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Hurray! My **** always needs something tasty to e
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Behind My Camera :)
Well, Pat and I went to see the PD Thursday. Pat was nervous but had an open mind. The PD came and took Pat back first and said that he would come and get me in a few min. 10 min passes. Then 20. Then 30. Im getting antsier by the second. Pat comes out finally and said leave your stuff with Darla(receptionist) and lets go. It was in the eeriest tone I have ever heard. It made me stop in my tracks and I said what?! He said leave your notes with Darla and lets go. I said Pat you are scaring me. My feet wouldnt move. I could feel the color leaving my face. He took the piece of paper out of my hands and gave it to the receptionist, took my hand and led me out the door.

In the car, he said You deserve for me to be 100% honest with you. PD isnt going is suggesting I take a plea, which means I would have to plead guilty, but I would have to go to prison for 6-9 months. The reason for it being so short is because he would see if my 2 charges could be run concurrent and I would serve them both at the same time, and I would be out with good behavior in 6-9 months. I said what? What about the depositions next Friday??(the 23rd) He said PD said that the judge and jury would look down upon him for putting a 10 year old little girl thru a deposition. I said WTH the depositions were HIS IDEA. Hes like well, now hes saying different. Also, he said taht he is a **** good trial lawyer, but theres no way he can win this one, since Pat basically hung himself when he was interrogated. Then he told Pat that the county attorney has had Pat "on his radar" for years and that Pat needs mental help. So, basically, hes not going to fight for him. At all. Pat later told me that the only reason he didnt drive the car off the road and into a telephone pole is because I was with him :(

So we got our parents under one roof and explained the situation. All 3 parents agreed that just taking the plea, serving his time, then getting the **** out of dodge is the best thing for us. We talked about possibly getting another PD but my dad pointed out that the lawyers are more than likely "together" on how this is ending, and they probably had Pat's noose ready before Pat was even arrested. So...unless by some miracle Pat gets a suspended sentence(which is possible, especially since Pat is 36 years old and has never had more than a speeding ticket) it looks like he will be going to prison. This situation is SO ****ED UP.

The next morning, Pat called and asked if there was a videotape of his interrogation...knowing full well it was recorded. The PD LAUGHED at him and said I cant just call up a police station and ask for that kind of stuff! We arent all "buddy buddy" like that! UM, BULLSHIT. Its just because we arent paying your ****. Everyone with a brain knows that a lawyer has access to everything that has to do with the case. Does he really think we are stupid? So, since I have nothing to do with this case, *I* am going to the police station later today and asking the Chief of Police about it myself. The worst thing they will tell me is that its none of my business. At least I tried. I also plan on emailing the County Attorney and asking him what Pat being "on his radar" means.

I have been scouring the internet for full time jobs..since it looks like Im gonna be a single mom for a while. I have no idea how i am going to pay for everything. At least our rent is next to nothing. When Pat is out, and is given the clearance to go, we are so gone. My parents are moving to Colorado sometime soon, but we arent going with them. Pat's mom being on dialysis is what is keeping him from going(i have told him about it all) and I agree with him. He is an only child and shes a single mom...they are all they have. I did a photo shoot on saturday and went to an awesome city called Marion, IA and we fell in love with it. Marion runs right into Cedar Rapids. Its a little over an hour away from the town we are in now, and a lot bigger. It feels like a small town but has everything we need. We just need to be out of this craphole, where everyone thinks they know whats going on. In a bigger city we will be able to blend in.

If you have made it this far reading this, thanks. Please pray for us...we are gonna need it. Pat is fully broken now. Before, he was just bent. Prison.....I just cant believe it :(
Praying for you and your family. Hang tough kid, keep your chin up. :huggy:
Praying for you. I am so sorry you are going thru this.
:huggy: Praying for you
Praying for you.............:huggy:

Also please consider carefully before speaking with the police dept or the DA. Only because thier words may make you hurt more and the likliness of you convincing them otherwise is probably slim. Not saying Pat is a bad guy or guilty or anything like that-just saying that if they have certain perceptions of him (or anyone) it could cause you more heartache trying to get them to see the truth and the good that you see in your husband.
Praying for you

When I went through this with my dd--the person that was accused--changed lawyers--and tried every trick in the book to get off--but the states attorney stood firm--so getting a new lawyer--won't help if they really think there is no chance--
With our case--we were not prosecuting the state was--and when the accused hired another lawyer=--it tied things up in court for another year---since it was back to square one-the state was ready to go to trial--when the state presented a deal to the accused--and he took it--there was NO JAIL TIME--only community service--
so can you ask if that is a possibility-however--he did have to register for life--
Now the difference with our case--was the guy confessed to us---he came forward to us--we sent him to counseling--the counselor called it in--so he really had no hope--because he had the counselor going against him---

Hope all goes well with you--prayers during this difficult time
I'm so sorry. I'll keep praying for all of you. Does taking the plea mean he would have to register as a sex offender after he got out?
I feel so bad for you and your DS.

I'm not sure if I should ask here or not, it might be taken the wrong way and I don't want a flamewar started. So if you want me to pm it to you, lmk. I will try my best not to upset the apple cart the way I ask it.

My other questions - When is he going to plead guilty and when does he have to surrender?
I feel so bad for you and your DS.

I'm not sure if I should ask here or not, it might be taken the wrong way and I don't want a flamewar started. So if you want me to pm it to you, lmk. I will try my best not to upset the apple cart the way I ask it.

My other questions - When is he going to plead guilty and when does he have to surrender?

You can PM me, Tazzy. You know alot of things regarding cases and see things differently.

Both the PD and the PO both said that Pat has to got before a judge and plead and then he will be taken into custody that day, and that will be in about 4-6 weeks.
I'm so sorry. I'll keep praying for all of you. Does taking the plea mean he would have to register as a sex offender after he got out?

Yes. If he pleads guilty(which is what the plea offer is) he would either have to register for 10 years or for life. Wont know which it is until he is in front of the judge.
I know I'm joining the convo late, is there a thread that has the backstory so it doesn't have to be retold, or can someone give a cliff notes?
:huggy: :huggy: :huggy: