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Paris Hilton Appreciation Thread!


Part Of The Furniture
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I'm sick of all the Paris Hilton bashing!!

She's such a nice woman. She's an enterpreneur (who made $5 million in 3 years). She's an artist (she made her own TV series, a music record, and other stuff; she even possesses craftsmanship, she liked to cover things with crystals).

p.s.: She also was involved with various charities.

Why does she get bashed so hard by some of the media and people alike? Where are values like basic human ethics? Doesn't she have a right to be treated fairly like any other person?

Plus, she's a woman, a successful woman. Why do especially fellow women bash her? Isn't she a role model?

p.p.s: You know, when she was on that MTV awards show, the day she went to jail, some woman on the stage said how Paris would try to fellatiate all the iron bars in jail, and while everyone laughed, the camera pointed at the audience was shown, where Paris was, and at first, you saw a "!!!" look on her face, but then she smirked. You know, everyone gets a laugh out of people these days when making a joke about Paris Hilton. But the bad thing is, people walk away and then say "Bah! Paris is such a ****!" (same as in the media), without really knowing anything about her. Paris is not a predator, she had, like most women, a couple of boyfriends, and that's it. I don't look at the woman next to me and say she's suffering from rotten vagina syndrome, as has been said about Hilton. That's just nonsense, meant as a joke perhaps, but not perceived like that by the audience. People just don't seem to distance themselves from the media anymore.

p.p.p.s: Her mother was interviewed by People magazine shortly after visiting her in Twin Towers:

“There are no appeals – as Paris said. But the point is that I hope this will shine a light on everybody (in those jails). That’s the positive,” said Kathy. The jails, she said, “need financial help, and it’s very sad to see what’s going on in there.”

Kathy adds: “I always believe that where there’s a negative there’s a positive. And I feel that maybe this whole ordeal can shed light on other people, and that really maybe everybody should be treated exactly the same. I don’t care who you are. As Paris said, she’s just going to do her time and try to make the best of it, and hopefully” – she paused, choking back emotion – “I always believe there’s a reason for everything.”

(excerpt from this article)

I wonder what went thru her head during that last part. Seeing her daughter like that? Was it really necessary to put Paris into that situation?

p.p.p.p.s: I'm spent on Paris Hilton. I came to really like her. Until now, I never did serious research into her life and work. I think with The Real Life she even managed to live out a childhood fantasy with one of her childhood friends, and with her album, she lived out another childhood fantasy. She had the opportunity, and she used it. So, what's bad about that?
Did you say BASH?? Just kidding! I don't want to bash her, I'd just like to be able to ignore her! As I've posted before, Monster, you seem like the biggest hearted person in the world, and I truly admire your sticking up for Paris. Let's just see how she is when she is released.
do you really believe that. She's a brain dead waste of skn. SHe should be in general population and serve the whole sentence. Stop babying the spoiled little ****.
chuckx said:
do you really believe that.


chuckx said:
SHe should be in general population and serve the whole sentence.

Like, serve 45 days when others get away with a small fine or a day in jail?

My, that's justice! I wanna live in the USA now! :nod:

chuckx said:
She's a brain dead waste of skn.

Waste of skin she is definitely not! She's like one big ice cream! :drool:

chuckx said:
Stop babying the spoiled little ****.

Yum ... spoiled **** in the morning, for breakfast! :drool:

You just don't know what's good!
She's a successful woman, fine.

She's beautiful, fine.

But flaunting yourself and saying she's a role model for young girls is well plain stupid.

Being in a porn movie..

she maybe successful but god **** she's got some bad things against her!

ahaha bashing! this is what we do dear monster!
Nightwolf04 said:
But flaunting yourself and saying she's a role model for young girls is well plain stupid.

So I guess, role models have to be flawless?

She's a very successful woman, and for a middle aged chap like me, that's like a very big ice cream.

Besides, I can't let everyone bash that poor woman just like that. At least one person has to stick up for her. :tongue:

Nightwolf04 said:
Being in a porn movie..

Well, a former boyfriend of her filmed them while they were having sex. And then he was selling it on the internet. Nice guy, huh.

So that makes her a porn star now, I guess.

Nightwolf04 said:
she maybe successful but god **** she's got some bad things against her!

Oh, that's only because she's an adult now. She's not 18 anymore!

Nightwolf04 said:
ahaha bashing! this is what we do dear monster!

You're from Bash Anything, after all, aren't you! :lol:
she was the one selling the sex tape and she's the one who profited from it... it's the main reason anyone knows who she is to begin with
Really? Who said that? AFAIK, her boyfriend sold the tape, and then she filed a lawsuit against him. In the end, she had to comply and receives royalties now for compensation. But that doesn't mean she's happy with it.

(p.s.: she was well known years before that tape. I remember articles about the club scene from the nineties. I think her fame had nothing to do with that tape. And I've never seen it.)
To be honest, she's still partly at fault, she's famous the tape was GOING to get out eventually, they pretty much always do.

Why let your boyfriend do that...I mean really?

As for the role model, well let's get drunk all the time, go parties and spend an obscene amount of cash on clothes, wear stupidly short skirts.

Then tell me I'm a perfectly fine young woman.
Well, it's perfectly fine to do that.

Because, well, it's your life.

You can always balance responsible behavior with fun. I mean, we all do that, don't we?

If I want something, and I can afford it, I go buy it. That's no big deal, that's why I'm working, in the first place, to be able to afford stuff. And if I have to work to support my life, and the circumstances permit it, then I can burn some money on fun stuff.

Kids shouldn't have the impression, that life as an adult is all about being responsible and serious. That's such bull****.

Life isn't all about work, it's also about fun. :nod:

Like, serve 45 days when others get away with a small fine or a day in jail?

My, that's justice! I wanna live in the USA now! :nod:

Waste of skin she is definitely not! She's like one big ice cream! :drool:

Yum ... spoiled **** in the morning, for breakfast! :drool:

You just don't know what's good!

yes I do, she aint it.
Well, to get back to the serious side of the topic: After watching more TSL 3 episodes, I think what she really tried to accomplish was to show young people the nitty gritty of various professions that exist. This can indeed help young people to find the profession that interests them. It's much better to know what you're going to do after finishing school before you finish school.
Monster I was referring to the fact that she's classed as a role model, and dear god she knows this because shes even said ''I hope I am a role model for all the girls out there''

christ, if I was a role model as a celebrity would you really let me get away with all that crap?

As to the jail sententce anyone else had done that, as in we the commoners (hah that makes me laugh) would get a heavier sententce, at least here in england.
In Germany, she would've lost her driving license and would've had to redo her exams.

(we normally don't preemptively jail people; if no-one was injured while she drove on a suspended license, she won't go to jail. and generally, we perceive jail as a harsh sentence, that it is not applied until really necessary to protect other people, in most cases. that's why we don't have overcrowded jails)
Because she's had a sententce before her, she most likely would have had a heavier sententce here.

to be honest, she has people who drive her, so there really was no excuse for driving herself.
she should serve every minute of her sentence with general population.
Hmm maybe, but then how annoying what the employees would have to do to make sure that it doesn't start or lead to anything
chuckx said:
she should serve every minute of her sentence with general population.

But why, she's no criminal! You talk like she's murdered someone!

Car or traffic violations are very common, it can happen to anyone, really.

If punishments become any more draconic in Cali, you'll go to jail for a parking violation.

Thank god the jails are so overcrowded that prisoners don't have to serve their full time.

If all goes well, she'll be out on Monday.