Motorway Speed limit to 80mph..


Senior Talker
PF Member
Hits the brakes claiming it's not a high priority atm and also will be cost effective, but mostly that when voted more women voted against it then men. I personally drive at 80-90 on the motorway anyways (if going home on a night shift I tend to push it abit further) So it wouldn't make a difference whether it would raise or not because most people drive 10mph over the speed limit anyways.
Meh. When was the highwaycode last updated?

Edit: What's stopping us from doing what germany are doing with the autobahns?
I support it raising to 80mph, but they're right when they say it's not a top thing to worry about right now.
Should be 80. Most people go 80 on the motorway as it is, but there is the argument that if it were 80 then people would go 90 as you can get away with that.
Should be 80. Most people go 80 on the motorway as it is, but there is the argument that if it were 80 then people would go 90 as you can get away with that.

But that's just the motorway's problem. If we can go up to 89mph when the law is 80mph and they don't like that then they should just say the speed limit is the literal speed limit, or just +5.
Should be 80. Most people go 80 on the motorway as it is, but there is the argument that if it were 80 then people would go 90 as you can get away with that.

People do it so make it legal? That seems... incredibly stupid. People break the speed limit yes, so should we just remove speed limits and let people drive as fast as they want? People drink and drive regardless of it being illegal, we should just let it happen?
People do it so make it legal? That seems... incredibly stupid. People break the speed limit yes, so should we just remove speed limits and let people drive as fast as they want? People drink and drive regardless of it being illegal, we should just let it happen?

In the UK you can go up to 9 miles over the limit (or something like that, like speed cameras don't go off or something), that's what he means. By letting people go 80 you're really letting them go 89.
If you drive at that speed anyway, why should the limit need to be raised? Just slow a bit at the speed cameras, then go back up again. Unless you're driving like a maniac at high speeds greatly above the limit, it's easy enough - and anyone driving that fast should be taken off the road entirely.