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Burbank, IL
Wow, I decided to log on today even though I haven't been in a while, I'm surprised I haven't been kicked out of the cool people club. Thanks for that!

And . . . My husband and I are pregnant with our first child. My due date is Jan 2. YEAHHHHH!!!!

We are super excited as anyone would be, but we are very scared as most first timers are. Any advice or FYIs?


Advice......watch for diaper deals-there is no excuse for paying full price for them :giggles:

But most of all enjoy your pregnancy!!!!!!
Wow! Congrats!!!

I would pick up the What to Expect When you are expecting book. I think I picked that book up everyday with my first child and barely with my second. It's exciting to find out what is going on during the nine months.

Try to ignore any comments/suggestions made by your family/friends. You are going to hear a lot of old wives tales.

Although it only happened to me but once or twice, be prepared for strangers to feel your belly as you grow!

The first 8 months are pretty easy, but in my opinion toooo long. The last month is the worst.
Another CW baby on the way!!! :bliss: :bliss: :bliss:

It is a very exciting time. Dont' stress the small **** like having the perfect nursery and receiving a bunch of **** at a shower. It's amazing how much you really don't need and won't use or won't use much anyway. ;)

Congratulations, I'm very happy for you and your man!
Congrats! The only advice I ever give out is to get your sleep now because after the baby comes, you will never sleep the same.

No advice - you'll get more than you want over the course of the pregnancy. Just do it your way - 99.9% of the time you'll be doing it correctly.
#1 Pray for a boy
#2 Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy... It's an amazing ride. Feeling the baby, hearing the heartbeat, seeing the ultrasound. Don't freak if they tell you that you tested positive for something or another and they need to test further. They skeered the **** outta me for nuttin.
#3 Enjoy the hormone boost and get laid LOTS. Gonna be rough for awhile after the baby is here.

I have a copy of What to Expect when you are Expecting that is going to Goodwill. If you want it, just PM me your addy and I will send it to you.
My husband and I are pregnant with our first child. My due date is Jan 2. YEAHHHHH!!!!

Any advice or FYIs?
Yes, I do.

I know of an invaluable source of information, a lady who maintains several certifications relating to childbirth education, lactation, labor assistance and infant massage. She would be more than happy to talk to you about nearly anything related to the topics of pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

That lady is my wife.

If you're interested, please let me know, and I will send you her information.
Congrats!!! :hiphip:

With a cute dog like that you'd never get kicked out of here! :giggles:
I have only bought two books so far . . . 'What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding', which is for my husband to read, however I have read more than he has thus far and it's pretty funny and informative, 'YOU: Having A Baby' by Dr. Oz.

I really haven't been stressing about much of anything, so far I am just tired all the time, like ALL THE TIME, no morning sickness at all, but I feel light headed in the morning.

The two things that concern me the most, and they are really my anxiety taking over, are sneezing during the spinal tap (if I decided to get it, which I know I will), and during labor when I take a deep breath, sucking the baby back in. (Someone told me a story ocne of that happening to them with their first kid).
I have only bought two books so far . . . 'What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding', which is for my husband to read, however I have read more than he has thus far and it's pretty funny and informative, 'YOU: Having A Baby' by Dr. Oz.

I really haven't been stressing about much of anything, so far I am just tired all the time, like ALL THE TIME, no morning sickness at all, but I feel light headed in the morning.

For most people that goes away during the 2nd trimester. The second trimester seems to be the easiest!

The two things that concern me the most, and they are really my anxiety taking over, are sneezing during the spinal tap (if I decided to get it, which I know I will), and during labor when I take a deep breath, sucking the baby back in. (Someone told me a story ocne of that happening to them with their first kid).

I never heard about that happening!
Congratulations!!! Stock up on diapers whenever and wherever you can. if you are not finding out gender stock up on clothes for either sex at a store that has a great return policy...carters takes thing back no matter what, as long as you have the receipt...and they have some really good clearance deals (matched up with coupons). Kohls has a pretty good return policy as well.

Yes, I do.

I know of an invaluable source of information, a lady who maintains several certifications relating to childbirth education, lactation, labor assistance and infant massage. She would be more than happy to talk to you about nearly anything related to the topics of pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

That lady is my wife.

If you're interested, please let me know, and I will send you her information.

Is your DW a doula? if she teaches Bradley method, I might take her name & # just to refer my granola friends back home.
YAYAY!! I have no advice, just congratulations!
I have only bought two books so far . . . 'What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding', which is for my husband to read, however I have read more than he has thus far and it's pretty funny and informative, 'YOU: Having A Baby' by Dr. Oz.

I really haven't been stressing about much of anything, so far I am just tired all the time, like ALL THE TIME, no morning sickness at all, but I feel light headed in the morning.

The two things that concern me the most, and they are really my anxiety taking over, are sneezing during the spinal tap (if I decided to get it, which I know I will), and during labor when I take a deep breath, sucking the baby back in. (Someone told me a story ocne of that happening to them with their first kid).
You will be breathing thru your nose/mouth, not your baby evacuation area... the sucking back in with you breathing... they MUST have been teasing you!