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Lesbian couple chemically alter adopted 11-year old son into a pseudo-girl

No one can be sure until the time comes.

Although the treatment he is currently receiving means that he can go through puberty at a later date of 15 if he decides to be a boy, so will finish on average by the age of 21 - children can be cruel and it could possibly have a huge effect on his emotional state. I don't see the harm of waiting just a little bit longer - his shoulders are not likely to broaden hugely and his voice will not drop too significantly until he is older and more mature than 11. He isn't even a teenager yet and he is being allowed to make a huge decision and they are carrying it out.

Edit: I believe being in the news will now place more pressure onto the boy to change his gender, in addition to a large amount of people knowing and disapproving of his condition.
It's not that uncommon for youngsters to decide things like this. People seem to assume children are total idiots, but really it's far better (to me) that he made the choice himself, rather than his parents pressuring him into it (as OP insinuated falsely). I remember some time back, a boy with quite severe Down's Syndrome won a court battle to go through gender reassignment surgery, despite having the mind of a child.

Re: bullying, kids will bully other kids based on anything. I got bullied because my siblings are so much older than me. I was bullied because I cried a lot as a child. Hell, I was bullied because I painted my nails black. Kids are assholes, and bullying, sadly, is par for the course of life.
Children are not complete idiots, no - but he is still just a child. In regards to the bullying sense, if he's willing to threaten removing his own genitalia because he does not like it, does that not seem a little like he may end his life because he does not like it? (This works in both senses of not liking his gender, and for the bullying he could possibly receive). The media attention really isn't helping, in that respect - the situation is now a lot more widespread and involves a wider group of people than it would have initially.

I believe that Smooth is arguing against the parents' acceptance of the choice at such a young age, rather than arguing that they are pressuring him to do so. Though I like how the media articles go out of their way to mention their sexuality, slightly hinting at the parents being the reason.

It being "common" for children to decide these things does NOT make it right!
NO child that age has the life experience to make this kind of decision, and anyone who thinks they do should not BE a parent.
I've heard of adults doing the same thing, though. I recall a man taking a bread knife to his penis, and cutting it off at the base, because he hated being a man that much. These feelings, these beliefs, I don't believe they're age-restricted. Nobody understands a mind, a body, better than the person who owns them. I doubt there was any kind of media influence or anything that made this child reach the conclusion of cutting his genitals off. And as he was subsequently diagnosed with a disorder that is tied entirely to things like this, I'm not really sure why it's an issue for other people.

Self-hatred doesn't go away as you age; it only leaves when you do something to get rid of it. If he were to keep going as a male, and ended up killing himself, who would the media blame there? The medical professionals? The parents? No matter what the choice, blame will be thrown around.

The link in the OP is laughable; I honestly chuckled while reading it, because it's so specifically geared towards the promotion of homophobia. The idea that sex changes promote abuse and rape? The idea that homosexuals can't parent? I'm surprised he didn't mention that black people shouldn't sit at the front of the bus, he's that stereotypically moronic.
Which one? The story that claims people who go through sex changes are more susceptible to rape and abuse? The story that claims homosexuals are bad parents? You're going to have to be a bit more specific; the link you posted has a LOT of dumb opinions to it.
Obviously, the FACT that this couple is destroying this child. I'd have posted the story regardless of the sexual orientation of the adoptive parents. This is WRONG.
I don't feel required to post an article that is more PC and warm and fuzzy just for you.
I'm done listening to you rant. I've said what I wanted to say.