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People who piss me off: another senseless rant


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I'm bored, so I'm making another list of people who piss me off.

1) Ann Coulter. If ever there was a woman who needs a good lay... Ann Coulter is the epitomy of the uptight conservatives who love spewing slanderous filth about liberals without basing any of their opinions in reality. Earth to Ann: your perspective would be much clearer without your head stuck up your ****.

2) Hugh Grant. I just plain don't like him. ****ing chick flick monkey.

3) Lou Dobbs. Quit being so ****ing smug about the "Lou Dobbs Democrats." Lou, you're about as Democratic as Cheney with a shotgun. No one wants to hear your arrogant rants about "The War Within" because, frankly, they're childish and ridiculous. A problem with immigration is not a war within our country. A problem with drinking and drug use in colleges is not a war within our country. Quit calling everything a war when it isn't!!!

4) Adam Sandler. Give up already. You haven't been in a funny movie since Happy Gilmore. You're done. Played out. Just do the sensible thing and fade away.

Feel free to join in everyone!
well,i will go along with the first 3,but adam .come,on that guy is a pisser maybe he just irks you.kinda like how i feel about jim carrey
Hugh Grant is the ugliest celeb I have ever seen in a film...so yes I'd agree with you on that one.

Anyone involved in chick flicks annoys me...why becasue I ****ing hate chick flicks...boo hoo, I'd rather see somebody die personally!

Tony Bliar should stop sticking his **** up america and actually take a good look at our country...idiot.
I AGREE!!! Tony Blair is like Bush's personal **** and I don't know why! The Brits would be much better off if they just told us Yankees to go **** ourselves. Although then we'd be ****ed and would have to actually come up with a foreign policy that's worth a ****. I could take this opportunity to rip on Bush, but then I'd be going on a 3 page tangent that no one wants to read.
Trust me I'd read it lol, you have no idea how much i hate bush and bliar...they may have a tough job but if they cant do it right dont do it at all.. ><
well,,sorry my view is not the same,i know i will get bashed on this.but i like both of them
rednecknyc1 said:
well,,sorry my view is not the same,i know i will get bashed on this.but i like both of them

Red, I also like both of em. George Bush is doing the job that liberals and unfortunately most of the world, doesn't have the stomach for. Tony Blair, a truly principled liberal, is standing up and doing the right thing, even if it's unpopular.
The right things should really depend on your point of view.

Many will say that sending more troops into Iraq is a death wish considering they won't back down no matter our numbers, yet others find that is the only way, overpowering.

Personally I try to keep away from politics, I don't have the need for it, yes you'll probably say, I will eventually or that I even do now.

I'm happy with the world as it is, but that doesn't mean I have to like the leaders.
For the most part, people don't piss me off...but they do annoy me.

Most radio personalities annoy me, people who keep trying to convice a person about the rightness of their views long after you acknowledge their point (or right to have one), oh...and sanctimonious people who insist that their critics just aren't capable of understanding their spouted gibberish instead of stopping to consider the other viewpoint.
The List Continues

Donald Trump:
What a ****ing putz. Seriously, ditch the **** hairpiece and stay the **** off TV. You're obnoxious and annoying and the only people who want to see your ugly **** are your gold-digging hussies.

Rush Limbaugh:
Drug addicted, self-righteous, ignoramous. Tell you what. I'll consider your ill-contrived, unfounded opinions worth a **** as soon as you take your head out of your **** and form a coherent argument.

Karl Rove:
If there's anyone to hate in the Bush administration, Rove is him. This guy is the biggest sleaze this side of the Atlantic. People like him should be banned from politics. Or this continent. Take your pick.
What about **** Morris? A one-time friend and ally of the Clintons, caught with a prostitute and allegedly telling her all kinds of insider and privileged information. Now he's a "political analyst" and Clinton hater. Fat little ball of snot. Evertime I see that pud on TV I change the channel. Don't get me wrong - I'm no fan of the Clintons, but this guy is even WORSE.
I completely forgot about him! **** Morris is... well, a ****! And he should have been fired a looooooooong time before the whole prostitute scandal.

I thought of one more to add to my list: Anyone who appears on, watches, or discusses American Idol like it's somehow news-worthy. GET OVER IT! American Idol hasn't a shred of originality, it's not a good show, it will never be a good show. Most of the contestants haven't any talent. The judges wouldn't know good music if it took a **** on their smug faces. And trailor trash decides the winner, cause god knows no one else calls in to vote. And another thing: Ryan Seacrest is a ****ing twit and because of him I will no longer watch the ball drop on New Years.
Yes, redneck. We ALL know the Red Sox are the absolute best. So what is it that pisses you off? Is it that the Red Sox are the BEST?????
lol... 1 ring in 87 years,,does not make a team ,,i am a mets fan,so i dont want a war with you,i will leave that for the yankee fans,which by the way mrsd,i hate the yankees more then any sox fan,
Well then - that's OK. The Mets are OK too, actually. As long as they're NOT the Yankees!!:eusa_ange