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Need Help Diagnosing Pain...? Reflux?

to answer your question: YES, it is possible to still have problems when taking prilosec, zegerid, nexium, protonix, etc. etc. YOU STILL HAVE TO WATCH WHAT YOU EAT! For this reason I avoid ALL foods w/tomato base. I LOVE sloppy joes and pizza and still eat them occasionally but every time I do I pay for it big time...also regular OJ, anything greasy or spicy...I eat a VERY bland diet! I LOVE salsa...mild that is, but can't eat it. There are so many things I can't eat that people in my family all make fun of me. Plus I have to eat dinner by 6 p.m. or I am bound to have gerd anyway. It is depressing! But I have learned to live w/it or else suffer every day!
to answer your question: YES, it is possible to still have problems when taking prilosec, zegerid, nexium, protonix, etc. etc. YOU STILL HAVE TO WATCH WHAT YOU EAT! For this reason I avoid ALL foods w/tomato base. I LOVE sloppy joes and pizza and still eat them occasionally but every time I do I pay for it big time...also regular OJ, anything greasy or spicy...I eat a VERY bland diet! I LOVE salsa...mild that is, but can't eat it. There are so many things I can't eat that people in my family all make fun of me. Plus I have to eat dinner by 6 p.m. or I am bound to have gerd anyway. It is depressing! But I have learned to live w/it or else suffer every day!

I've learned that I can eat what I want still, just in smaller portions, surrounded by veggies. We used to eat 2 frozen pizzas (dh would eat one, and ds & I would eat the other) & each have a small salad. Now we have one pizza, a bigger salad, and another veggie, like roasted broccoli. As long as I eat plenty of veggies along with it, I won't have any problems.
It is going to take a little while for the Prilosec to take effect. A month ago DH decided he was going to stop taking the Prilosec. After a week he conceded and started taking it again.

DH is a not a meat eater. Very little. Mostly fish and seafood. Also a vegetarian diet. Tomato based foods and red wine really kills him. He really pays after a couple of glasses of Pinot. Even with the Prilosec. Oh and also ice cream.

If he gets desperate for relief he will have a cup of tea or a Gavison.
Yeah, I'm doing okay. Been very diligent about taking my Prilosec first thing in the morning and being sure to wait a minimum of 30 minutes before eating. And being very particular in what I'm eating. Been feeling good.

I'm still cleaning on my usual daily basis. DS14 is looking to earn some money so he put in 3 hours of cleaning on Saturday for me...all 5 bathrooms, his bedroom, dining room & homework room so this week has been a little lighter for me :)

Also trying to exercise more so I'm using some of my "cleaning" time to work out.

Thanks for checking on me though, I'll have to get back into the swing of posting in the cleaning thread again.
So I had a really bad Sunday-Tuesday, pain pretty much all day all three of those days. So I decided to change things up. Started eating Gluten-Free on Wednesday and I haven't had a single stomach pain, nothing. I do have my first appointment scheduled with the gastroenterologist on Wednesday next week but for now I'm going to continue to eat GF and hope that I continue to feel good.
So I had a really bad Sunday-Tuesday, pain pretty much all day all three of those days. So I decided to change things up. Started eating Gluten-Free on Wednesday and I haven't had a single stomach pain, nothing. I do have my first appointment scheduled with the gastroenterologist on Wednesday next week but for now I'm going to continue to eat GF and hope that I continue to feel good.

I'm glad that is working for you. I know a lady that was diagnosed a year ago with..............what's that called? When you can't eat gluten? Anyway if she tries to eat something she shouldn't, she pays dearly for it. It can't be easy taking care of all your kiddos with tummy pain. :huggy:
celiac disease?