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Katie Hopkins on Children's Names


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Katie Hopkins, a former participant from UK show, The Apprentice, has received notorious controversy after making claims that a child's name should be used to determine their social class.


"I think you can tell a great deal from a name. For me there's certain names that I hear and I think, 'Urgh'. For me, a name is a shortcut of finding out what class that child comes from and makes me ask, 'Do I want my children to play with them?"

So, it begs the question - how many of you agree with Katie Hopkin's views? Should we judge a child based only on their name?
Saw this earlier. It's ridiculous to assume that because somebody has a certain name, they must be lower class, lazy, incompetent and stupid. I don't really know what goes through her mind. The best part was her complaining about people who name their children after geographical places when one of her daughters is called India...
Well, that was the dumbest thing I've seen in a while...:lol:
I saw this yesterday, my God how I'd love to just tear her jaw from her face. -.-
I would purposely call my child Cookie and send them to be the best of friends with one of her daughters (You know, the one that's called India despite her hating geographical names).

It's funny because my surname would make it Cookie Baker. Two birds with one stone. :mmm:
I saw this on facebook yesterday, omfg she needs a slap... and the only Tyler I know is really quiet and nice ;o
This does annoy me a lot. So tempted to call my future kids Chantelle and Ty and then bring them up to be just as upstanding and intelligent as any other kid. Although, I'll be honest I personally don't like the names she uses, but that's more down to preference rather than her reasons.

This might sound awful of me but I can understand where she got this from because yes, you do see girls walking down the street, "Hey Chardonnay! Hold my earrings while I bang out dis muthaf***er!" but okay, what about all the people like that who are called relatively "normal" or upper class names and behave that way? Or the Tyler's and Chantelle's who go out and get degrees and PHD's? I think judging someone by a name they did not choose is ridiculous, cruel and she's a completely deluded woman...she seems really snobby and "I'm too good for everyone else!"
Hey I don't like this woman because she's called "Katie". Same principle and she wouldn't agree with me I'm sure.

Also, you guys might be interested to know that Kirk found on the internet that she was photographed taking part in sexual activities with her husband in a field. Okay, so it's her husband...but for how snobby she's acting by looking down on people's names...she sure is digging a hole for herself by judging others so harshly.
Some people are born stupid and come out with these stupid ideas.. so I'm not surprised. -_-
Oh, I watched part of this yesterday before work! I kind of understand by what she means about some names tend to be related to troublesome children, but obviously you can't generalise it to every child. But most of what she says is just ****. :lol:
I think a child's name says more about their parents than the child themselves. I'd be judgmental of the parents though, not the child. It's not like they can choose their own name.
Oh, look! If you look to your left, about 100 meters in the distance, you'll see a very ubiquitous breed of animal: the bigot. Native to the habitable zones of Earth, wild bigots account for the generation of up to 70% of the human race's most stupid ideas. They are typically very quick to anger, so we best get moving...
I'm a huge name nerd and I don't like all of the ridiculous, tryndee crap that people are naming their kids nowadays, but I thought this was stupid. You can't use a kid's name to determine their social status! You're just as likely to find an upperclass Madisynlynnekenzie as you are a chav Chardonnay!
Also, you guys might be interested to know that Kirk found on the internet that she was photographed taking part in sexual activities with her husband in a field. Okay, so it's her husband...but for how snobby she's acting by looking down on people's names...she sure is digging a hole for herself by judging others so harshly.

Now, the funny thing is - she still participated in affairs and such. Like you expect from all classy ladies, like herself.
I also don't believe that Mark Cross was married to her during their 'romp' in a field.
Edit: he was not - he was married to a woman called Ruth at the time the photos were shot.
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