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Just need to vent...

More than likely, unless after hacking his, they delete their own... after transferring the virtual items of course.
My youngest went to bed heart broken tonight in tears. He has video game account on the computer for various sites. One is a pay and 2 are free. Well, he went on tonight and "Joe Blow" (whatever the guy's screen name was) promised if my son gave him his screen name and password he would give him extra pieces to the game. Well, he is too **** trusting (and stubborn to not believe!) and gave the stranger his info. Sure as ****, his account got hacked and many of his items are missing. Nothing is what the person promised. They changed his password to boot. Nice job ****stick! Taking virtual items from a 10 year old on a free game site. Congrats!!

Should he have given out the password? no. Have we talked extensively about this exact thing? yep. Did he decide to go out and make his own decision and take his chances to get burned? mm hmm
Some may say he got what he deserves (because he didn't follow instructions, warnings ect), and to an extent, that is true. Doesn't make it hurt any less to see him upset though. So technically he lost nothing (physically) except hours he has spent playing this game. Just hurts t see him so **** upset and to know that someone took advantage of him.

Could tomorrow be a boring day, PLEASE?!?!

I wouldn't say it serves him right, but as a parent, I sometimes think things like this might happen so my kids will learn a lesson without major life trouble. Like losing money in his bank account because he gave someone his password. Or making a poor decision as a teen or adult that ends up having life-altering affects. So maybe it was just a bad way for him to learn a life lesson and he'll be so much more careful in the future.

Poor kid. That totally sucks. Wishing you a boring tomorrow.
we could and have made an incident report via the games page. Seriously thinking they will transfer the items to a new account name and then delete the screen name they used with my son... kwim?
I did softly point that out to him. I explained also all he truly lost is time as these are virtual items, meaning you can't touch them, buy them on a store shelf ect... he was mad that someone would do this. Once he saw for himself how low someone will go, I didn't feel it good to point out the obvious. Sucks, but a good lesson
What game site was this? My kids play on a few different ones.