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mchenry IL
I think most people are aware that I am a bottom feeding IL person who is on medicaid so with that on the table it is next to impossible to find a doctor willing to take said insurace. Over the past few months I've developed a serious problem and I dont believe anyone is going to take me seriously until I am **** near dead. I've been having these problems with my vision. I've also been very dizzy and it almost feels like I"m suspended high in the air and any minute I will fall....its weird. When I see things one of my eyes will go blind and the other will develop this fuzzy "crack", almost like looking through stained glass; only its my eyeball. I happens mostly when I am exposed to fluctuating light (on and off with the lights like in classes, looking into microscopes, flashing lights like strobe lights and flashlights, cameras etc). I've been told "its vertigo, deal with it". Well last night scared the **** out of me. I was dreaming that someone was stabbing me in the head. When I woke up, it literally felt like someone had just stabbed through the back of my head with an ice pic. I screamed for a good half hour and took 4 tylenol with codeine and a oxycotin before it knocked my **** out. Today I felt inches from throwing up and felt like I had an extremely bad hangover and my head still is throbbing from the pain of last night. Does anyone have or had anything this bad??? Is vertigo SUPPOSED to be this ****ing awful? I was taking antivert for a while, and it was working, but it stopped working. I was also taking that migraine medication (white cardboard pack w/the silver poptabs and the medication is a yellow pentagon). WTF? I've also suffered from migraines, but never like this!
all I got - no medical training and never had it happen.

Lex and I have insurance, but we spend a lot of time at the CDH Convenient Care centers. Had a friend that was bit by a cat and the bite became infected. She didn't have insurance, but was able to work out low/no cost charges with the CDH CC at Bloomingdale. Any close to you that you can check out?
all I got - no medical training and never had it happen.

Lex and I have insurance, but we spend a lot of time at the CDH Convenient Care centers. Had a friend that was bit by a cat and the bite became infected. She didn't have insurance, but was able to work out low/no cost charges with the CDH CC at Bloomingdale. Any close to you that you can check out?

I highly recomment CDH's CC too. They have hardship programs to help you out.

Sounds like you are having problems you'll need an ophthalmologist for, they can help connect you with someone. Also try your county health clinic. I'm sorry you're going through this - I hope you get some help soon. How scary!
I did suffer from vertigo a few years ago...dizzy, vision issues made worse by light, loss of balance...but I cannot remember EVER having the kind of pain you described. I did have headaches that were made worse by all the symptoms or the symptoms made caused the headaches, not sure. Turned out a lot of it was allergy related...causing ear issues. I started ion major decongestants, allergy meds, and and anti-nausea meds. They seemed to do the trick. The nausea meds knocked me out so I tried to avoid them. My vertigo tends to reappear every spring so I now take precautionary measures. Could it be as simple as allergies for you too?I wish I had some great answer for you but don't. I hope you are able to find an answer very quickly! It can be so scary and frustrating!
No help here, but wanted to tell you I am sorry you are dealing with this. Take care of yourself!!
DON'T call yourself that.Everybody needs help now & then. I realize how diffcult it is to find a dr. I had to use medicare for 6 months when i was really ill & dh had just switched jobs.Almost died 3 days before insurance was due to kick in.

I don't have any medical advice for you.Please keep at the dr.s till you get answers. Don't let others make you feel that you're less than you are. I hope you can get help. I can't have bright lights on me or i feel hot,dizzy & blurry vision.Was tested for vision & told i was fine.
If you need to, go to the ER and get evaluated. The symptoms you are describing could be something more serious than vertigo and warrant getting checked out. The ER can't turn you away -- the stabbing pain in your head with the visual disturbances and nausea warrant a head CT (cat scan) and you should put your health first - ahead of your fears of who will take medicaid. We all need some help now and then and don't feel bad b/c you are on it. Our family lost our insurance coverage along with dh's job when I was 8 months pregnant with our 4th child. I got on medicaid immediately, as well as the kids and my dh too -- Thankfully my dh started a new job and we now have private insurance since Jan 1st.

Get yourself checked out ASAP, those symptoms don't sound like "standard" vertigo to me. It could all be migraines, but it sounds like you have had migraine headaches before and this is different for you.
and also, stop bagging on yourself.

Yeah, you're in a sucky situation right now but it's not going to be like this forever! You're not working the system and taking advantage of benefits you are not entitled to.

Put on your big girl panties and employ a little self respect. Goodness, woman. If you keep referring to yourself as a bottom feeder, you're going to let people treat you like a bottom feeder and YOU ARE NOT SO STOP IT.

I ****-slap you with love, my dear.
Are you near-sighted? The stained glass effect can be due to a torn or detached retina...near-sighted people seem to have the problem more than others.
Holy smokes, gal! If I was experiening what you described above, my first thought would be to dial 911. Course then my second thought would be about the enormous bill that would result. I'm so sorry you're caught in the middle of this horrible situation.

Your dilemma, to me, is why we need some basic blanket of health care for EVERYONE. People DESERVE it. Just like clean water and safe streets and schools to educate our children.

Sending good thoughts your way.

Holy smokes, gal! If I was experiening what you described above, my first thought would be to dial 911. Course then my second thought would be about the enormous bill that would result. I'm so sorry you're caught in the middle of this horrible situation.

Your dilemma, to me, is why we need some basic blanket of health care for EVERYONE. People DESERVE it. Just like clean water and safe streets and schools to educate our children.

Sending good thoughts your way.


From one die hard republican to one bleeding heart liberal- I whole heartedly agree!
Holy smokes, gal! If I was experiening what you described above, my first thought would be to dial 911. Course then my second thought would be about the enormous bill that would result. I'm so sorry you're caught in the middle of this horrible situation.

Your dilemma, to me, is why we need some basic blanket of health care for EVERYONE. People DESERVE it. Just like clean water and safe streets and schools to educate our children.

Sending good thoughts your way.


Can I nominate you to run for office?
does it affect only one eye? if it does, I hope its not retinal detachment but it warrants ophthalmology consult, stat.

don't procrastinate, see an ophthalmologist immediately.

I won't recommend ER since most often, they can just give you palliative/supportive treatment or at most, pain relief. Most of them are not trained for specialty cases like yours.
:huggy: I have never had veritgo, but I have had that eye problem. I kept describing it to people and they looked at me like I was nuts. I said it looks like I am looking through a windshield that is covered in ice. THat ended up going away but a little black "floater" stayed. I went to the eye doctor and was sent to the othomologist. Turns out I had a blood clot in my eye. I would suggest getting your eyes checked out. Good Luck!
:frown: that sucks..... :huggy:
i dont know what to say cept i am sorry and i hope you are ok
From one die hard republican to one bleeding heart liberal- I whole heartedly agree!

AMEN--but all those people think the democrats are whack oh well

not having quality health care sucks--down on your luck, going through bad times, then you dont deserve good health care--yeah thats us the caring nation....