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Possible Signs of Alien Abduction

ZetanScot said:
Well... i guess the MIB are really in effect, aliens that are spying on us, while covering their creators tracks.. The greys (or Zetans) adbucted humans, and bred them with greys to better infiltrate and study us.. like a very very advance version of us studying gorillas in the wild or something similar.
The more human they got.. with succesive generations.. the better able they were to use these hybrids to cover their tracks.. with threats of violence etc. Anyone who has encountered an MIB has mentioned a number of odd qualities.

''There are various types of MIB encounters, but they typically follow a pattern: after a presumably credible witness reports or witnesses a UFO sighting, the witness is visited by a man or men who are often dressed in black suits, lending the reports their name. The men suggest—or the witnesses assume—that they are government agents, and often flash convincing-looking badges and demand that the witness recant their story or hand over photographs or physical evidence of a UFO. If the witness refuses or questions their credentials, they often subtly or not-so-subtly threaten the witness or their family with bodily harm or other hardship.

While it is not known if these threats have ever been realized, resisters have reported subsequent encounters where they have been chased or roughed up by the "agents". Many witnesses tend to lose their job, loans, or become discredited in some form. Houses have allegedly been ransacked or burned down in an attempt to destroy evidence or scare the witness into silence.

The men are often reported driving large, late-model cars, typically Cadillacs; in rare cases, they are reportedly seen in black helicopters.

Witnesses who report MIB sightings often describe "foreign looking" men with exotic facial and other bodily features; it's as if they're "from elsewhere." They look "Oriental" or "Indian" and have "deeply tanned" skin, although sometimes their complexions are extremely pale and speak in a monotonous machine-like voice. The eyes of the MIB are usually described as slanted or "bulging," as if from a thyroid condition. Their noses and chins are often "pointed," and their cheekbones are set high on their faces. Though some are tall and thin with naturally long fingers, others are short or stout. They may or may not have fingernails or fingerprints. Many are recalled as having no hair of any kind on their bodies.

Witnesses descibe MIB behavior as often "odd" or "belligerent and threatening," and being noticeably unfamiliar with everyday common courtesies and civil behavior. They are also recalled as often speaking in archaic or obscure forms of slang English, or using odd sentence construction and grammar, as if English were not their first language. MIB have also been described as having jerky walks and arm and body movements or exihibiting unusual mannerisms.''
(borrowed from a fellow forum.. alienhub.com)

This is my theory at the very least. Truth is often and always stranger than fiction... theory is fiction... thus the truth will be a lot wierder!!

Most aliens, including myself, are a deep aesthetically pleasing shade of very attractive emerald green instead of the somewhat drab uninteresting grey which you mentioned earlier, and we almost never wear black, but most of the malodorous evil humans who work for special anti-alien/E.T. ops in the US and UK governments do dress in black and and they always fly around in black unmarked helicopters which they land on ranches and farms where they mutilate cattle and sheep with laser surgical tools and then blame it on aliens.

Oh, and one cannot possibly compare aliens to gorillas. Gorillas are for the most part extremely stupid creatures who sit around picking (and eating) one anothers head lice. Aliens do not eat head lice or scratch their private parts in full view of other beings, nor do we have repulsive shiny bottoms nor do we swing from trees and go "OOOOOO! OOOOOO! WAAAAAAAHHHH!"

Aliens do not drive Cadillacs. Mercedes and Jaguars, yes...Cadillacs no. Aliens...real aliens...have immaculate green complexions, little if any body hair, and our eyes are not buggy, slanted, beady, or bulging. Aliens have three green eyes (two in front and one in back) and we do not have pointy chins. In fact, we do not have chins usually, but we make up for that by having a very streamlined and extra long neck which pivots so we can turn our heads in a complete circle.

We do have long serrated fingers with suction cup-like ends which really come in handy at probe time (again, just ask Ripley about this). Aliens are fluent in several hundred languages from around the universe and beyond, but we don't really need to be since we can read your mind even before you speak, and as you may or may not know, thoughts initially originate in the part of the mind which does not need or use language. We can pick up on your thoughts as they pass through the synaptic gap and the good part is you aren't even aware of it at the time...or later either for that matter.

Oops...time to run out and abduct another hotty from that trailerpark out on the bypass. Later.....
Zetan what country are they in? and what do they wear? are they mean?

come on man tell me!! im dying to know!!

P.S. i belive in Ghosts you have any stories about them?/
First off Schizander... There will be many types of alien, not just the ones you describe in great detail... think of the number of planets in the universe... assume 1000 million solar systems in a galaxy, maybe only 1 million of those has similar planets to Earth, maybe 1000 of those have life, 100 capable of spaceflight... now think how many galaxies there are... 100 billion... all the variaties of life!! Plus i never said MOST aliens were Greys/Zetans, only one species... and the MIB i mentioned were crossbreed children.. thus part human....

Lordnation... the Zetans are from the planet known as Zeta Reticuli Four, in a rather far off part of our galaxy, many believe them to be aggressive and that they desire to control our planet. Others believe they created us to mine gold.. to help save their own world, and then once enough was mined that they left us to our own devices.
Yet another theory is that we are 'storage containers' for Zetan 'kas' awaiting rebirth, or that we are primative Zetans who have come back in time to implement the necessary changes in our bio structure etc to one day evolve into the 'correct' new being.

As for ghosts...
A chef was murdered by her husband at my work, the pair of them worked side by side in the same hotel i work in.. he killed her with a carving knife, and a week later hung himself.. she now wanders the kitchen looking for the knife. Ive seen her once or twice, jst vanishing round a corner.. i heard her footsteps, its quite eery.
Also on the 3rd & 4th floor of the Hotel, a small boy, approx 4 or 5 y/o is sed to haunt various rooms, guests wake up with him sitting on the end of their bed head in hands crying his eyes out, when they try to speak to him, he runs through the door.
Why I came to planet earth and why I am still here

The first time I came here was on an alien abduction mission, one in which female human earthlings were to be pre-selected and abducted instead of the usual Holstein dairy cow abductions, which had been our main abductees of choice before we discovered that cows were not exactly the most intelligent or sexually stimulating life form on your planet.

Unfortunately, the first female humanoid earthling we abducted was a horribly deranged woman named Bertha DeeLush who lived in a trailer park outside Springdale, Arkansas, and as it turned out she also resembled a large cow only with blue plastic curlers and bad teeth. Evidently our female abductee detection device malfunctioned, and we ended up grabbing this sleazy Deelush woman by mistake...a mistake we would all regret for weeks to come. Finally, we managed to subdue her with massive injections of anti-psychotic meds before finally dropping her off in the laundromat back at her run down trailer park.

After recalibrating the abductee detector we starting having much better luck on our abduction missions and not only that but we were also able to initiate an advanced hybrid breeding and cloning program using these same abductees as breeder stock. So far the program has worked well until...until we abducted Ripley.
I have worked many hours for you Schizander, making sure that each clone that you wanted was taken care of. Ripley is unique, wouldn't you agree Schizander? I mean for her to give 100 percent of herself to you in every way possible. I have seen many woman in the pass where you have swooned them into submission and no one by far can compare as to our Ripley. She is like the diamond in the green goop soup.
Well Schizander you said you didn't know Bertha Dee Lush...
Zetan Scot- Were you by chance on Ghost Hunters at some Hotel...
I might join TAPS someday...
I also have a question about crop circles for Schizander..
Are you Aliens the organisms that really make them?
i have alot of those signs. once they start,do abductions ever stop?:abduct: