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PEOPLE who play WAY to many video games


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People who sit down in front of WOW or Lineage 2 for 6-7-8 hours at a stretch... "comeone man, lets go clubbing... "

" i would but im almost lvl 45... just half an hour more..."

well SCREW YOU! its a GAME! and they wonder why they dont have gf/bf's!
i play a LOT of computer games. Im nt pst going to a lan centre with friends for 4 hours and playing cs/warcraft 3/ jedi knight. But anything more thn that shows a severe problem.
Me personally I bash people who go clubbing way to much. Ive been to a club or two, I found it inrceadably boring. The only entertainment I got was in makeing people who were high on exstacy fall over. Also the whole doesnt have dates because they play video games argument. Thats pretty **** nieve. Almost everyone plays video games now, hell I have met more then one of my ex's because of video games. I guess my point is. Its JUST A CLUB! No wonder they dont have any intelligence or common sence.
i hear where you are coming from dublhelix. i have to say that i am guilty of sitting down to play games for a stretch of many, many hours. but it's usually because i got nothing better to be doing at that time, it's also usually very relaxing and nice to not think about the world for a while, in other words it's a good escape :). however, if someone calls me up and says "let's go out and do something" (clubbing would be a bad example for me...but anything in the real world will do nicely lol) i will 99/100 times quit right away and get out, and the other time i might be like 15-20 trying to finish something up, but then i'll go. i try to draw the line at games interfering with my real world life...but they do help to kill alot of time in it lol.
Sicander said:
Me personally I bash people who go clubbing way to much. Ive been to a club or two, I found it inrceadably boring. The only entertainment I got was in makeing people who were high on exstacy fall over. Also the whole doesnt have dates because they play video games argument. Thats pretty **** nieve. Almost everyone plays video games now, hell I have met more then one of my ex's because of video games. I guess my point is. Its JUST A CLUB! No wonder they dont have any intelligence or common sence.

did i mention extasy? there no x in clubs. well. theres a bit, but not much.
did i mention gf's or dates? although you ARE more likely to GET te aforementioned girl if your within 50 metres of her, instead of at home playing halo. you met your ex plaing video games?

i suppose there is girls out there who sit on their asses all d and play comp games. but how do you mee them and, this is the big thing, imagine what thy look like.

oh and if youve been to clubs and find em boring, you either 1) are REALLY unattractive :)

or 2) not imaginative enough
Dublhelix said:
oh and if youve been to clubs and find em boring, you either 1) are REALLY unattractive :)

or 2) not imaginative enough
"To each his own" Dublhelix. What you find entertaining may not entertain others.
clubs...God slightly boring but to each their own.

I've been known to sit down at a console/comptuer and play a game for hours...know why because I get sick of people who do go clubbing every night...to the same clubs..every friday night *yawns* I can think of better things thanks.

If I want to fidn a bf I'll go walking around town or something. Not using a cheesy chat up line in a bar...meh...
Though I can't speak for myself (Got too many other activities going to play video/computer games for more than an hour or so at a time) my darling husband plays about 4 - 6 hours of video-games at home daily, and then he's a manager of a store that sells the same, so there's another 9 - 10 hours a day. He never had problems finding girlfriends (in the past) or having an active social life (then & now).

So...though I find your topic concept interesting, the logic seems a little flawed.

(To prove that my mate isn't the only one, I've also got a pair of pretty good-looking gamers who show up at my place on weekends and spend the first half-hour we're all together discussing WoW exploits. (I'm not asking for how much time they spend on there, but it seems like quite a bit). Their only problem when it comes to g/f's is that they're too **** selective.)
I actually haven't played video games in a while. It used to be my life. I think I'm getting the shakes... Mainly it's because of my GF. She has no problem with them, but she can't play them very well and I feel bad excluding her.
Dublhelix said:
did i mention extasy? there no x in clubs. well. theres a bit, but not much.
yeah, there are lots of drugs in clubs. A LOT more than in computer games.
did i mention gf's or dates? although you ARE more likely to GET te aforementioned girl if your within 50 metres of her, instead of at home playing halo. you met your ex plaing video games?
Consensual sex is boring anyways

i suppose there is girls out there who sit on their asses all d and play comp games. but how do you mee them and, this is the big thing, imagine what thy look like.
nice stereotyping here. No ugly girls or fat girls in clubs? didn't think so!

oh and if youve been to clubs and find em boring, you either 1) are REALLY unattractive :)

or 2) not imaginative enough
Hey jock, bag my groceries!
Dublhelix said:
did i mention extasy? there no x in clubs. well. theres a bit, but not much.
did i mention gf's or dates? although you ARE more likely to GET te aforementioned girl if your within 50 metres of her, instead of at home playing halo. you met your ex plaing video games?

i suppose there is girls out there who sit on their asses all d and play comp games. but how do you mee them and, this is the big thing, imagine what thy look like.

oh and if youve been to clubs and find em boring, you either 1) are REALLY unattractive :)

or 2) not imaginative enough

One of them I met at a video game store a freaquent and the other I met at a con. And I hate halo and this is seattle ALL the clubs are full of x. Sorry, I would rather watch a movie or read a good book or go to a lan then go to a club. Clubs are just music an dancing. I dont like to dance and I HATE FREAKING TRANCE MUSIC! I don't understand what you have against people who play video games. Thats thier choice as it is you choice to go to clubs and dance the night away. As for your last two remarks, I never considered myself freaking fabio but I have had my sare of girlfriends. As for not being imanginitive enough, I am an accomplished artist and a writer, imagination is somthing I have in abundence. Thats for the parting insults by the way, real classy.
Pyxidragon said:

(To prove that my mate isn't the only one, I've also got a pair of pretty good-looking gamers who show up at my place on weekends and spend the first half-hour we're all together discussing WoW exploits. (I'm not asking for how much time they spend on there, but it seems like quite a bit). Their only problem when it comes to g/f's is that they're too **** selective.)

See I am atractive!!! Wait a couple.... well I'm assuming you mean Korwin and me because.... the other two..... yah....

No selective isnt the right term, 'works 40 hours a week' thats the right term. All the girls I meet work for Fry's and we have a strict no fraternization policy... though there is this nice girl at checkout... theyll never know!
Unattractive...wow talk about stereotyping geez...lol.

I know I'm not the best looking girl but I wouldn't call myself ugly...beside what is ugly you can't really define it because what you call beautiful someone could call disgusting...

But anyways all of my girlies play video games, and have school (my last year in high school so lots of work!) and we still go out ontop...

I'm sorry but your logic is abit...wrong?
Hey Ive seen your picture in the gallery Nightwolf! Dont be so hard on yourself, I still cant beleive your 15!

And that you have 3661 posts.... I have got to catch up!
LoL thanks sicander...I heard from a ickle bird what you said about me to *raises eyebrow* was slightly...erm...shocked lol.

But anyways. 3000+ posts...just shows I can have a social life and see all you guys still :D
Nightwolf04 said:
LoL thanks sicander...I heard from a ickle bird what you said about me to *raises eyebrow* was slightly...erm...shocked lol.

But anyways. 3000+ posts...just shows I can have a social life and see all you guys still :D

Ok, *is embarrased now* THANKS PYXI! But seriously don't be to hard on yourself. You a woman who plays video games. Trust me that fact ALONE is going to get you far with men!

Hah, you should have heard what Korwin said....

and yes pyxi told me *laughs* flirtation...hmmm no...sicander is quite abit older than me nova :D

but yea tell me what korwin said!!!!!

I'm a right curious cat :p!

and yea it does get me far...guys are quite impressed when I can beat them at just about every playstation 2 game ^.^ or computer game tehehe :)
Hah, he actually didnt say much. I made a comment that you were cute and he said "Really, I should go check that out." or somthing to that effect. Hey, My pic and his are up in the gallery now if you want to see what we look like. (though I would reccomend bracing yourself before loading Krowin's picture... Im kidding!) As for me being OLD! Im only 22!!!! Im not old!
No it's not old, but it is too old for night. Give her a few years. But by then she may be waaaay too smart to date anyone. lol
But yeah I agree with ICP, Si, you do look drunk in that pic. :drunken_s