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Leave the **** dogs home!


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So DH's good friend (okay I like the guy too) is a dog fanatic. Nothing wrong with that-I have a dog & love dogs. He (and his family) are invited to my kids joint birthday party. There will be a lot of friends, family, and tons of little kids (my kids will be turning 2 & 4) there.

So DH's friend told us a few weeks ago he can't wait to bring his new puppies to the party. We (DH & I) politely asked him to not bring the dogs---he said "we'll see." UM-NO! I have a few relatives who are very scared of dogs (I realize they should get over this fear-but not the time and place to deal with that, besides it's none of my business.) A few years ago my father-in-law brought his "friendly" dog to a family party and the "friendly" dog bit a little girl, breaking the skin. The dog was very nice, but old, and I think it got overwhelmed with so many kids---it wasn't used to tons of kids surrounding him. I don't want this to happen at my house!

So-we sent out the invites and I get a message on FB from DH's friend that says he'll be getting the dogs a few days before the party and is excited to bring them. I (with DH right next to me) politely send him a response back, saying no dogs (in a nice way). He responds back "are you kidding me" with a "we'll see."

Really-Am I asking too much to not bring your dogs to my very crowded kids birthday party? I could tell he was very mad in the FB message and mentioned that "he doesn't want to leave the dogs alone" and my relatives "really need to deal with their fears." Any suggestions on how to deal with him? (Besides telling my DH to deal with his friend.)
Put your foot down. Your house, your rules. If he can't respect that, he is not a friend.
Wow, he is being really rude. Just tell him that it's not an appropriate place for him to bring his dogs, and if he can't leave them alone then he needs to stay home with them (or maybe get someone else to stay with them).
Doesn't he have a job? Will the dogs be alone when he goes to work? How about when he goes out? I don't have a dog, I have kids allergic to dogs.

I think he's being a jerk. Maybe you could tell him that he can have a party for his dogs AFTER your kids' bday party.
Doesn't he have a job? Will the dogs be alone when he goes to work? How about when he goes out? I don't have a dog, I have kids allergic to dogs.

I think he's being a jerk. Maybe you could tell him that he can have a party for his dogs AFTER your kids' bday party.

Thanks for the laugh- maybe I'll tell him to invite me to his dog party. He has been laid off from his union carpenter job for a little while. He is looking for work (as is my husband--anyone need a garage door installed/fixed-give me a ring!) and has kids old enough to stay home by themselves to watch the dog. He is just being rude!
So DH's good friend (okay I like the guy too) is a dog fanatic.
Wrong! If he disrespects your wishes concerning who & what you want at your own house, he is NO FRIEND, and definitely not a good friend.

He is a rude a-hole, and needs to be told point blank:
No dogs invited, if he can't leave them at home then he's free to stay home with them.
If he's as big of a jerk as it seems, be prepared to kick him out if he has the nerve to show up with them at the party. Do NOT give in, you must be firm or he'll forever run you over.
If he's as big of a jerk as it seems, be prepared to kick him out if he has the nerve to show up with them at the party. Do NOT give in, you must be firm or he'll forever run you over.
Thanks for the advice. I will send him and his dogs home. Hopefully the talk my DH will have with him will work.
He wants to bring dogs that he will have had for a few days to a kids birthday party? What is he crazy? He has to think about the dogs not himself. I would tell him to move on.
He wants to bring dogs that he will have had for a few days to a kids birthday party? What is he crazy? He has to think about the dogs not himself. I would tell him to move on.
In his FB message, he told me they would only be about 2 months old and "who doesn't love a cute, lovey, sweet puppy?" Um-like 4 of my aunts are petrified of dogs-they don't love them. I tried telling him that it's not that people won't like his dogs, we will just have a ton of people and I just don't want lots of dogs running around! I'm glad everyone is agreeing with me. I was starting to feel a bit mean-but I'm over it now.
This reminds me of my wedding. My future BIL's wife insisted on bringing their 7 month old baby because nobody had seen her before. I was so mad. I ended up hiring a babysitter for the rehearsal dinner and the reception.

She was a flight attendant and could have traveled anytime with the baby to show her off, but no, she had to do it at my wedding. The baby was fussy and cried a lot and I was glad I had that babysitter!

Some people just don't get it.
Some parents may not want their children around such young puppies with so much stimulation. Noone knows for sure how the puppies will react. It's definately not a great idea. Plus, he's just rude by ignoring your request! :huggy: Good luck, it's never easy is it? :)

At the 4th of July party the homeowners dog was there and kids were running back and forth. All of a sudden the dog tears **** after this one girl that plays with him everyday biting her leg. Broke the skin big time. Super friendly dog, but it was too hot and too much commotion with kids yelling and running around.

I don't know much about pups, but isn't it not a good idea to have them in the heat?
What about poopy patrol?

Nothing good can come of this. :lol: Plus what if they get manhandled by kids by accident?
WTF? Set up a doggie play date for another day. Puppies innocently bite and have razor sharp teeth. With all those people and you having enough on your plate hosting a hectic party....that's just too crazy.

Tell him that he's welcome to bring the pups another day...or you guys can go and visit at his house. Or I can just kick his **** for you.

What is wrong with people?
Their nails are sharp as hell too.

I remember bringing home our old dog Joey the yellow lab. He was in the backseat with me and my brother wanted him to be on his lap. 1 min. later I hear "OOOOWWWW!!!!" and blood. Joey was all excited and cut his lip open with a glancing paw scrape.

:lol: Funny now.
WTF? Set up a doggie play date for another day. Puppies innocently bite and have razor sharp teeth. With all those people and you having enough on your plate hosting a hectic party....that's just too crazy.

Tell him that he's welcome to bring the pups another day...or you guys can go and visit at his house. Or I can just kick his **** for you.

What is wrong with people?

Autumnsky-I would love to watch you kick his ****! How funny! I'm sure you could too!
Sounds like he just wants to show off his new puppies. Really bad event to do that at. Tell him to throw his own **** party. :lol:
Nails too! U r right! This reminds me...my brother brought his pug puppy to a family get together and my dd(5 at the time) was wearing her flower girl dress and the puppy jumped up on her, grabbed hold of the chiffon and tore it apart. Dress ruined. She was devastated. No pups at a party!!!