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Joe, Frank, Mark, Ron, Documented and Jose, Francois, Mahmed, Ravi, Undocumented

Re: Joe Legal & Jose Illegal

They could be the saviors of social security, paying in and never able to collect when they get old.

I think at this point that pretty much describes anyone more than a few years away from retiring.
I was wondering when you would show up. :)

No he has less, because he makes about 20 cents an hour. Joe Legal is a slave driver.


Right! That sure does sound accurate. Way to make a legitimate argument. Who do you know IN THIS COUNTRY that makes $.20 an hour? Ah, but the OP is the **** huh?
Re: Joe Legal & Jose Illegal

They could be the saviors of social security, paying in and never able to collect when they get old.

That's me, silly. It supposed to run out the year before I am able to get it.

Well said.

Don't forget about Patrick or Maureen illegal.

ETA: I wrote but didn't post immediately as I was checking the papers on the guys who are here fixing my roof. You'll all be relieved to know they are over 18, have no butt cracks showing & one of them is hot.

Ohhhh don'tcha know they don't count on this board ... only Jose and Maria :rolleyes:

Is there a big problem with Illegal Irish that I have never heard of? Please share details.....
Is there a big problem with Illegal Irish that I have never heard of? Please share details.....

There is a BIG problems with illegals as a whole... and yes this includes Irish illegals too. As well as others... sorry to disappoint.

People shouldn't pick on one race when it's an ALL around problem/issue....
There is a BIG problems with illegals as a whole... and yes this includes Irish illegals too. As well as others... sorry to disappoint.

People shouldn't pick on one race when it's an ALL around problem/issue....

Exactly! That would be the only issue that was off form with the way the original OP was done... But I still didn't take it that the OP was trying to single out hispanics. She was trying to make a point that there is a problem.
Exactly! That would be the only issue that was off form with the way the original OP was done... But I still didn't take it that the OP was trying to single out hispanics. She was trying to make a point that there is a problem.

Kinda reminds me of cashiers who only read pictures. Just because the green bottle is pictured doesn't mean I can't buy the red bottle and still use the coupon correctly. One name was used as an illustration of a group, doesn't mean the rest of the group was excluded, just not mentioned in the interest of space. (just so we're clear - by group I mean illegals not hispanics)
Exactly! That would be the only issue that was off form with the way the original OP was done... But I still didn't take it that the OP was trying to single out hispanics. She was trying to make a point that there is a problem.

His point was that what the OP posted protrays hispanic illegals in the worst possible light and legal people in the best light. There are plenty of uninsured white people, there are plenty of legal people who cheat the system too.

Yes there is a problem, but to imply that every undocumented worker is on welfare is disingenuous.
I mean seriously... it does suck that it all points to Mexicans (as I am half) but I understand it's an issue... but it's an ALL around issue!

Again, when I worked for the condo complex. We had some European people (fresh off the boat) come in with some current American residents looking for a condo to rent. Can I tell you these people had not been in the US for 3 weeks and already had Section 8 housing cert, link card, and medical assistance. I swear to you I wanted to throw up all over these people as I couldn't get assistance here to save my life... and these people who have NEVER paid a nickle in taxes here in America where HOOKED UP!!! I was so effing disgusted....
Is there a big problem with Illegal Irish that I have never heard of? Please share details.....
Yes, the largest groups of illegals in the New England area are Irish & to a lesser extent Brazilians.

Very hard to tell the Irish that came in the last 10-20 years from the Irish Americans whose grandparents came in the last 100 or so years. Maybe we should be checking papers? There are even Irish soccer & football clubs here. No 'real' Americans play soccer, so they must all be illegals. :lol:
His point was that what the OP posted protrays hispanic illegals in the worst possible light and legal people in the best light. There are plenty of uninsured white people, there are plenty of legal people who cheat the system too.

Yes there is a problem, but to imply that every undocumented worker is on welfare is disingenuous.

Yep... Some people read into it as being a racial thing, and others read that she was calling attention to a problem. I don't see why people need to go to a race card where ever possible.

I have a niece that is 1/2 Mexican. I have another niece that is 1/2 black. I have a "white" family member that is trying to "work" the system.

My Mexican niece (or my sister) never tried to work the system.
My black niece (or my sister in law) never tried to work the system.
My white brother is trying to work the system.

Guess who's actions I find repulsive?

I was not offended for my "minority" family members. We have not raised them to see colr/race.

My father was a racist pig & I grew up hating it. He was born and raced in Texas and would not swim in the same water as a black or hispanic person. This is how I was raised. It is what I heard day in and out. Only his words were far more worse than I have put here. It disgusted me & I chose to see people as people and raise my children and nieces and nephews to see people as people.

Again, I saw it as calling attention to a problem. Never saw the race thing even in there. Everyone else called it out... for me at least.

Perhaps the the OP saw it the same way. Maybe she doesn't look at people by their skin/ethnicity/etc.

Again, don't see why people always need to jump on the defense. What happened to Love does not take offense? But, that's just me I guess. Maybe I should re-examine myself.
Right Georgie... LOVE does not take offense... although I like many people on this board... some more then others. I wouldn't say I LOVE them.... there are very special relationships that have grown for me personally out of CW, those are not relationships that everyone has here... you gotta remember this is not your family... it's a couponing board :9:
I was wondering when you would show up. :)

No he has less, because he makes about 20 cents an hour. Joe Legal is a slave driver.


Sorry but that is just CRAP! - The point of the story is they are doing the same job in the same country and cry cry cry for the poor guy getting paid under the table because he is making $15 vs $25 - per hour - it doesn't say he is making .20 and I do not believe there is anyone in this country making .20 per hour - sorry don't buy it! If you are trying to say it is OK for people of any race to be here illegally and sponge off taxpayers because they would make .20 per hour if they stayed in their home country sorry I don't buy that either. Get a visa! Pay taxes! and then you have the right to collect any kind of public aid that is available to you. Because I have to believe that making $15 per hour here is better than what they left from, or they wouldn't have come!!!!

BTW: I don't think anyone should get to be here illegally, of any race or ethnic background- I am all for immigration and the melting pot we live in but just do it the right way! I know Europeans that were deported and while I felt bad they knew what they were doing when they came here undocumented. :ranting:
Oh piggy! Aren't we called to love one another like ourselves? I know that you out of everyone here knows that! Cause you are just good like dat! Love is not just for the family... And alot of times it is easier for me to love people on here than it is for me to love my own family. :giggles:
Oh piggy! Aren't we called to love one another like ourselves? I know that you out of everyone here knows that! Cause you are just good like dat! Love is not just for the family... And alot of times it is easier for me to love people on here than it is for me to love my own family. :giggles:

You and I are two peas in a pod... but not everyone is as loving ... and COOL as us! ;)
Re: Joe Legal & Jose Illegal

Lighten up!

And besides, Joe Legal is a blue collar worker, his opinions don't mean squat in this country nor does he have the power to make any laws. He just pays for the undocumented workers public aid.
You hit it right on the head there! It makes so much sense that the illegals want to be here because it is a better place to live because we have LAWS! They just don't want to abide by them!!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona
The Mexican President Felipe Calderon denounced Arizona's new Immigration Law as "racial discrimination" but what does he call what Mexico does to illegals which is much tougher than Arizona? We call it hypocricy to be nice.

How many news outlets are going to cover the fact that the Mexican laws against illegals are tougher than Arizona? These two paragraphs from the article say all we need to know about Mexico's double standard:

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," violate Mexican law, are not "physically or mentally healthy" or lack the "necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.
You and I are two peas in a pod... but not everyone is as loving ... and COOL as us! ;)


We go together like peas and carrots.
LOL it is said that I am comming up and being rude to people. Like "Jose Illegal" isn't a person. Some of what I did was to show how people can take offense to how something is said. I never said Georgie was a racist, but maybe some of what I wrote could be viewed that way. I did that on purpose. I wanted to get a reaction to what I would write. I got it. It is the same reaction I got when I read the OP.

Also called into question is how I am striving to be better. I too was raised with certain racial overtones. I try and not teach my daughter those same overtones. I do my level best to never allow such garbage to influence her and I explain to her the things she may already see for herself in the real world.

I don't dislike any of the people on this board. I am a fellow couponer and feel like I am among the same.
