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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

Toliets that automatically flush....before you are done using them.

And the hand dryers in public bathrooms. DD is 3 and scared of both. Which means she never wants to go potty when we're out.
And Cookiemom...where's Lucy??? She was lookin' so pretty in the chair pic yesterday. I'm guessing the cookie heart is serving two purposes - celebrating V'Day and pissing off MrsMom? :lol:

Well, I do have to express the COOKIE side of myself sometime, don't I? Not to worry, Lucy will be back!

Yes, celebrating Valentine's Day, but yeah, what a cool bonus to get to piss off mrsmom at the same time, huh?!? :bliss: :bliss: :bliss:

hmmmmmmm, what else can i write on a cookie that would annoy her even more ???
huh? :bee:

A friend of mine.. I will ask her to lunch coffee whatever... it's always the same responce.... can DH come?? WTF??? NO!!!
family members who leave one TBSP worth of orange juice in the carton, because otherwise, they'll have to go get a new one from the other fridge :gah:
People who don't say thank you when you hold the door for them. Can't tell you how many times I stop, wait, hold the door for someone and they walk right on past without saying a word. Like I have nothing else better to do in my day than make sure they have clear passage thru all doorways. And then *I* get the snotty look when I say 'You're welcome.' I know it's passive aggressive sarcasm, but I can't help myself!

I'm only 5 feet tall, so maybe I'm just below their eye level!
People who think that just because some dumb **** parked on the side of the road they're driving on that gives them permission to swerve into the lane of oncoming traffic and the drivers of the oncoming cars are obligated to get out of their way.


Thanks for this thread...I feel so much better now!
Well, I do have to express the COOKIE side of myself sometime, don't I? Not to worry, Lucy will be back!

Yes, celebrating Valentine's Day, but yeah, what a cool bonus to get to piss off mrsmom at the same time, huh?!? :bliss: :bliss: :bliss:

hmmmmmmm, what else can i write on a cookie that would annoy her even more ???

I guess. But the Cookie side makes me hungry while the Lucy side gives me the warm & fuzzies!
A friend of mine.. I will ask her to lunch coffee whatever... it's always the same responce.... can DH come?? WTF??? NO!!!

Oh....significant other....duh...I was thinking "sig" was short for siggy like signature or something. Man I'm slow today.

Is her man controlling?
People who don't say thank you when you hold the door for them. Can't tell you how many times I stop, wait, hold the door for someone and they walk right on past without saying a word. Like I have nothing else better to do in my day than make sure they have clear passage thru all doorways. And then *I* get the snotty look when I say 'You're welcome.' I know it's passive aggressive sarcasm, but I can't help myself!

I'm only 5 feet tall, so maybe I'm just below their eye level!

:lol: I LOVE saying "you're welcome" when someone hasn't said thank you! :lol:
family members who leave one TBSP worth of orange juice in the carton, because otherwise, they'll have to go get a new one from the other fridge :gah:

Mine do the same with milk because they're too lazy to put it in the recyling bin. :hurt:

Can we talk about old people or is that still offensive? Ok maybe "some" old people.....better? Everytime I go shopping there's always two situations........the sweet old person whom I help a little by reaching something, holding a door, etc. and who is always so nice. Then there's always some entitled acting old **** who'll block an aisle knowing you're right there but doesn't care until she can scan the shelves and find that perfect jar of unsweetened jelly! GTF out of the way!!!!! Waiting a sec is cool, but when there's people lining up behind me to get by, you look at us and keep searching the shelves.....you're just being a **** and I don't care how old you are!!!!:ranting:
:lol: I LOVE saying "you're welcome" when someone hasn't said thank you! :lol:

I do that to my kids.....pisses 'em off. :snicker: It sucks to realize your kids had better manners when they were 4 than they do now. :surrender:
Toliets that automatically flush....before you are done using them.

Stick a post-it note over the sensor! Learned that trick when ds1 was psycho scared of them. :)

How about: people who are too freaking important to use a turn signal at 4-way stops and then try to turn into you.
People who refuse to believe they are idiots.

People who are insistant that they are smarter then everyone.
How about people who have no freaking clue what to do at a 4-way stop??? It ain't rocket science!!
Stick a post-it note over the sensor! Learned that trick when ds1 was psycho scared of them. :)

How about: people who are too freaking important to use a turn signal at 4-way stops and then try to turn into you.

People who just don't use turn signals in general. Then try to get over into your lane, nearly crash into you and then they yell at you for something they did.

If the lanes are merging down and you don't have your signal on to get into my lane, I will pretend that you intend to drive off the road and will not be letting you in front of me. kthxbai.
No... he's a cheater.... cheaters guilt
Now that the ATMs are touch screens, and even though I've pulled up so close that I **** near broke my side mirror off....I've discovered that I must have dwarf arms....because I have to lean half my body out the **** window just to reach it!