but they think it's all bullshit too so it causes tension and frustration. My uncle is like a stranger to me and you're scared of what to talk about, just in case he gets offended or starts preaching! In my eyes, being a Jehovah's witness is not being in a religion, it's just a mind controlling cult.
All you lot seem to have met the crazy ones. :lol: Kinda thankful for my situation now.
This may be just my area, but we used to have a sign on the wall saying something along the lines of 'No Jehovah's Witnesses, Salespeople, etc.' Living round the corner from a Christian Church and some 'Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses' within twenty meters from that, we had them knocking on the door repeatedly.

My mum had been polite to both on many occasions in saying we are not interested, yet they still persisted. It wasn't until I slammed the door on the regular Jehovah's Witness's face that they stopped. I haven't had the pleasure of being in when the Christian guy comes knocking.

However, I'm sure they are really nice people - but I'd rather not have people trying to constantly push their religion onto me.
so easy to answer this...

catholic people dont like them because everything that ain't catholic is wrong and work of the devil. Because jehovah witnesses dont worship the exact same things as catholics, they are the devil's sons..

I, atheist me, don't like them because they are annoying as ****. I told them i don't believe in that and to , please go away, and they just didnt go. THey kept talking and talking so I had to be rude.... Pffttt, as if i had any problem with that
The JWs where I used to live used to knock on my door every week and ask for my by name 'cause they were convinced they could convert me.
I told them every time they came round that I wasn't religious and never would be but that didn't stop them trying every week for about a year.
I'm sure most JWs are really lovely people but it gets a bit annoying/creepy when they're so persistent.
The only thing that bothers me about them is that they're so willing to try convince me to join but many are not to willing to consider atheism. The only time I've experienced them is when they've interrupted me by knocking on my door to give me a leaflet. I understand why and all, and I would never be rude, but once I get my own place I'll have to put a sign out.

I think people overreact though. Them knocking on your door isn't the worst thing in the world.