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Actually I am looking for a way to save each one of the SHOWS such as Applebees N, BAJA C, McGrady's, BAJA C, BAJA N and Applebees P!

The singers for each show and the song histories for each! Is there a way to do this? And then reload the singer playlist for each show!

I don't think so or at least I haven't found a way... when you see this video you'll notice that there are other blanks in the singer history screen that you could possibly load information such as Venue but to be able to distiguish each venue or select a particular one at start up so that only those singers would show, not that I can figure out.

I was thinking about that last night too... and it's the one thing AutOKdj does that I miss in this program.

I'll send a message to support and see what they say, who knows maybe it already can and I'm missing a setting somewhere. Although I don't think I have.

Yes that is the one thing about Sax and Dotty DE I liked as well!
It's also another reason I liked AutOKdj you could define your Venues and the singer histories would be connected to that venue in particular....

Anyway I got the answer from Latshaw himself I think based on the tone of the email anyway.....

The answer for this guy is no. The explanation is that although some people
have requested this, as a singer myself, I don't want my history associated
with a particular venue. If I visit a KJ at another show, he should be able
to bring up my entire history every time, because I may want to sing a song
that I haven't yet sang at THAT venue. For this reason, there are no plans
to make anything "venue specific".

I suppose I agree with his logic in a way.... if I'm a singer and I travel to a hosts show each week it's nice that he has my history kept much the same way a disc host my keep a file of my song slips in a box.

If he made separate singer histories tied to specific venues you'd loose that ability and would be fumbling trying to find your dedicated follower's song history...

Take a look at that video. Remeber when I pulled up Bad Patty's history?

It showed that she had sung Twist and Shout twice but did you note that they weren't the same night?

That means you have the ability to sort not only by song but also by date sung.... this is also going to tell you how frequently a regular singer follows you from show to show...

So, I can see his logic in all this... don't have to like it but I understand.
Well I see his logic to a point also, but if Bad Patty sang at two different venues I hosted her history and name would be saved in both venue folders. Generally though each venue has it's own dedicated groups.

Doing six shows a week with different people at each venue it won't take long to have a huge singers list, mine is over 130 right now and I just started using it Monday!

Of course I have to edit it down for the private event I did Tuesday night! If I could have saved by venue i wouldn't need to go back and edit the private functions because I wouldn't have needed to save them to begin with!

Yep that sounds like Bob may have written it! LOL
Rob: Thanks for the great videos. You were right,,though, the music did make it a little hard for me to hear. Well done otherwise! I do have one question, though. Is there any way to get rid of that terrible splash screen at start up? Not only is it annoying as all get out, but I changed my library and of course the warning about it popped UNDER the splash screen and so it was difficult to access and the program hung until I was able to get to it.
Looking forward to seeing more instructional vids from you. Extremely helpful!
Removing he splash screen may be something you'd have to pose to the creator of the software.... I'm guessing there isn't. I believe like VDJ for example it has to load certain things before it's ready to run and the splash screen is just ment to be something pretty to look at while it loads.

Without it if it just went directly to the player users may be inclined to try and use the software and get frustrated when it doesn't work until fully loaded and cause a lot of unnecessary tech assist calls. But, that's just a guess.

Ya, if you change up your library and you had a song loaded the last time you shut down that is no longer located where it was or named the same as when you previously loaded Karma you will get a load error until you update the media DB and load a song Karma can locate

See, Karma retains in it's player the last song played even after shut down and if it's moved, been removed or has changed names you will get an error upon the next load. I have no idea what the purpose is for retaining the last played song in the player.... it's quite unnecessary and there are better ways of performing crash recovery if that's why it does that.
Removing he splash screen may be something you'd have to pose to the creator of the software.... I'm guessing there isn't. I believe like VDJ for example it has to load certain things before it's ready to run and the splash screen is just ment to be something pretty to look at while it loads.

Without it if it just went directly to the player users may be inclined to try and use the software and get frustrated when it doesn't work until fully loaded and cause a lot of unnecessary tech assist calls. But, that's just a guess.

Ya, if you change up your library and you had a song loaded the last time you shut down that is no longer located where it was or named the same as when you previously loaded Karma you will get a load error until you update the media DB and load a song Karma can locate.

Speaking from a programmer's point of view, I'd guess you are right on the money. A splash screen does put something up while the rest of the program does it's thing such as open a database, load necessary dll's, database engines, etc. The other options aren't as pretty:
(1) Show a message with everything it's doing as it does them. ("loading database.... loading dll's, etc.)
(2) Show nothing until it's ready... not a wise option since (depending on the program) it would make your system look "hung."

My software actually does a hybrid of this; a quick splash screen followed by "loading" messages. This way, I get my quick little "ad" and tell the user what's happening so they don't think it's hung since it has a lot to do at startup.

On the subject of singer histories: I'd not want to use them because while it's "convenient" for the singer, I'd rather they find something new to sing. I'm really tired of hearing the same song from the same person week after week after week.
Maybe it's just me, but while I wait for things to load, I tend to multitask, like reading this forum, for instance. I can't do that with that huge annoying splash screen in the way. Drives me bonkers! And I realize why you get the load error, but when it's buried beneath the splash screen so you can't see it or get to it, it can be a real problem, especially if you're waiting for the program to load. And waiting. And waiting....Because the program won't load until you click OK... But thanks anyway. :)
Oh, and just an aside: Why did you decide to change from AutoKDJ to Karma?
I much prefer Chip's way of doing it.
Most programs have an option turn of the large splash screens.
Maybe it's just me, but while I wait for things to load, I tend to multitask, like reading this forum, for instance. I can't do that with that huge annoying splash screen in the way. Drives me bonkers! And I realize why you get the load error, but when it's buried beneath the splash screen so you can't see it or get to it, it can be a real problem, especially if you're waiting for the program to load. And waiting. And waiting....Because the program won't load until you click OK... But thanks anyway. :)
Oh, and just an aside: Why did you decide to change from AutoKDJ to Karma?

I guess I had never noticed that because I don't have an internet connection at most places that I do karaoke and so it never bothered me before but, I see what you mean. That is a programming issue where he's got it set to be in the Foreground instead of allowing it to load in the background.

I switched from AutoKDJ to Karma mostly for single screen access to most everything I use during a show... a better sound engine... and fewer crashes due to winamp instability. But, nothing to do with AutOKdj particularly... it's a good plug in when new versions of winamp don't break it. Also I hate the naming protocal.... too many subdirectories for my taste just so the plug in will display DiscID's
I much prefer Chip's way of doing it.
Most programs have an option turn of the large splash screens.

I have no idea what chips program is.... but, if it's based on a winamp sound engine I'll pass... but, that doesn't mean I think his program is substandard in any regard.... plus I can't pass that judgement since i've never seen it (or atleast I don't think I have). I just can't stand Winamp.
I sent the following question and statement to Latshaw's Tech support:

Would it be possible to allow Karma's splash screen to move to the background while loading the program so that it's possible to use the computer for other functions while program load is in process?

As it is now that screen takes up 40% (just a guess) of the screen and stays in the foreground makeing it impossible to run any other software or even surf the net.
Funny, those seem to be the same reasons that I am switching. I LOVE AutoKDJ, and I am sad to have to leave it behind, but the Winamp issues are just too much. I'm tired of the crashing. And you're right. The naming convention is a huge PITA. I wish Winamp made a better product, because the only thing missing from AutoKDJ that I would have like to have is the adverts scrolling on the screen, or something along those like. Something I can easily do without, and have done until the Winamp issues just because too much. At least one crash, sometimes several a night, I cannot work with, and no amount of diagnosing it would fix it, because it's just Winamp.
I have no idea what chips program is.... but, if it's based on a winamp sound engine I'll pass... but, that doesn't mean I think his program is substandard in any regard.... plus I can't pass that judgement since i've never seen it (or atleast I don't think I have). I just can't stand Winamp.

It not a karaoke player... it's a kiosk program. No sound engine necessary.

(and I really hate winamp....)
I use Roxbox which is Winamp based, but since the new version came out it runs flawlessly on both my Windows Vista and Windows 7 64bit systems. But if you try to run Winamp by itself it crashes, Crazy but hey....it works great so it's fine by me :)
Like I said I don't have a problem with the programs that use Winamp as a sound engine..... the plugins for the most part work great, I've used them.... what I hate is winamp the sound engine is substandard in my opinion and old there are better engines out there....

I wish the likes of Roxbox and AutOKdj would develop into stand alone products as I think they would be much better on their own with improved sound engines.
My software actually does a hybrid of this; a quick splash screen followed by "loading" messages. This way, I get my quick little "ad" and tell the user what's happening so they don't think it's hung since it has a lot to do at

I have no idea what chips program is.... but, if it's based on a winamp sound engine I'll pass... but, that doesn't mean I think his program is substandard in any regard.... plus I can't pass that judgement since i've never seen it (or atleast I don't think I have). I just can't stand Winamp.

I don't know what it is, either, but I like the way he handles the splash screen is all I meant.
And thanks for whipping off that question to Latshaw. Rather than bug him, I'll just wait and see what he tells you. If he won't change it, then I'll send him an email explaining my issue with it and also what happened with the missing library error screen (being stuck in behind). I can see it being a real issue for users who aren't as computer literate as some...
I don't know what it is, either, but I like the way he handles the splash screen is all I meant.
And thanks for whipping off that question to Latshaw. Rather than bug him, I'll just wait and see what he tells you. If he won't change it, then I'll send him an email explaining my issue with it and also what happened with the missing library error screen (being stuck in behind). I can see it being a real issue for users who aren't as computer literate as some...

Well you and I and the rest of the crew here that uses Karma can't be the only ones to question this, but maybe we are the only ones to bring it to his attention that it may be an annoyance to some even if it doesn't bug him.

Honestly it never crossed my mind or bothered me until now either.

Just a question but why are you using the show computer for anything else even while it is loading? You are only talking about less than a minute even on an 8 year old laptop.

Just a question but why are you using the show computer for anything else even while it is loading? You are only talking about less than a minute even on an 8 year old laptop.

I'll shoot that question right back.... Why not use the computer for, oh I don't know, DJ software while it's loading?