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Awww, dd10 came home from school with a fever. She just had her physical Tues. evening and took the flu mist. I think she caught the flu from it. I guess the mist has the live virus. I sent her straight to bed. Poor thing, she is supposed to go on a camping trip to a cave this weekend with her girl scout troop.

I am allergic to the flu shot. :(
Awww, dd10 came home from school with a fever. She just had her physical Tues. evening and took the flu mist. I think she caught the flu from it. I guess the mist has the live virus. I sent her straight to bed. Poor thing, she is supposed to go on a camping trip to a cave this weekend with her girl scout troop.

I am allergic to the flu shot. :(

Well crap. DS has been vomitting a lot tonight. He has had a cough for the last few days. He has no fever.

Of course this happens when I have planned a vacation day tomorrow.
Well crap. DS has been vomitting a lot tonight. He has had a cough for the last few days. He has no fever.

Of course this happens when I have planned a vacation day tomorrow.

Oh no! :pout:
Awww, dd10 came home from school with a fever. She just had her physical Tues. evening and took the flu mist. I think she caught the flu from it. I guess the mist has the live virus. I sent her straight to bed. Poor thing, she is supposed to go on a camping trip to a cave this weekend with her girl scout troop.

I am allergic to the flu shot. :(

:pout: for DD. The flu sucks and I hope she doesn't have to miss her activity :pout:
The flu is getting worse, more hospitals are declaring public health emergencies and cancelling all elective surgeries because they are already overrun by patients with pneumonia, broken hips, etc. as a result of the flu.

If you or a loved one catch it, push fluids.

The broken hips & head injuries are a result of folks hurting themselves in falls from fainting because of dehydration.
So many from school are getting the flu. DD thankfully is sick but we had her tested and she does NOT have the flu. Wash your hands often people!
I am curious what kind of reactions you both had when you had the flu shot?

I first got hives and then severe joint pain. The symptoms continued for almost a month. I was told at the hospital never to get another flu shot. I never found out if it was because of the eggs or not. I eat eggs with no problem but my mom says that she thinks I may have had an allergic reaction to them when I was a baby.
Well crap. DS has been vomitting a lot tonight. He has had a cough for the last few days. He has no fever.

Of course this happens when I have planned a vacation day tomorrow.

I hope DS is feeling much better today.
I'm so annoyed at the lack of hand washing at my son's school. When I have been there for class parties, they are coming from computer lab (shared by all) and they dive right into snacks, without any hand washing. Mine is the only one who goes straight to the sink and washes his hands. I also found out that not only do they have no hand washing station near the cafeteria, but they don't even encourage them to wash their hands. Mine uses hand sanitizer (he says that by the time he goes down the hall to the bathroom and back, half his lunch is over), but says that almost none of the kids wash/sanitize before lunch and nobody has ever asked them to. I would think this would be the bare minimum they could do. They've had strep throat in his classroom 4 times (not 4 students, but 4 outbreaks) this year. It's ridiculous.
Got the girls their flu shots yesterday so now we have all been immunized!
DGS12 has been home 2 days...He's up & down depending on whether he's running a temp (alternating between chills & fever)...Doc said no point in bringing him in unless his temp goes to 104 or if he has trouble breathing...He's so concerned about his first BB game Monday...afraid he'll get benched for missing practice, but the coach said no...coach is worried that they'll have enough healthy kids to put a team on the floor...kid asked for fresh raspberries...I love him but not for $6.39 a pint...
DGS12 has been home 2 days...He's up & down depending on whether he's running a temp (alternating between chills & fever)...Doc said no point in bringing him in unless his temp goes to 104 or if he has trouble breathing...He's so concerned about his first BB game Monday...afraid he'll get benched for missing practice, but the coach said no...coach is worried that they'll have enough healthy kids to put a team on the floor...kid asked for fresh raspberries...I love him but not for $6.39 a pint...

If you have an Aldi they have the 6oz? packages for 2.29
If you have an Aldi they have the 6oz? packages for 2.29

The nearest Aldi is 30 miles away...I bailed out and bought him some grapes...eek...$4.79 a lb...

He is feeling better & I have even broken my no XBox rule if you miss school, because I want him to stay awake...he slept from 5:30 last night until 8:30 this morning...he hasn't seen his mom since Monday because he has to stay in our town to make it to 6:15AM BB practice, and he goes there this afternoon...
I'm so annoyed at the lack of hand washing at my son's school. When I have been there for class parties, they are coming from computer lab (shared by all) and they dive right into snacks, without any hand washing. Mine is the only one who goes straight to the sink and washes his hands. I also found out that not only do they have no hand washing station near the cafeteria, but they don't even encourage them to wash their hands. Mine uses hand sanitizer (he says that by the time he goes down the hall to the bathroom and back, half his lunch is over), but says that almost none of the kids wash/sanitize before lunch and nobody has ever asked them to. I would think this would be the bare minimum they could do. They've had strep throat in his classroom 4 times (not 4 students, but 4 outbreaks) this year. It's ridiculous.

That is ridiculous. You should talk to the principal.
It takes 2 weeks to be effective.
that's what dh told me yesterday. Both he and I got ours a couple months ago now we just have to wait and see and take our precautions.