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sex offenders

what would you do if you found out a sex offender lived near you?

  • try to get that person out of my neighborhood

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • move

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • search for the reason that person is a sex offender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • something else

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Statistics that some people should check out.

Your pal violated his parole and that is why he is where he is. If the conditions set out by the court are not adhered to; if the sex offender decides that he is going to make the "rules", then he must suffer the consequences. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Statistics that some people should check out.

Your pal violated his parole and that is why he is where he is. If the conditions set out by the court are not adhered to; if the sex offender decides that he is going to make the "rules", then he must suffer the consequences. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

yes he did violate his parole but you make it seem like he is a repeat offender what he did to violate was go out of town and didnt check in with his P.O. on time i am not justifying his violation just clarifying it
Sex offenders on probation MUST keep their probation officer informed of their whereabouts AND get a probation officer's permission before leaving town or the state
By law, a judge may at any time during the period of probation order the arrest of, or issue a notice to appear to, anyone who is alleged to have violated conditions of probation.

If the violation is established by a preponderance of the evidence, the court may (1) continue the probation, (2) modify or enlarge the probation conditions, (3) extend the probationary period up to the statutory maximum, or (4) revoke the probation and require the defendant to serve the imposed sentence or a lesser prison sentence.

Now the fact that your friend was ordered to serve out the rest of his sentence; with the over-crowding of the prisons; with the minor charge of being with someone who lied about being of age( you do not feel it is not as serious a crime as sexually violating a child); and his simply not reporting to his P.O. on time, it makes one wonder why his parole was revoked and he was ordered to serve the rest of his sentence.

Personally like the judge, I would not be lenient and I would have anyone violating and not complying with parole conditions placed back in prison to finish his/her sentence. No exceptions!
Sex offenders on probation MUST keep their probation officer informed of their whereabouts AND get a probation officer's permission before leaving town or the state
By law, a judge may at any time during the period of probation order the arrest of, or issue a notice to appear to, anyone who is alleged to have violated conditions of probation.

If the violation is established by a preponderance of the evidence, the court may (1) continue the probation, (2) modify or enlarge the probation conditions, (3) extend the probationary period up to the statutory maximum, or (4) revoke the probation and require the defendant to serve the imposed sentence or a lesser prison sentence.

Now the fact that your friend was ordered to serve out the rest of his sentence; with the over-crowding of the prisons; with the minor charge of being with someone who lied about being of age( you do not feel it is not as serious a crime as sexually violating a child); and his simply not reporting to his P.O. on time, it makes one wonder why his parole was revoked and he was ordered to serve the rest of his sentence.

Personally like the judge, I would not be lenient and I would have anyone violating and not complying with parole conditions placed back in prison to finish his/her sentence. No exceptions!
first off because we live in a border town most parolees have an interstate thing where they can go into michigan or wisconsin. second of all michigan law is if you break parole for anyreason even if it is something as simple as being with friends who are drinking while you are on parole you have to serve the rest of your sentance.

Now the fact that your friend was ordered to serve out the rest of his sentence; with the over-crowding of the prisons; with the minor charge of being with someone who lied about being of age( you do not feel it is not as serious a crime as sexually violating a child); and his simply not reporting to his P.O. on time, it makes one wonder why his parole was revoked and he was ordered to serve the rest of his sentence.

no i dont feel his offence is nearly as bad as someone who has done anything to a child.
Well then, thank God for Michigan laws. Those on parole who value their freedom and respect the law serve out their parole hassle free. The rest are just as aware of the consequences and are obviously incapable of following instructions so they are placed behind bars for their own good.
like you have never ever broken a law in your life before irish
Excuse me? I have never been involved with the law. Grant it there are RCMP, lawyers and judges in my family, however as far as breaking the law as an adult, why I have never even received a parking ticket.

I am a law abiding citizen, Spunkey. AS a matter of fact, I don't even condone white collar crime(although I do believe Martha received a raw deal). My philosophy has always been do the crime; do the time - NO exceptions - even for the uppity mucks!

I do believe in segregation though and believe that the white collar criminal should be removed from the general prison population. There are just a certain caliber of people that those from the privileged classes should not have to mingle with while doing their time. Then again, Martha seemed to fare OK. I guess it is different for women. LOL (kidding of course!)
spunkey monkey said:
so you never speed?
Never in my entire life time of driving a vehicle have I ever broken the speed limit. Never! As a matter of fact, some of my younger nieces used to say that I drove like an old woman. I also have never tailgated anyone.

The closest thing I can think of that may have been breaking the law was when several UCs (under cover cops) :glasses9: and city detectives and our female friends would scale the fence surrounding the public pool at one of the local parks and go for a late night swim. Naturally, if any of the locals tried it, my buddy would just flash his badge. Then again, I think they recognized the "ghost" cars.

Another time I hid one of my detective friend's small gun ( he wore near his ankle) when he had taken his other gun harness off that he wore under his suit coat. Don't ask me the proper names of the stupid things because I never cared enough about guns to bother with the proper terminology. I only knew that they made me nervous to have them lying on the coffee table. He naturally got his gun back after about five minutes of looking for the silly thing.

I might add none of the people were on duty at the time of our "swims" or when bozo "lost" his ankle gun. ( We were having a BBQ if I am not mistaken and it was hot!) I also believe his girlfriend was complaining about him wearing them._@_
spunkey monkey said:
like you have never ever broken a law in your life before irish

So, let's review:

  • Irresponsible Action #1 : Guy has sex with underage girl, which was his fault because the bottom line is, he goes to jail if caught, so he should be more careful
  • Irresponsible Action #2 : Guy gets out on parole, fails to abide by probation rules and gets sent back to jail
Explain to me again why we are supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Everything he did was his own fault. Everything could have been prevented if only he acted like a responsible adult. Sorry, I have not one once of pity for this guy, because it is obvious he has not learned his lesson after going to jail. I am willing to bet he will end up in jail AGAIN when he gets out, unless he grows up a little and stops blaming everyone else for his actions.
GoingNova said:

So, let's review:

  • Irresponsible Action #1 : Guy has sex with underage girl, which was his fault because the bottom line is, he goes to jail if caught, so he should be more careful
  • Irresponsible Action #2 : Guy gets out on parole, fails to abide by probation rules and gets sent back to jail
Explain to me again why we are supposed to feel sorry for this guy?
Everything he did was his own fault. Everything could have been prevented if only he acted like a responsible adult. Sorry, I have not one once of pity for this guy, because it is obvious he has not learned his lesson after going to jail. I am willing to bet he will end up in jail AGAIN when he gets out, unless he grows up a little and stops blaming everyone else for his actions.

:icon_thum Right on, Nova!! :icon_thum :eusa_clap

Sorry, Spunkey however, I have never had an pity for your man. He did it to himself and is learning his lesson the hard way. :nopity:No pity here.
I call shenanigans on that Irish. Even 1mph over the limit is technically illegal. No-one is that perfect when driving... epsecially if there are hills!

there are a ton of stupid laws on the books that people violate veery day without knowing it. I'm sure there are a ton in your area as well.
Let's put it this way - if I was an ambulance driver the patient would die; if I drove a police car, the criminals would get away. My idea of a high speed chase is 5mph over the speed limit.

I set cruise control and I do not go over the speed limit. Anyhow, I interpreted the question - do you speed? - as have you ever received a speeding ticket or were you ever stopped for speeding.

I certainly do not feel the need to defend my driving habit, however I will say it for the last time - I DO NOT BREAK THE SPEED LIMIT! I also make it hell on earth if I am a passenger and the driver attempts to speed. I constantly check the speedometer. I won't drive with anyone breaking the legal speed limit. I am obsessive that way.
GoingNova said:

So, let's review:

  • Irresponsible Action #1 : Guy has sex with underage girl, which was his fault because the bottom line is, he goes to jail if caught, so he should be more careful
  • Irresponsible Action #2 : Guy gets out on parole, fails to abide by probation rules and gets sent back to jail
Explain to me again why we are supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Everything he did was his own fault. Everything could have been prevented if only he acted like a responsible adult. Sorry, I have not one once of pity for this guy, because it is obvious he has not learned his lesson after going to jail. I am willing to bet he will end up in jail AGAIN when he gets out, unless he grows up a little and stops blaming everyone else for his actions.

i never said anyone is suppose to feel sorry for him, just understand no all SO's are child molesters. action #1 ok yeah she was underage but like i said before we all knew her for like a year or more and thought she was 18. and action #2 i may have failed to add this before but he turned himself in when he forgot to check in with his PO the next day. not all criminals are bad people some have just made bad choices that is all i am saying
ok an now more on this topic

Sex Offenders: The Great American Obsession

At this very moment North Korea has nuclear weapons aimed at the west coast of the United States and our citizens are worried about sex offenders.

As I sit here writing this, there are terrorists in our backyards, planning and plotting to blow us off the map. The only real concern seems to be pertaining to sex offenders.

A year ago the people of New Orleans were probably wondering about sex offenders living in their neighborhoods. Many of them no longer have a neighborhood. Some of them no longer have children.

Another hurricane season is upon us. In a life or death situation people still can’t rid themselves of their obsession with sex offenders so separate shelters are being built. How many people will die while someone is sorting through paperwork to see who belongs in which shelter. Those with such concerns should stay in your own homes. If you die at least it will not be in the company of riff-raff.

You wanted longer prison terms and you got them. Cage a man up for 25 years and he learns to live like an animal in order to survive. Then he gets turned back over to society.
This is not someone you want to back into a corner.

You wanted online registration and you got it. Now it is easy to find the registered sex offenders, shoot them, burn their homes or run them out of communities. You think they are all gone. The fact is that all you have accomplished is to get rid of those who were obeying the law and registering as required.

Now sex offender buffer zones are the craze. Most people will only allow themselves to be forced out one time before finding a different approach, Housing can be obtained through a third party. Your neighborhood may be overflowing with sex offenders but you have no way of knowing because the registry has been rendered useless.

Everything that the fanatical public has done has come back to slap them in the face and tons of money has been spent to become a human punching bag. It is a huge price to pay for a little shunning and snobbery.

What will happen when those labeled sex offenders draw a line in the sand and refuse further registration? Our jails and prisons will not hold an army that is 600,000 strong and growing on a daily basis. Multiply that number by 5 to include family members who are guilty by association and have first-hand knowledge of registration. Be wary of placing another straw on the camel’s back. It may be the one that was one to many.

shirley/ceo/sosen __________________
shirley/ceo/sosen ???

Personally I don't give a **** about sex offenders, Spunkey. If someone can only have sex illegally then they are a lost cause. What the courts do or don't do to curb their illness doesn't affect me one way or the other. (I hate writing in red! I tried to change it but the stupid thing won't let me!!)