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Also be ready for people to ask if your baby dressed in all pink is a boy or baby dressed in all blue is a girl.


DS #2 has beautiful eyelashes and is very petite. My DH's grandmother always says "God hung the wrong thing on him." :rolleyes:
Congrats! Having a child is the most exhausting, exciting, and rewarding experience! Enjoy every moment!

Most all the advice has been covered. But I'll add a couple.

Don't tell anyone the name until the baby's born. You'll get all kinds of opinions before and almost none after.

Get a sling, it reduces the amount of baby touching in public.

When the little old lady at the store rubs your belly, grab her boob and ask her how SHE likes someone to touch without asking. :D
When the little old lady at the store rubs your belly, grab her boob and ask her how SHE likes someone to touch without asking. :D

I likes youz! :snicker:
If after vaginal birth the nurse gives you a mirror to look down there.......shove that mirror up her ****! She is one MEAN **** nurse..........trust. :ranting:
Although it only happened to me but once or twice, be prepared for strangers to feel your belly as you grow!

Nothing is stranger than having your SIL who doesn't like having her belly touched while pregnant, but will touch others. The only other thing would be your BIL to do it.
The two things that concern me the most, and they are really my anxiety taking over, are sneezing during the spinal tap (if I decided to get it, which I know I will), and during labor when I take a deep breath, sucking the baby back in. (Someone told me a story ocne of that happening to them with their first kid).

I can't help you with the second because mine were both c-sections, but the first one I felt the exact same way. With my first I was induced and afraid I would be too late for drugs so I went for it. The nurses were great and told me was to do and how to sit and breath. I did mention the sneezing and didn't feel like it at all. Since the first didn't take the second one didn't hurt as much because I had some of the drugs. With my second I was in labor and having full contractions, but no problems.
Get lots of pics of yerself nekkid - your body will never be the same.

Think the Demi Moore cover of Vanity Fair

and of course you want to send some of them pics my way....

Most all the advice has been covered. But I'll add a couple.

Don't tell anyone the name until the baby's born. You'll get all kinds of opinions before and almost none after.

Get a sling, it reduces the amount of baby touching in public.

When the little old lady at the store rubs your belly, grab her boob and ask her how SHE likes someone to touch without asking. :D

I might actually do this, I almost peed when I read it.
If after vaginal birth the nurse gives you a mirror to look down there.......shove that mirror up her ****! She is one MEAN **** nurse..........trust. :ranting:

Wow really, I don't even want my own mother in the delivery room because she was all in my SIL's business and that's not something I would like anyone to see. I told my husband he better not look either.
Get lots of pics of yerself nekkid - your body will never be the same.

Think the Demi Moore cover of Vanity Fair

and of course you want to send some of them pics my way....

It's already too late for that, I started not liking my body after my husband and I got comfortable and I gained . . . . some weight . . . . not even trying to be specific with that one. . .

The only regret I have from my first birth was NOT hiring a Doula! (I would absolutely contact ASB's wife right away.) I wish we had hired one. I thought I wouldn't need one with my mom and husband helping. However, my unmedicated waterbirth with midwives turned into an 80 hour labor that ended in an emergency cesarean. I would have loved to have a Doula walking through that with us.

I read a huge amount of books including one each on Lamaze, Birthing from Within, and Bradley. Bradley was way wrong for my soft spoken husband and our relationship. I also took every class at every hospital that I could find.... Infant Massage, Breastfeeding, Prenatal Partner Massage, Daddy Bootcamp (well DH did this one), Prenatal Yoga (LOVED this), child and infant CPR, etc.

`One of the best books of all time that I read was Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. I'm not one to go live on a commune but I found the book both inspiring and empowering. Another terrific read is Henci Goer's The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth. It gives you pros and cons of many many options that you will be presented with when giving birth. It's nice having a plan of what approach you want to pursue ahead of time because in labor your brain will be focused on what you are doing and not what you think about XYZ.

Last piece of advice I would give is that you can't control birth. You have to go in to this process knowing that you will make choices that influence your results but ultimately you have to trust your instincts and surround yourself with people who fundamentally approach birth the same way you do.

Having a baby changes you in beautiful ways you can never imagine before experiencing it. You will give of yourself and sacrifice in ways that will make you a better person. It will take everything you've got to raise a child well but the journey is infinitely worth it.

I don't eve know what a Doula is and I am so poor hiring people for anything isn't an option. If classes are free I'm definately going to take them and I don't know what this Bradley speak is either. I know litterally nothing about pregnancy, giving birth, options, or anything else. The more I read these posts, the more scared I am getting here.
I don't eve know what a Doula is and I am so poor hiring people for anything isn't an option. If classes are free I'm definately going to take them and I don't know what this Bradley speak is either. I know litterally nothing about pregnancy, giving birth, options, or anything else. The more I read these posts, the more scared I am getting here.

Don't be scared, it will all be okay no matter what you decide on.
Congrats! WHere do you live at and where will you be delivering. Candadia is right, CDH has excellent programs,
I would say enjoy and relax--the time goes by so fast--and just remember you are the Mom and you do know what is best--follow that instinct it is right--and then ask questions if you feel the need. I have five and I remember relying on my Mom and sister for advice--and they said just follow your instincts--I have an extremely supportive husband that was so excited--read every book went to every doctor appointment went to pre natal classes etc--so just ENJOY__the time will be here fast
Get your Christmas shopping done early--just in case since you are due in January--you never know --there is 2 weeks either way--so just be prepared
Sign up for the stuff the doctors office has--they have free formula stuff--but even with breast feeding--teh free formula gets you the coupons for the diapers and gets you on the list --those coupons are great
Register for stuff you want--alot of places give you gift certificates just for registering with them---so see if you can find any of those places
Again, just relax--enjoy--enjoy every movement etc (My doctor use to tell me to take Tums tablets--as it was wonderful calcium since I hated milk)
College of Dupage offers free ultrasounds--so you can also go there--I went at 36 weeks had a 3 D and it was wonderful--first time I had a 3D one---and my kids were thrilled the picture were clear--this was with our fifth--and my husband said it was the best ultrasound we ever had--because the instructor is explaining to the kids what they are doing --what they are looking for--and they go into detail with you---it was free and wonderful--so I am sure other colleges offer it too under their ultrasound technician program

I live in Burbank and am with Little Company of Mary, I think I will deliver in Evergreen Park, but I don't even know that yet because I don't know who to ask, or I pick or is it up to my Dr and insurance. I'm totally clueless.

How do I get a free 3D Ultrasound? Do I just call and ask for a free Ultrasound? How do I find a place that offers it?

Thank you for all the encouragement and advice!! I really appreciate it.
I don't eve know what a Doula is and I am so poor hiring people for anything isn't an option. If classes are free I'm definately going to take them and I don't know what this Bradley speak is either. I know litterally nothing about pregnancy, giving birth, options, or anything else. The more I read these posts, the more scared I am getting here.
For what it's worth, my wife liked Mom2Dee's post quite a lot, including the book ideas.

I'll offer once again for you to talk to my wife. She's not gonna charge you money to talk to her, nor is she going to pressure you into hiring her or anybody else when it comes to Doula's, or whatever.

My wife volunteers 16 hours a week to a company that caters to pregnant women, so I can assure you she wouldn't talk to you with the purpose of pitching her services.

You're a "coupon friend" of mine, which means you could talk to her as you would any other friend.

I prefer not to post her information publicly, and I don't want to just send you her information without being sure you'd actually like her help.

If you'd like to talk to her, let me know and I can give you her number.