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Karaoke Haters

Well as I said I can only speak to my corner of it. But the way I see it is out of those listed (and I don't know how many were in Staunton but that town is no bigger than C-ville so lets say there were five there also, and Waynesboro is close to Staunton so the same KJs were probably working that town so we will drop it from the equation), so out of a possible 13 KJs there are 5 left in the area that is a 75% reduction in a 100 mile path since the Sound Choice lawsuits were filed!

To me regardless of the reason some may have had for dropping the Karaoke business that speaks volumes!
Skid Rowe said:
Wouldn't it be nice if all the "Karaoke Haters" would just all go back to the DJ side and leave us alone ?

On a side note, and I don't mean to hijack the thread, but there was a great article in today's News And Observer (a Raleigh paper) about Sound Choice. It was a full page. Six columns long. It told about SC early beginings, and explained what they were trying to accomplish with fighting piracy. A really good, all inclusive article.

Way to go Sound Choice.

Give me a break "twinkle toes"
Jon Tuck said:
I am admin here but I see the speak coming from two sides of the neck here. One says it isnt the pirates we are going after and the other claiming all the pirates. Which is it? I own my discs so not any question as to my part in this issue but I find it funny even I through argument being considered pirate status. Sorry you feel the need to drag me into such a foul lot.

I am not dragging you anywhere, you have the free will to decide who you support!

Look at it like the illegal immigration issue and the Arizona Law, All of the people who are protesting the law are not illegal immigrants but they **** sure are supporting them!

There is 67% of the Arizona population that supports the law there are 29% who who oppose it, there are 4% who don't care either way! The 4% aren't out protesting or advocating!
Thunder said:
Well as I said I can only speak to my corner of it. But the way I see it is out of those listed (and I don't know how many were in Staunton but that twon is no bigger than C-ville so lets say there were five there also, and Waynesboro is close to Staunton so the same KJs were probably working that town so we will drop it from the equation), so out of a possible 13 KJs there are 5 left in the area that is a 75% reduction in a 100 mile path since the Sound Choice lawsuits were filed!

To me regardless of the reason some may have had for dropping the Karaoke business that speaks volumes!

13 KJs in a 100 mile path?. OK, I didn't realize your area has the population density of Hooterville, but as a whole, Va has WAY more than that- and my area of NJ has almost 1 every 2 LINEAR miles- in any direction.

So I guess to you that's a dent, but once again, its gnat's gas in the larger picture.
JoeChartreuse said:
13 KJs in a 100 mile path?. OK, I didn't realize your area has the population density of Hooterville, but as a whole, Va has WAY more than that- and my area of NJ has almost 1 every 2 LINEAR miles- in any direction.

So I guess to you that's a dent, but once again, its gnat's gas in the larger picture.

You call a 75% reduction a dent?:tribiggrin And I have never claimed that I lived in a metropolis! It is 40 miles between Culpeper and C-ville it is 35 miles between C-ville and Staunton, we have three cities (and one of them isn't really a city) within a 1 1/2 hours drive from me Washington DC and Richmond, 2 hours to Roanoke!

While it ain't texas it ain't New Jersey either, we can't drive across our state in 45 minutes!:yoBiggrin::yoBiggrin::yoBiggrin:
thanks for the comparison Steve though it appears as a redirect for ones benefits. Speak or answer the real question. You claim anyone supporting other view of this than you and your SC team as pirates since we obviously support the Pirate front. so wrong dude I beg to differ.
Sound Choice said:
Does anyone here beside Thunder and me recognize how JoeC always ducks the question regarding offering any concrete and workable solutions? He can dish out criticism, but has NO solutions. A "worthless" poster in terms of offering anything positive for the industry, IMHO.

Yeah, and as the President who hasn't a clue likes to say: " Republicans have no answers, "they're the party of 'no'"

And you, Sir, are like a petulant child after being told "no". Just because someone else hasn't a solution to your problem doesn't mean that your solution is "the" solution or even "a" solution

Grow up
Thunder said:
Look at it like the illegal immigration issue and the Arizona Law, All of the people who are protesting the law are not illegal immigrants but they **** sure are supporting them!


A great analogy! No one there is supporting illegal immigrants, only the witch hunt mentality of new enforcement tactics and methodology. They're more worried about "who's next?"- again, not supporting illegal immigrants.

A GREAT analogy!
Thunder said:
You call a 75% reduction a dent?:tribiggrin:

What seems so elusive? If there were 4 KJs in YOUR area, and three were put out of business ( and so far no documentation shows SC had anything to do with it.) then 75% would be HUGE- for just those 4 KJs.

We are talking about overall piracy, all over the country.

Even in just my region, YOUR 75% ( equalling 8 KJs- again no proof SC did it) would equal about 0.1% in northern NJ- NO DENT- and in the U.S.? Not even that with another zero before the 1.

Also, in the interest of repetitive redundancy- NOTHING documented that I know of says SC did anything. Of course if there is, I'd like to see it and would admit any error.
SC isnt out to end piracy by their own words. Why would they claim any number Joe? Steve is the only bandstander on this viewpoint.
Thunder said:
In my opinion everytime someone post of the subject dinegrating Sound Choices efforts without providing a viable solution of their own they are giving three cheers to and supporting the pirates!

I understand that those who are supporting the pirates don't see it this way, but many of us do! If you don't have the ability to be constructive, then don't be destructive, in other words if you can't offer an alternative solution and you don't support the actions of Sound Choice then the sensible thing to do would be not to comment because apparently it doesn't affect you!

If you feel it does affect you and you aren't a pirate, then you should either come up with a workable alternative or get out of the business!

Every pirate that gets legalized in regard to their SC tracks via SC's settlement offer is another pirate that continues to compete with legit operators and is likely still working with other pirated tracks.

And anyone who views the "reforming" of a pirate through "reparations" paid to SC as a "good" outcome for the community of legit KJ's who took a risk and purchased their libraries legally doesn't deserve to call themselves a businessman
Jon Tuck said:
thanks for the comparison Steve though it appears as a redirect for ones benefits. Speak or answer the real question. You claim anyone supporting other view of this than you and your SC team as pirates since we obviously support the Pirate front. so wrong dude I beg to differ.


I am going to try one more time (my analogy was perfect apparently you didn't comprehend it) then I am done with all of these discussions until there is actually something to really discuss!

Pirate = illegal alien! Do you follow so far? OK.... Citizens protesting the Arizona law = Legal or legit KJs protesting the actions being taken against the pirates! Still with me? OK... Citizens protesting the Arizona law = supporting illegal immigration! Still following? OK.... Legal or legit KJs protesting the actions being taken against the pirates = Supporting piracy!

No where do I nor did I say that because you were protesting the action that you were a pirate, only that you were giving support to the pirates!

I really can't make it any clearer than that so I am done, until such time that there is some major news concerning this issue!
as Rob Joker would likely say I am waiting with BAITED BREATH and thanks for clarifying Steve my friend. We should get a box of popcorn and sit back to see the results.
Thunder said:
I really can't make it any clearer than that so I am done, until such time that there is some major news concerning this issue!

Well, if you wouldn't feel obligated to bloviate about every post that was intended for Kurt, I would believe that you could actually make that statement a reality.:trismug:
Thunder said:
You don't have to submit to anything just do what the pirates are doing and eliminate all Sound Choice products from your system! When Chartbuster, Stellar (Pop Hits and Top Hits Monthly) and Zoom start doing the same thing you just eliminate their products from your system as well and you still won't have to submit to anything!

You are so full of it.

So you think that every person that eliminates SC from their library is a pirate?

You also believe that anyone that doesn't agree with you is a pirate.

If someone doesn't provide an idea to "fix the industry" then they must be a pirate.

and so on and so on....

Well, I happen to believe that any guy who proudly admits to giving tongue to another guy in a public internet forum must be gay.

I wouldn't have thought that otherwise, but you kept bringing it up like it was a proud moment for you. Maybe Kurt will let you "give him some tongue" too....
Man I like that song, I just purchased it!

I can see using this as "Theme Music" for one of my regular singers on Tuesday night!
Thunder said:
I am not dragging you anywhere, you have the free will to decide who you support!

Look at it like the illegal immigration issue and the Arizona Law, All of the people who are protesting the law are not illegal immigrants but they **** sure are supporting them!

There is 67% of the Arizona population that supports the law there are 29% who who oppose it, there are 4% who don't care either way! The 4% aren't out protesting or advocating!

Here's the problem Thunder:
(as you like to accuse others of, I believe you're having a bit of comprehension difficulty)

You are always looking for whichever "side" someone is "supporting" to make a determination on whether you label them a "pirate."

AND, just because someone doesn't "support SC" doesn't necessarily make them a "supporter" of pirates. It IS possible to not support either one and that's what you don't understand. With you, it's "either SC OR pirate" and it's not. You like to call me a "supporter of pirates" because I've dropped SC when in fact, it's because I don't support SC's method.

Contrary to your belief, there IS a "third side" that doesn't support either the pirates OR Sound Choice. Deal with it.
c. staley said:
So you think that every person that eliminates SC from their library is a pirate?

I don't understand why someone who paid good money for SC discs WOULD eliminate them from their library. Just to prove some kind of point? And to whom exactly are they proving it to anyway? Their customers who don't care and will only lose access to the best tracks?

Sorry, but it makes no sense to me and seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Bazza said:
I don't understand why someone who paid good money for SC discs WOULD eliminate them from their library. Just to prove some kind of point? And to whom exactly are they proving it to anyway? Their customers who don't care and will only lose access to the best tracks?

Sorry, but it makes no sense to me and seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

ABSOLUTLY CORRECT...makes no sense to me either:tribiggrin: