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Need Help Diagnosing Pain...? Reflux?

Several years ago I read Alkalize or Die http://www.amazon.com/Alkalize-Die-...=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332526607&sr=1-7

It's an incredibly interesting and easy read book...........highly recomment it.
Thanks for the rec! I have been reading this one:


It's a handy reference to figure out which foods are acid forming and which are alkaline forming. I have really felt an increase in energy since trying to eat more alkaline forming foods.
I'm also finding that heat helps, which is odd because it's a "burning sensation" and lot's of water.
I vote Gallbladder as well....how are you doing Valerie? At the end (right b4 I decided to get it out) it didn't matter what I ate. Did they diagnose you yet? The only thing that would help me was to lay down and sleep off the pain.:surrender:
That's interesting about that book....fresh veggies make my acid worse! I eat them anyway but they really aggravate it...milk also aggravates it...anything fatty or fried...tomato or tomato sauce big no-no...had frozen pizza for dinner tonight also will aggravate it. Meat doesn't necessarily as long as it is a lean cut and baked, grilled or boiled, cooked in a crock pot...certain sodas aggravate my GERD as well...a friend of mine has even different triggers...just not sure I can pinpoint a catch all for everyone...interesting.
I vote Gallbladder as well....how are you doing Valerie? At the end (right b4 I decided to get it out) it didn't matter what I ate. Did they diagnose you yet? The only thing that would help me was to lay down and sleep off the pain.:surrender:

My episode today lasted 3 hours, I napped hoping it would go away, woke up and the pain was still there. Time passing is really the only thing that makes it go away.

No diagnosis yet. Ultrasound was normal, HIDA scan on Monday.

Thanks for asking. I really appreciate all the tidbits of info from everyone.
That's interesting about that book....fresh veggies make my acid worse! I eat them anyway but they really aggravate it...milk also aggravates it...anything fatty or fried...tomato or tomato sauce big no-no...had frozen pizza for dinner tonight also will aggravate it. Meat doesn't necessarily as long as it is a lean cut and baked, grilled or boiled, cooked in a crock pot...certain sodas aggravate my GERD as well...a friend of mine has even different triggers...just not sure I can pinpoint a catch all for everyone...interesting.
Are the veggies organic? The pesticides could be a trigger. Do you put anything on them? I used to get heartburn with salads & thought it was the lettuce, but now that I make my own dressing, is does the opposite, and I now know it was the dressing.
My episode today lasted 3 hours, I napped hoping it would go away, woke up and the pain was still there. Time passing is really the only thing that makes it go away.

No diagnosis yet. Ultrasound was normal, HIDA scan on Monday.

Thanks for asking. I really appreciate all the tidbits of info from everyone.

Good, they are doing the Hida Scan...that's what showed mine was bad. It was functioning at like 12 or something...I don't remember, but very low. Hope all goes well!
Had my HIDA scan on Monday morning, the tech told me that the ejection factor did fall into the "normal" range but only by 1%, so just barely normal. Had a horrible day Monday after the test, yesterday was normal. Waiting to hear from the doctor with the "official" results and next steps.

Thanks for asking!
Sorry for not posting, thought I did.

HIDA scan was normal, she wants me to keep taking the Prilosec and if I have anymore episodes to see a gastroenterologist. I actually haven't had an episode since last Wednesday night, about the same day that I started taking my Prilosec on a regular basis. I'm really bad about taking daily pills but I have taken it for 7 days straight now and I feel good. But I think I might still go see a gastro doc b/c I'm not really sure about the whole Prilosec everyday thing and I just have some questions. SO I'm not sure.
My DH has been taking Prilosec everyday for the last 3 years. This was prescribed by his Doctor. He really suffers if he forgets to take it.
Thanks for posting Val, I had been wondering. Glad you're feeling better.
yes, you can take prilosec or zegerid every day...no worse than nexium or protonix IMO. I would go see the GI doc...in fact I have a referral for that that I need to get going on. Glad you are doing better!
Well my internist told me to just get Prilosec OTC and in the little booklet it says to take if for 14 days only and not to repeat a 14 day course until 4 months have passed. So I'm a little confused???
Well my internist told me to just get Prilosec OTC and in the little booklet it says to take if for 14 days only and not to repeat a 14 day course until 4 months have passed. So I'm a little confused???

I know. But DH's Doctor tells him to keep taking them. He told him it was ok for long term use.
So maybe I shouldn't have posted anything about feeling good. Had a small episode last night after dinner from eating some chipotle flavored chicken. Took a few bites, was spicy so I didn't eat anyone. But the damage was done. Thankfully that didn't last long. But this morning I had some salsa in my eggs. Bad idea. Been dying for the past hour. So if I were to self diagnosis, I'd say I'm having GERD issues. I'm still taking the Prilosec and will be calling to schedule an appt with a gastro dr. But my questions until then, is it normal to still have episodes while taking the Prilosec? Is there something I can take to ease the symptoms once an episode starts? Right now I'm just waiting for time to pass, takes about 3-4 hours to go away. I will also be more careful with my food choices. Any more tips?
So maybe I shouldn't have posted anything about feeling good. Had a small episode last night after dinner from eating some chipotle flavored chicken. Took a few bites, was spicy so I didn't eat anyone. But the damage was done. Thankfully that didn't last long. But this morning I had some salsa in my eggs. Bad idea. Been dying for the past hour. So if I were to self diagnosis, I'd say I'm having GERD issues. I'm still taking the Prilosec and will be calling to schedule an appt with a gastro dr. But my questions until then, is it normal to still have episodes while taking the Prilosec? Is there something I can take to ease the symptoms once an episode starts? Right now I'm just waiting for time to pass, takes about 3-4 hours to go away. I will also be more careful with my food choices. Any more tips?

Fresh veggies & fruits (even citrus) are best. Meat, dairy, and anything processed is bad for reflux, though you can have some... just not a lot. It was most likely the meat & eggs that caused your episodes, and not so much the salsa. I am fine with spicy foods, just not meat in larger portions. Try eating fresh fruits for snacks, a big salad before your main course at dinner, and make the portions of meat & dairy smaller. I pushed it last night with dinner, and had reflux for the first time in weeks. I just mixed 1/2 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water. It instantly took my heartburn away. I don't recommend doing it on a regular basis, but it is good for when you need it. Also the longer you chew each bite, the better, and less to drink while eating meals. I have been reading a lot of books, have changed my diet, and have been reflux free for 3 weeks (other than last night, but it was my own fault). I am on no meds. Also chlorine is really bad for reflux (and it's just plain bad for you... it's a carcinogenic), so I recommend getting a chlorine filtering shower head (75% of the chlorine you absorb is from the shower) & drinking non chlorinated water (filter your tap water, boil it, spring water, distilled water). I have ordered a sink filter & shower filter, but aren't here yet.