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Kicking the habit........

Nice to have family to help...definately take them up on taking the kids. It will be nice to sleep when the baby sleeps....that is what got me into trouble. I did not sleep. DS stopped taking naps the day I brough DD home....oh how I wished I asked for help but I was subborn and looked at it as "my" job...well you can't do a very good job...if you don't sleep...LOL
red take your families help. You need that early bonding time with baby. :bliss: Oh and have your DD's party at your Mom's for God's sake! :lol:

ETA: Swale great minds think alike! :lol:
You were kinda MIA for awhile there!

Oh, yeah....for a little while. Dealing with my mom....I call her my medical "hot mess". Waiting for the fall to take care of some other issues with her. I need a summer break. I would never leave, leave....you guys keep me "sain"...LOL
red take your families help. You need that early bonding time with baby. :bliss: Oh and have your DD's party at your Mom's for God's sake! :lol:

ETA: Swale great minds think alike! :lol:

Holy crap, you are so right...I swear to this day...I don't have the relationship that I though I would have with my daugher because of how things went down....and it lingers still. That bonding time is soooooooooooo important.

Well it's decided...party at moms house!
Well guys....I have to go. I have inserts all over the freaken place that are screaming to be organized. I'm still kicking myself in the **** for letting the Miller/coors rebate expire....note to self....let it go, Patty...just let it go...LOL You guys are the bestest!
Holy crap, you are so right...I swear to this day...I don't have the relationship that I though I would have with my daugher because of how things when down....and it lingers still. That bonding time is soooooooooooo important.

Well it's decided...party at moms house!

Yup I put #1 in 3 yo preschool (pretty much daycare) 2 days a week so that I could be with #2 the way I got to be with #1. One of the best decissions I ever made! #1 is very social and loved going anyway.
That is such a smart thing to do....I was such a dumb ****...then...no, no..I'm okay. I can do it all.

Today...if I could do it over......uhm.......could I get some motherfucking help here....because I'm loosing it....LOL
That is such a smart thing to do....I was such a dumb ****...then...no, no..I'm okay. I can do it all.

Today...if I could do it over......uhm.......could I get some motherfucking help here....because I'm loosing it....LOL

Woman I used to call my Mom and MIL sobbing asking for help. I was so embarrassed at the time and they were more than happy to help. I was stupid. I remember after having #1 I called my friend who's son was about 5 months older than mine. I was sobbing saying "This is so harrrrrrrd!" She gave me lots of advice.

Point being red, it takes a village! :flowers:
My kids were 18 months a part and DS did not like the new baby at all. Now that I think about it, what really put me over the edge was when DD was crying and she was changed, fed...and all that...so I let her cry. She was my cryer...cried all the time...just fussy...unbenounced to me...DS climbed in her bassenet and was laying on her...crushing her...that is why she was crying...she was only 7 days old. If I did not come to her because I felt guilty for her crying...he probably would have suffocated her....good times....good times.

Yep, take all the help you can get...happy mom...happy everybody.
My kids were 18 months a part and DS did not like the new baby at all. Now that I think about it, what really put me over the edge was when DD was crying and she was changed, fed...and all that...so I let her cry. She was my cryer...cried all the time...just fussy...unbenounced to me...DS climbed in her bassenet and was laying on her...crushing her...that is why she was crying...she was only 7 days old. If I did not come to her because I felt guilty for her crying...he probably would have suffocated her....good times....good times.

Yep, take all the help you can get...happy mom...happy everybody.

HOLY COW!!!!!! Your son would LAY on her!! OMG!

Don't worry, I'm not afraid to accept help when it's necessary. It was amazing to me how much harder it was the second time than the first. I'm a little nervous about #3!
acupressure, nipple stimulation and masturbation have some proven effectiveness. Well alrighty then!

Not sure if it worked or not for sure, but my MW had me (well DH) massage my perinium with Evening Primose Oil and I drank Rasberry leaf tea. Nipple stimulation did make me contract, but no progress (many say that one only works if you're body is ready) My babies were all lightening speed labors though, so take that with a grain of salt...DS was born 2 hours into labor, DD2 maybe 1 hour or so from the start of labor pains, but about 10 minutes into hard labor, DD1 was mostly all hard labor, but less than 40 minutes. (I think the meds I took with DS was what stalled him)

I go through the withdrawl thing with my ADHD DS10. He's great on his meds, but doesn't eat. So on the weekends I wouldn't give him the meds. He eats, but is a monster..............totally angry, emotional, just can't handle anything and hates life in general. So now we give him half a dose on the weekends. It's still not perfect, but the best we have right now. :surrender:

Is he seeing the same doctor you are seeing, have you all tried any different meds? Do you mind sharing what he is taking (you can PM me if you want) There are so many options out there for ADHD. He is approaching adolescence and Dr. might adjust the meds anyway, but I never thought about the connection to his eating and his meds until just now. Hope he is seeing a different doctor (possibly not a family or pediatrician) for the ADHD meds.
Well that went exactly as I expected.

Doc: How is it (meds) working for you?

Me: Fine.

Doc: Any episodes of depression?

Me: Nope.

Doc. Sleeping ok?

Me: Just fine.

Doc: Ok let's fill that script. Have a great weekend.

(out the door he goes)

I've had this doc for almost 14 years and man he looks like **** the last few years. He's maybe in his 50's and looks and sounds like and old man. If I closed my eyes I would think I was talking to a man in his 80's and he moves like a zombie with zero expression. Me thinks he's burned out.

If the 2 of you know each other.......next time you need another refill ask his nurse to call in an RX. It's not a big deal!

I go through the withdrawl thing with my ADHD DS10. He's great on his meds, but doesn't eat. So on the weekends I wouldn't give him the meds. He eats, but is a monster..............totally angry, emotional, just can't handle anything and hates life in general. So now we give him half a dose on the weekends. It's still not perfect, but the best we have right now. :surrender:

I disagree. It's the ADD/ADHD that makes him angry and emotional. Most adults are DX'd with depression before the real cause is discovered. Meds are simply a tool that help deal with day to day living. The more tools your DS has at hand the easier his life will become. Thus the less frustratation.

Oh boy I might have to avoid this thread for the next few weeks if it gets any deeper.

Since I've been so emotional during this pregnancy, DH once mentioned he was worried that I might get postpartum depression and basically just let me know he was looking out for me. That thought had never occurred to me before then.

Well postpartum depression is very real..but, like you Red I was HORRIBLY emotional during my pregnancy w/DD and when she got here I was elated, but also exhausted, but elated and thrilled to have her out of me so I could begin healing..my mood changed dramatically w/in a wk. of having her and I felt SO MUCH BETTER...so who knows you may be fine..it may just be the stress of pregnancy...either way we're here for ya!