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Rated M for Mature video games for kids?


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Rated M for Mature video games for kids? UPDATE

Ok so am I being a big old fuddy duddy? My 12 yo son is getting a PS3 (well for the family) for Christmas. The two games he asked for are Halo and Modern Warfare 3. Ok the kid working in the game dept. at Best Buy said Halo is for X-Box..........ok one down. Then I asked why MW is rated M...........is it mostly violence or what? He asked how old my son was and when I told him 12 he was like "Um yeah he's too young for this." I asked if there's F-bombs and he said that's pretty much all they say.......great. So I informed my son that he's not getting those games and now he's TOTALLY pissed at me going on about how all his friends have those games and how he can't join in the coversations about them at lunch because he's the ONLY one that doesn't play it yada yada yada...............

I let him watch some movies and comedy specials with us with some language, but not non stop and esp. not the f-bomb.

So the video guy said the new Batman game is really, really good and rated Teen which I'm ok with so I got that. I'm just affraid he's going to be disappointed on Christmas which no parents wants. :surrender:

So tell me I'm not being lame............or tell me that ALL tween boys play these games and I'm making too big of a deal out of it. :9:
Re: Rated M for Mature

I don't let my son play those yet either... he's 10. He swears that most of his friends at school play it. I tell him the usual "mom answer" "I am not the mom of most of them." Ya know... they are only kids once for cripes sake. Why rush it? :9: If you personally are not comfortable with it, stand your ground. BTW, that Batman game is rated very highly. Supposed to be the game of the year. Well done.

Oh... and I was totally expecting this to be a :quotes: different kind of thread:quotes:
Re: Rated M for Mature

It's very violent and hold your ground
Re: Rated M for Mature

It's very violent - but I think you have to know your kid. My kids have them and have not started swearing or shooting people in the streets. My kids go to a Catholic school and really all of their friends do have these games. They can talk to their friends online while they play the game, and that's the main draw.
Re: Rated M for Mature

Oh... and I was totally expecting this to be a :quotes: different kind of thread:quotes:

Oh I better edit the title so I get more viewers. :lol:
On the other hand if you are not comfortable there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe rent it and play it together before you make a decision. Chances are even if you say no he will play it at a friends house.
On the other hand if you are not comfortable there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe rent it and play it together before you make a decision. Chances are even if you say no he will play it at a friends house.

Yeah he told me that he's played it at our former neighbor kid's house to which I said "Well I'll be talking to Jeffrey's parents and let them know that you're not allowed to play or watch that game!" :snicker:
get him an iPhone, iPad and iPod..... that'll make him happy

Yeah cuz giving him unlimited access to the Internet is certainly safer.......
I posted on FB yesterday, there was a nun in front of me in line at the post office talking on an iPhone... :lol:
OK, but seriously, I have recommended this website to lots of moms............


There are parent, educator and kid reviews of games, movies, apps, websites, tv, music, books....

I've used it to look things up many, many times... I findthe reviews very detailed and helpful . It's very easy to navigate.

For instance, there are 177 reviews for Modern Warfare 3.... here's the basic overview...

What parents need to know

Parents need to know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is an extremely violent first-person military shooter. Players spend the vast majority of their time engaged in frenetic firefights, killing hundreds of enemy combatants with a wide variety of realistic weapons ranging from guns to bombs. Movie-like sequences show both soldiers and civilians being killed, their bodies littering streets and building hallways. One particularly disturbing scene depicts a family being killed by a truck bomb, though players are spared the gory graphical details. Soldiers use strong language, and one of them is a frequent cigar smoker. Parents should note that this game’s primary appeal is multiplayer. Millions of players will spend countless hours online in head-to-head matches that support open online voice chat, which may involve inappropriate language and personal subjects.

This is followed by more detailed info regarding

Educational Value
Positive messages
Positive role models
Ease of play
Drinking, drugs & smoking
Privacy and Safety

You can use it to browse reviews and make recommendations based on YOUR criteria.... I highly recommend it.
Yeah cuz giving him unlimited access to the Internet is certainly safer.......

well of course, not safe,..... most likely happy though :lol:
My boys have played first person shooter games at around 10 maybe?? but they played with their dad and uncles first ( online PC games) I was kind of upset at first but --seriously I dont think it has been an issue at all

if he was to spend 100% of his time playing then THAT would be an issue--
you might be amazed at some of the smartest--best students --kids you thought were fine examples etc..They play M games at well--that alone doesn't make it right I am just trying to say that it is not just bad kids who play them
The game ratings are like the movie ratings. What makes the movie PG-13? Is it partial nudity or just some cuss words?

There are different types of M games. There's Grand Theft Auto which has chainsaws and hookers and pimps and then there are shooter games. I thought in Halo you were shooting Aliens (I'm not up on that one).

So like the movies, you need to find out what causes that rating and then you can decide. Some of them you can turn off the cuss words and even turn off the blood that they show. Remember that most of the shooter games are targeting the older male audience.

My teen boys like playing online more than anything else. The biggest challenge there is finding someone with the same game so you can play together. They do play shooter games and I don't like it, but my husband is usually playing too.
I let my Ds who is 11 play call of duty world at war, the mode where they can play with all their friends and other people there is only the swearing done by people with headsets but you can mute them, the mulitplayer like zombies yes the characters they play do tend to swear a lot, but there is always the mute button.
We always let our boys play these.

IME with these games & boys it's kinda like trying restrict makeup from your preteen daughters. Can do it in our house where you can supervise & commentate, or out in the big bad world where you don't know WTH they are up to.
I wish they would make PG-13 versions of these games like they do CD's................why can't they make a version without f-bombs? :9:
I feel your pain - my almost 10 year old wanted it to (MW3), but he's not getting it. His 13 year old cousin has it as do some of his friends which is why he wants it. I don't know how long I can hold him off.....