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School Shopping..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$

How much have you spent this year???

  • Less than $100 **** the kids... Make 'em buy their own ****...

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • $100-$299 Not too bad... Could have been worse.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $300-$600 Week's earnings down the drain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $600+ Tell us about your second mortgage...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If you have kids, you know the pressures as a parent to buy the right clothes and supplies for your child.

We have spent $250 on clothes for a 6 and 8 year old, but I haven't purchased the school supplies yet.

How bad did it break the bank for you this year??? :eek:
Why do kids need clothes for school?

Are they required to wear something special?
Martin said:
Why do kids need clothes for school?

Are they required to wear something special?

Well in the broadest sense, most public shools in the US don't require uniforms and children are also not allowed to go to school naked.

But I think more to answer your question, it is kind of tradition in the US for families that can afford such things to go out and get their kids new things before each school year meaning some new clothes and the various school supplies needed to start the year as well.
My daughter is like having 10 daughters lol
In college and spoiled rotten, at least she is going for law and may be able to keep pop outa jail :)
I talked to someone yesterday that spent $1200 on 2 teens. NO WAY are my kids gonna get that kinda money out of me for school clothes. They will have to get jobs and support their own clothing habits.

I'm in for it, too... My daughter is already a little fashion diva... I can't imagine what she's gonna be like at 13.
PatrickKing said:
13 is nuttin like 17 and up :(

She's already a little moody ****... I'm going to be in MEGA trouble from the time she gets her first period.

I didn't realize you had a child... er... um... young adult.
BitterPen said:
She's already a little moody ****... I'm going to be in MEGA trouble from the time she gets her first period.

I didn't realize you had a child... er... um... young adult.

She's gonna be 21 in a week :)
We kinda buy clothes throughout the year and don't do one big buy before school so that isn't too bad. School supplies (non-clothing) will probably run us about $100.00 or so. Haven't bought it yet, though. Still have a couple weeks. We've got a rising first grader and an 18 mo. old.
rantingredneck said:
We kinda buy clothes throughout the year and don't do one big buy before school so that isn't too bad. School supplies (non-clothing) will probably run us about $100.00 or so. Haven't bought it yet, though. Still have a couple weeks. We've got a rising first grader and an 18 mo. old.

same here, although we get a couple of new outfits for the start of the year.

school supply costs will be unknown until school actually starts, but about $100 sounds right.
The actual school supply list is pretty small this year. Last year I paid about $100 for both kids, just on supplies. This year the supplies look like they're going to cost us about $30 each child.

I just found out my kids teachers tonight... I drove by the school and looked on their outside roster. I am pretty happy with their teachers.

I always love this time of year, but I think I get more nervous than they do.
What the **** kinda supplies do your kids use? Frappaccino makers? All I ever neede were pens, pencils, ruler, binders, etc. Nothing like 100.

Texas= TAX FREE WEEKEND begore school.
Deviant said:
What the **** kinda supplies do your kids use? Frappaccino makers? All I ever neede were pens, pencils, ruler, binders, etc. Nothing like 100.

Texas= TAX FREE WEEKEND begore school.

Yeah, now they require you to buy hand sanitizer, kleenex, a specific type of back pack, bleach cleaner, baby wipes, glue sticks, glue in a bottle, copy paper, dry erase markers, ziplock bags, folders, and the list goes on...
