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sex offenders

what would you do if you found out a sex offender lived near you?

  • try to get that person out of my neighborhood

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • move

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • search for the reason that person is a sex offender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • something else

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

spunkey monkey

Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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i dont know how many other states and countries have this but i know michigan and wisconsin does.
ok here is the situation michigan and wisconsin have a site where you can type in your city and find out who and where sex offenders are in your city
now my question is if you went on this site would you assume the crime these people have commited is something horible to a child or adult and not want them to live near you or would you go and find out exactly what the crime was and then decide?
One those sites they do give what degree they committed.. If it is a first degree it WAS a child... and forth was a situation where it was something like a 18 year old with a 17 year old situation... I wouldnt mind living by a third or fourth degree if I knew the what all happened... like he was 18 and she was 17 or 16 and her parents disagreed with them dating so called the police and he got charge... but I cant stand it when its a first degree and it was a 40 year old with a baby or very young child and they found evidence.. than I wouldnt want anything to do with them.
Why take the chance. If he or she couldn't control themselves once who is to say they will not repeat the offense. Kick them out!
Irish... so you're saying an 18 year old with a 17year old girlfriend that gets arrested and labeled a sex offender should have to live in some sort of a modern "lepper colony" with men who abduct pre-pubescent children and rape them?

You seem to be a more on the conservative side, and your other posts lead me to believe you are religious... what ever happened to doing your pennance and being forgiven?

What happened to the concept that you do your time to owe up to society then start over?

for the higher classes, (1, 2 and possibly 3 depending on situation) they should be locked up for good, but less extreme cases needed to be reacted to as such.
Really I can care if someone like that lives in my area, especially since I am moving soon. But it wouldn't bother me because they wouldn't be interested in me and I can defend myself.
Why take the chance. If he or she couldn't control themselves once who is to say they will not repeat the offense. Kick them out!

why doesnt it suprise me that this would be your answer, you do realize not all sex offenders are bad people and they are not always pediphiles or rapests
I voted something else. That something else is nothing. If someone moves into my neighborhood, I have no power to make them leave. I watch my son like a hawk now, and I couldn't watch him more than I already do. In regard to me, well, I can defend myself. My wife, same.
Exactly even though they committed a crime you have no right to force them out of the area. But then you don't have to trust them.
spunkey monkey said:

why doesnt it suprise me that this would be your answer, you do realize not all sex offenders are bad people and they are not always pediphiles or rapests
If a person gets caught up in satisfying his sexual appetite and does not accept responsibility in knowing his partner and her age in addition to knowing what the law states as to the legal age of consent, what makes you think he is going to be responsible when the urge hits him again?

I'm sorry but if you can't control what is between your legs then why should you be welcomed with open arms into a neighborhood of pre-teen and under age children?

Sure it is imperative these days to watch your children closely, however, knowing where the sexual offender is and who he is , I believe is essential. There are too many single mothers who may fall for some creep and bring him around her children. How would you feel if he did something to a child of yours and then discover that he was a sexual offender , however his identity was not exposed because he did his time? I wouldn't take that chance if I were in the situation.

Since I have no children I really could care less. I was just trying to relay what some of the single mothers in this area have said. I am not concerned about any sexual predator unless of course they want to do something kinky to my cats like the naked guy on "Dateline's 'To Catch a Predator' with the whip cream! LOL
I am not talking about cases where the guy is told the girl is of age then finds out she's not and she gets all pissy because he uses her for sex. I am talking about grown men and women who lust after kids or rape anyone else of any age. It's wrong and I hope they burn in hell.

People need ot learn to keep it in their pants. It would save many people from lots of things.

Maybe we should go with Irish option and castrate them, that will show them.
Great idea! I personaly would not want one to live near me. I worry more about the ones who have never been reported though. You can never be to careful when it comes to your children.
Aren't they suppose to register with something once they are released from prison?
Does the name John Couey mean anything to you, Chris or the man who killed the young girl by strangling her with her bikini top? They were registered sex offenders!
I know if they are registered it doesn't mean that it will stop them from committing the crime.
Doesn't stop them from leaving the State and not report to another State either!
Tough poll question.

The old saying is "commit the crime, pay the time"
Now the sexual offender has pay the time, he is legally free to live where he pleases. We as citizens do not have the right to harass him, although not saying people can't speak up. We as citizens have to accept the former convict back into society like any other convict. Funny people worry less about a murderer returning to the streets then a sexual predator. Either way, laws are laws. Person is free (probably on probation) and the neighbors while do not have to be friendly with said person, will have to tolerate the person living there.

I have two daughters and I try to my best ability to keep them within my sight or with me at all times when out of the house. Obviously no one can keep constant vigil over your child but being there does help put ease within the mind. Plus there are those not convicted of a crime, who can commit these crimes as well. Plus who knows what other "unhappy" circumstances may happen. Preventable or not.. can't live in a paranoid world but still should have some reasonable cautions when going about in the world.

You never know when dangers will appear, especially reading about the homeless person for example came out of no where to stab 4 people in two days. At this time, no one knows the motive of his attacks (he was arrested and confessed he did it already)

So in conclusion, while knowing the person is around, will just make more cautious when I see the person while with the kids and/or wife. Other than that, would continue my usual awareness of my surroundings like I always did.
Doesn't stop them from leaving the State and not report to another State either!

They aren't registered across the US? That is stupid.
I think Spunkey is referring to her friend, the sex offender who did a girl who was a few years under age and was sent to jail because of it. If that is the case all I can say it was a valuable and hard lesson to learn that you don't drop your pants until you know who you are sleeping with! Maybe next time he will think twice before he does it again.