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Post You ****s!!!


I'm trying to enjoy the peace and quiet...
I would think that around here for a mod to be banned would be like getting a promotion...........:unsure:
There is WAY too much noise in this thread. I hope I don't need to open a can of whoopass up in here.
too much noise is FAR preferably to the absolute ****ing SILENCE that TSG has become.

like a ****in' vacuum!!
i seriously must be the only one not stressed with TSG. :p

it's all good people. :D
i have a bad case of "good old days syndrome" kelly!

i loved it when i could come here (or PWKS) and just jump into what was effectively a never-ending conversation.

now, people have gone and gotten jobs, and lives and somesuch, that prevents such shenanigans. or, in the case of teh newk play gayfer online games instead of posting here.

And...I miss the way it used to be. I suppose I'll get over it though. I survived the demise of PWKS, and wasn't even aware of this board's existence for a while.

NNB and TPF and Phun and Badfish are getting old and boring. Ok...ok..they've BEEN old and boring for a long time.

Oh...and add on top of that that Diddy doesn't talk to me anymore, and I'm left with almost ZERO reasons to even turn my computer on in the mornings.
*shrug* idk, i'm pretty mellow about it all.

i like everyone here and i would enjoy if they all posted here more often, but i also like the idea that all these wonderful people are out living life instead of sitting at their computers.

i guess i've taken a page from the book of my husband... "stressing about it isn't going to change anything, so why stress?"
so i'm just sitting back, doing my thing, enjoying this place for what it is in this moment.
Yeah, it is what it is. People change..

Living life? **** that, they should be sitting at their computers entertaining me. Otherwise, what good are they?
