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Lets Play *I Am*

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I am melting. Unseasonably hot for September here. This would be appropriate for the weather thread but I am too hot to go there.
I am still really hot and I just heard on the news that Vancouver may possibly be experiencing a minor earthquake, even as we speak, but it's a slow news day and really hot so maybe the radio is blowing something out of proportion. They said the lights were swaying back and forth in a building there, had been for a couple of minutes. It's probably the air conditioning on full blast. I am concerned not in the least.
Well, I am jiggered! It was an earthquake! 4. something. Never felt a thing. Sure could do with a wobbly pop.
I am glad to know that you are alright Homebody.
I am going to do a little reading before turning in for the night. I'm starting book two of a really interesting series, so I will have to exercise some self-control and not stay up till all hours reading it.
I am wondering what book Homebody is reading. :)
I am afraid I stayed up late to finish the book! Catherine Fisher's "Relic Master" series, a fantasy novel that is an odd blend of science fiction and medieval fantasy. Because it's written for teens it's extremely easy to read, and far more interesting than many adult books, and less crude and rude. Now I am reading Julia Stuart's "The Tower, the Zoo and the Tortoise", a sweet, charming and frequently hilarious book about the Tower of London (present day) and what happens when it's decided to combine that tourist attraction with a menagerie of exotic animals presented at one time or another to the Queen. It's interspersed with a very poignant sub-story regarding the death of a couple's son, and how they learn to cope. A wonderful little tale full of people that display odd-ball quirks that can only be found in real life.
I am really interested in the story line of the books you mentioned Homebody. Thank you. :)
I am so happy new programs are on tv . Tired of watching re-runs.
I am being dragged off somewhere by my favorite goober nephews to see a "real bee's nest!"
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