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I'm on vacation! (And I still got up at 4am to go to the gym.)
Twizzlers's TWERPZ - tangy filled chews :lol:
lobo said:
Twizzlers's TWERPZ - tangy filled chews :lol:

Good stuff!

Belive it or not, tuna salad with orange juice mixed in is REALLY tasty... Now im craving some
Why am I still awake? Why do I need to work tomorrow? or ever?
My bedroom is too effing hot. I should not be sweating inside when there is snow on the ground outside.
mthrlangl said:
My bedroom is too effing hot. I should not be sweating inside when there is snow on the ground outside.

Now doesn't that depend on what activities you're partaking in? :naughty:
Y'know... I just realized how unhealthy orange soda is for you... While sitting here waiting for my microwave pizza to cool off, I decided to pop open a can of Sam's Choice Orange Soda... Not exactly the best soda in the world... but hey... Its soda... So I take a sip and just for kicks, look at the nutritional info on the backside of the can to realize in astonishment... There are 49g of sugar in one can of this stuff!!! :yikes:
ho-lee-crap! I have never in my life made anyone laugh so hard that they spit out their drink, and fall to the floor a minute later! :lol:
(really did do this at a lunch earlier to a friend)
!!!!!! i made someone squirt pop out of there nose once! they got so mad at me!!!! i just like made them so mad when i told them that i stole a dollar from them.. i'll tell ya they have a really short fuse!
:ut-oh: :cool:
I made one of my friends laugh so hard, chunks of popsicle come out his nose...
Wanna trade places, Polaris_nine? :lol: I HAAAATE coldness!!!!