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New Sleeping Pill on the Market



I think I have discovered a new sleeping pill that one does not need to swallow, inject or insert. I know that it woks! I am about to get rich!

I am an extremely light sleeper and I have tried almost everything from warm milk, relaxation tapes and medication to get to sleep. Today however I fell asleep twice in one afternoon. TWICE! Count 'em - one, two.

What is this miraculous sleep aid that I stumbled upon? What is this panacea for all those insomniacs that I uncovered? Believe it or not it is ....


I could not stay awake while watching this over-rated movie. I definitely give it two :sleepy2: :sleepy1: !!!

BabyBuddha I will return it on Sunday!!
Ah come on Irish.......the hot gay sex ;) didn't keep you riveted to the screen.....just kidding. :p I loved this movie and I think Venus will be extremely upset and have something to say to you. :thumbsup:
I thought the blond guy was extremely insensitive to his poor wife. He thought only of himself and his own needs.

Now if he had left his wife then perhaps the story would have been more upbeat but when he announced he was going away for the week-end and walked out without discussing it with her he lost my vote.

My ex wife would do the same thing so I identified with the one left behind. He left his wife for a week-end affair and my wife left me for the same reason. Both of them were cheaters, runners, ****es, whatever! Not a pretty picture. I could understand how the wife felt and sympathized with her.
BabyBuddha said:
Ah come on Irish.......the hot gay sex ;) didn't keep you riveted to the screen.....just kidding. :p I loved this movie and I think Venus will be extremely upset and have something to say to you. :thumbsup:

Your right BB, I am very upset, but hey he is intitled to his opinion. :)p trying to be nice about it here ;)) This movie is not for everyone. I absolutely loved it, it's the best movie I have seen for a very long time, very tastefully, well done.
I have watched it about 4 times now... I LOVE IT! :thumbsup:
If it would make you feel better, Venus, I even hated Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" . In fact I watched it then promptly returned it to get my money back. What a waste. I couldn't keep it for my DVD collection because it was "stupid". It would only be taking up space on my shelf.
Well I am actually looking forward to watching BBM (Brokeback Mountain) again...very soon. Maybe even tonight....not sure.

I know this movie wasn't an Action-packed Thriller or a Shoot'em out Western. It was a love story.....that started out back in a time when people didn't know how to deal with homosexuality (many still don't). I thought it was very tastefully presented and personally I found it extremely touching.

I think it deserves :thumbsup::thumbsup:and a :wav:!!
Well I am getting my apartment painted sometime soon....so you are more than welcome to come over and watch! :p
BabyBuddha said:
Well I am actually looking forward to watching BBM (Brokeback Mountain) again...very soon. Maybe even tonight....not sure.

I know this movie wasn't an Action-packed Thriller or a Shoot'em out Western. It was a love story.....that started out back in a time when people didn't know how to deal with homosexuality (many still don't). I thought it was very tastefully presented and personally I found it extremely touching.

I think it deserves :thumbsup::thumbsup:and a :wav:!!

Yup your right so here's my :thumbsup::thumbsup: and my :wav:
LOL that is the truth, I rather see the spoof of this movie "Scary Movie 4". If I wanted to put myself to sleep I rather get hit in the head with a blunt object than watch that movie.
Sorry I prefer my movies to have a little substance.....or a GOOD comedy!!
That' fine you and the critics think that and the movie is making loads of money. I think the first weekend it was out it made $41 million dollars.
Chrisl0 said:
That' fine you and the critics think that and the movie is making loads of money. I think the first weekend it was out it made $41 million dollars.

Don't know where you got your numbers for that....but here is the numbers for BBM:

Ang Lee's multi-Golden Globe nominated feature "Brokeback Mountain," starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal ponied up a heap of cash over the weekend, spectacularly bursting the six-figure average threshold. The critically lauded film grossed $547,425 from just five screens in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, averaging a whopping $109,485, the biggest screen average included in the history of this column. The previous record was held by Fox Searchlight's "Melinda and Melinda" (by Woody Allen) in March of this year, when the film opened exclusively at one location in Manhattan's Upper West Side, taking in $74,238. This also compares to the four-screen opening average of $73,044 in October, 2004 for "I (Heart) Huckabees," also from Fox Searchlight. "Brokeback Mountain"'s average is also significantly higher than THINKFilm's opening of "The Aristocrats" in July on four screens, which averaged $60,949. According to Box Office Mojo, "Brokeback"'s average is the ninth highest of all film openings since 1982 ("The Lion King" remains the B.O. average sovereign with $793,376 in its opening weekend in 1992, according to Mojo). [Read More]
Yea I am talking about Scary Movie 4, please joing me on page 2.
Go to the bottom of page 1 read that post and read the first post on page 2 to see how we got to this point.
OK I have no idea what is going on here. Personally I don't like movies like Scary Movie. Not big into westerns either, Brokeback Mountain or otherwise. But I would probably watch it before I wasted my $$ on Scary Movie 1, 2, 3 or 4, if I had to choose one! I like Marvel movies (The Punisher, Daredevil, Spiderman etc.) You get my drift.
yeah I am into those types of movies too :thumbsup:... can't wait for Xmen 3, can't wait!!!
Don't get me wrong. I believe everyone should see the movie, it is just that I don't like it. Not because of the gay aspect, I just didn't see that it required such hype.