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someone should invent 'hungryman pot pies'...those regular ones just don't cut it.
That was really good pizza! Now I'm chowing down on a wonderful yellow apple... :drool:
Wonder if there'll be anything good on TV in the wee hours of the morning tonight...
I'm glad I don't get PMS (well then again I am male you know) as it's someone elses time of the month! :eek:
If it really came down to it, I could be quite content to eat nothing but mexican and chinese food.
ARRRRGGG!!!!! I'm getting SICK and TIRED of this bee problem in the house! There were at least 8 in here today! Can't wait for the exterminator to come tomorrow!
I wonder what language that is on DD's avatar... Just curious
Three is a magic number. Yeah, it is. It's a magic number.
double-pointed needles suck. i have to figure this out, or else i can't make MITTENS.
I'm lonely without her -- and there's nothing I can do to change it... :( :no:
Space K 8 said:
I wish Psi wasn't lonely. :(

I'm not lonely anymore knowing someone is thinking of me now :hug2:
Wonder what ever happened to some members who just seem to have disappeared.....the soup always welcomes them!!!! :nod:
Those guys in police cars are crazy. He stopped me when I was riding my bicyckle and He checked my drivers license. Stupid!
lobo said:
Those guys in police cars are crazy. He stopped me when I was riding my bicyckle and He checked my drivers license. Stupid!

Err - what if you didn't HAVE a Driver's Licence? You don't HAVE to have one in the US, and you defo don't need one to ride a bicycle.

I would have just told him I didn't have one. I can imagine the dialogue now:

POOlice: Can I see your Driver's Licence please Sir?
You: I don't have a driver's licence officer.
POOlice: *splutter* Well, I.... *SPLUTTER AGAIN*...
Stonelaughter said:
Err - what if you didn't HAVE a Driver's Licence? You don't HAVE to have one in the US, and you defo don't need one to ride a bicycle.

I would have just told him I didn't have one. I can imagine the dialogue now:

POOlice: Can I see your Driver's Licence please Sir?
You: I don't have a driver's licence officer.
POOlice: *splutter* Well, I.... *SPLUTTER AGAIN*...


This police guy is seeing me very frequently at the same place. He is sitting in speed trap with radar at mornings. He is checking my drivers license for a second time at this month. May be he is just bored ... but it does not make me happy ... Prolly I should to change my commuting route.
How many freaking hoops do I have to go through before I get the offer letter for my promotion?
Timelessness is in the open door to heaven......
I really, really, REALLY dislike my neighbors.